When Qian Jing Dongshu came out, Yuan Zi was already wearing a long fishtail dress, standing in front of the stretched Bentley waiting for him.


Seeing her waving excitedly, Qian Jing Dongshu smiled and walked over

“Why did you come to pick me up?”

“Hehe, of course it’s because I want to see Fuyuki-sama before everyone else~”

Sonoko naturally took his arm.

“It’s a pity that Queen Isabeth came to visit, otherwise how could we not book the entire theater for the famous scene of the duel between Fuyuki-kun and Kaito Kid!”

“Dad, why did you suddenly make Easter eggs public?

Of course I asked you to do that.

Qian Jingdongshu raised his lips and got into the car with her.

“Hashidou Sack! Sister Sonoko, take me with you!”

Conan, relying on his flexible body, also got up

“What’s wrong with you, kid?” Sonoko just frowned.

Qian Jingdongshu asked him,”Conan, what’s the matter with you?”

“Hehe, we don’t have to worry about someone pretending to be someone close to Dongshu and deceiving the security guards and the police.……”

Conan scratched his face.

After all, Kid had a history of disguising himself as Sonoko on the Night Pearl.

Qian Jingfuyuki sneered.

“Don’t worry, Kidd would never dare to pretend to be my woman, and his disguise is completely ineffective on me.”

“Right, driving Si Sang?”

He looked at the driver with a scorching look on his face, his eyes unconsciously drifting towards the rearview mirror inside the car.

“If I were Kidd, and I dared to tease the tiger at this moment, he would be worried about his own death.”

The disguise of the phantom thief lady Kuroba Chikage is fun.

But if Kidd dares not to know what’s good for him, he will die without waiting for the plot.

Kuroba Kaito, who is disguised as a driver:!!!

Hey! How did he find out again!?

Sonoko didn’t know the inside story and was still introducing this driver with great interest.

“Fuyuki-sama, this is Masato Nishino”

“Don’t be fooled by his harmless appearance due to his glasses, he is actually my dad’s specially invited assistant from overseas!”

“He is not only very experienced in identifying European antique jewelry, but also fluent in foreign languages!”

Even if Sonoko already knew that Qian Jing Fuyuki was the financial backer of the Suzuki family, in her eyes, this was just an extra layer of shining halo.

She was already a fan of Fuyuki, and she was so excited that she couldn’t wait to post him like crazy, so why would she have any scruples?

“Oh? So powerful, it seems that Suzuki Shiro-san will rely on him a lot this time.”

Kuroba Kaito was ashamed when he saw Qian Jingfuyu’s attention diverted.

“This guy is really sharp. I didn’t expect this assistant to be so important. It seems that I have to change my identity quickly.”

At the same time, he remembered something.

“Speaking of which, when I knocked this guy out and changed his clothes in the toilet, I saw that this guy had a lot of professional skills on him, which seemed very unusual.……”

The car continued to drive, without any wind or waves.

Only Qian Jingdongshu’s phone kept vibrating, and Yuanzi suddenly felt strange.

“Dongshu-sama, why is your phone ringing non-stop today?

Qian Jing Dongshu remained calm and looked at her teasingly.

“Don’t you know clearly whether I am popular or not?”

“Yadda~ I knew that Fuyuki-kun would pick up many beauties during this large-scale event.”

Yunoko said coquettishly.

Without noticing, Qian Jingfuyuki’s left hand exploded with speed and used his mobile phone to program an automatic reply.

The black market backstage contacted more than 60 customers at a time. At this moment, everyone felt that they were taken care of by the mysterious sniper and were very proud.

“With the help of the mysterious sniper and ghost hunter, the treasure of Easter Egg and Fantasy Phantom will definitely be mine!”

In a blink of an eye, the car arrived at the Suzuki Museum of Art.

As soon as Qian Jingfuyuki and Sonoko got off the car, they saw Hattori Heiji riding a motorcycle with a sullen face.

“Hey, Hattori-kun, I didn’t expect to see you again so soon.

Hattori Heiji said expressionlessly.

“It was my dad who said that Fuyuki-kun needed help and I had to come out to help.”

“What about He Ye?” Qian Jing Dongshu asked with concern.

“What the hell, you still have the nerve to mention Kazuha!?”

Hattori Heiji’s expression immediately collapsed.

“Qin Shou! She told Father Ye that her mouth was covered with blisters and her face was so red that she couldn’t face anyone! What did you do to her?”

“This shouldn’t be the case, right?”

Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Is He Ye’s little face so tender?

He hit her a little hard, her face should only be slightly red.

“Well, maybe it’s because the girl just started having sex and is too shy to see people.”

“It’s better for her not to come out for such a big occasion today.”

Listen, is this human language?!

Hattori Heiji gave him a frustrated look.

There was one more thing he didn’t say, which was that Heye asked her father to come to the house early in the morning and took away the amulet from his hand!

It was Heye’s intention. It seemed that because she followed Qian Jing Fuyuki, she didn’t want him to misunderstand and wanted to draw a clear line with him as a childhood friend!

