“”Stupid Heiji!!”

He Ye was still feeling uncomfortable, as if she was walking in the mud.

Hearing this, her face flushed, and she glared at Hattori Heiji angrily. Hattori Heiji looked puzzled. He stared at He Ye, then at Qian Jingfuyushu.

“Hey, no way, this is the first time you meet!”

“Hattori-kun, please don’t think I’m that horny, okay?”

Qian Jing Dongshu sneered.

“How can I not spend more time with such a lovely He Ye?”

“Wait! That means you guys will still do that if you have more contact!!”

Hattori Heiji was excited.

He didn’t know why he was excited.

But with Ye……

“Baka Baka! Can you please stop talking!”

He Ye felt so embarrassed. Her snow-white skin was covered with pink.

She was so shy that she didn’t dare to look at Qian Jingdongshu’s expression at this time.

“”I’m sorry, landlord. I’m just too slow.”

He Ye bowed to Qian Jing Dongshu again and again to apologize.

From his angle, he could see her large soft body swaying in a perfect arc, naturally revealing her fragrant shoulders and graceful neck curve.

Qian Jing Dongshu’s eyes deepened and his smile became brighter.

“No, Hattori-kun is a quick-witted person, and he wasn’t wrong.”

“I really fell in love with Miss Heye at first sight. You are even more sunny and lovely than you look in the photos.”

The landlord actually said that she was sunny and lovely?

Then he just let her wear his pants as if nothing had happened! She seemed to smell like him all over her body.

Heye’s cheeks were so hot that they were cooked.

This is a man’s secret declaration of sovereignty over the woman he wants to pursue!

His heart was pounding wildly, and the blood in his body seemed to rush to his brain at an accelerated speed.

Heye covered her hot face, and her long legs could not help but close together. She was so dry that she didn’t know what to say.

Qian Jingdongshu saw that he had flirted enough, and if he went too far, people would be scared away, so he would put this aside first.

Anyway, you can enjoy it at the luxurious dinner.

“By the way, Hattori-kun, why are you here?”

“Uh, I came here for Kudo. Today someone asked me to pass on an invitation to a Sherlock Holmes fan gathering~.”

Hattori Heiji was still frowning and looking at Kazuha, a