Conan expressed deep sympathy and understanding for this, as they were all experienced people.

He patted Hattori Heiji’s leg, and the two went aside to talk about the matter. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Please be flexible, I really have something important to discuss with Mr. Suzuki Shiro.”

“Regarding Easter eggs, they are the treasures left by my great-grandfather Xiyi.……”

Qian Jingdongshu and Yuanzi were about to enter the door when a weak and helpless voice came from the side.

Looking back, he saw a beautiful woman and an old man who looked like a housekeeper trying to get in through the security blockade.

“Maria? No, they look a bit too similar, with that kind of gentle temperament like a fawn.……”[]

He raised his eyebrows, and a hint of nostalgia flashed across his eyes.

The one in front of him was none other than the magician-only beauty of the end of the century, Natsumi Kosaka.

She had an absolutely beautiful face, a pair of watery eyes under her willow-leaf eyebrows, and deep gray pupils inherited from the fighting nation, which seemed to have a myriad of charms.

She had an oval face the size of a palm, and red lips slightly pursed under her straight nose.

Even when she was wearing a simple woolen coat, the thin belt outlined her slender waist and curvy body.

Her long, beautiful legs under the coat, wearing flesh-colored stockings, had such smooth lines that it was almost impossible to take your eyes away.

“Is there anything I can help you with, young lady?

Qian Jingdongshu walked over.

“Ah, you are the well-known Fuyuki Qiani in Japan!”

“I am a pastry chef from Bari, my name is Natsumi Kosaka.”When

Natsumi Kosaka saw Qian Jing Dong Shu, her beautiful eyes lit up instantly.

It was as if she had seen a savior.

She quickly explained her purpose, which was nothing more than to find out who the Easter eggs belonged to.

Qian Jing Dong Shu’s eyes swept over her graceful figure and smiled meaningfully.

Since we are so lucky to meet, Miss Xiamei, please come in with me.

“Dongshu-kun is so kind! You are such a good person!

Qian Jingdongshu said to the old housekeeper beside her casually:

“You don’t have to come along. I’ll drive your young lady home after she finishes her business.”

The old housekeeper Sawabe Kuranosuke was stunned. Seeing Kosaka Natsumi nod, he had to leave first.

“Then I will wait for you at the hotel.”

Conan happened to hear this and couldn’t help laughing.

“I have never seen a woman who has not been caught by the boss after getting on his car. I am afraid that Miss Xia Mei will not be able to escape his clutches.”

The group came to the reception room.

When Suzuki Shiro saw Qian Jingfuyushu, he hurriedly left the visiting guests and respectfully went forward to greet him.

“Master Fuyuki! I finally got you here! Please take a seat!”

Zenijui Fuyuki hugged Sonoko and sat down, and Kosaka Natsumi was also pulled to his side.

“Shi Lang-san, who are these people?”

He looked at the characters in the drama.

A tall, well-dressed man with obvious bear features stood up.

“Hello, Mr. Dongshu! I am Sergei Ovchinenkov, the ambassador of the fighting nation. I am here on the orders of Queen Maria I to recover the national treasure eggs of my fighting nation.”

In addition to him, the eyes of the others also lit up when they saw Qian Jing Dongshu appear.

Because this is the well-known head of the Suzuki Group, the real owner of the Easter eggs.

A sly-looking, skinny old man smiled and hurriedly presented a few limited edition Playboy magazines.

“Hello, Mr. Dongshu! I am Qian Jiangyi, an art dealer. A small gift is not a token of respect.

Qian Jing Dongshu glanced at the magazine.

Oh, the old man is quite smart.

There are not only checks, but also several CDs in it. One look at the explosive cover shows that it is not a serious movie.

Then, a beautiful woman with short hair and wearing a cheongsam bowed slightly.

The cleavage in front was deliberately opened, and the forked legs moved lightly, facing Qian Jing Dongshu.

“Hello Dongshu, my name is Pu Siqinglan, I come from the East, and I am a researcher of the Romanov dynasty.

A young man with long hair and a long face who looks unruly raised the camera in his hand.

“I am Ryu Kamikawa, the photographer specially invited by Suzuki Zaibatsu.”

“I’m very professional, don’t worry, Fuyuki-kun, I will definitely take a complete picture of your heroic posture of picking up girls.”

Suzuki Shiro and Sonoko frowned when they heard it

��Bu Heiji couldn’t help but say:”Although I also have a lot of opinions about this person”

“But considering the landlord’s current status in Japan, isn’t your attitude too frivolous?”

Hanchuan Long shrugged without any awe.

“It’s just a joke, to liven up the atmosphere, why take it so seriously.”

Anyway, this guy is going to die on his own, Qian Jing Dongshu didn’t take a dead person seriously.

He introduced Kosaka Natsumi to everyone.

“Now that everyone is here, let me introduce Miss Xia Mei to you.”

“It is said that the Easter eggs were made by her great-grandfather Kiichi, who learned the craft from the Fabergé factory and then returned to Japan.”After the words fell, everyone’s expression changed slightly.

They all looked at Kosaka Natsumi!

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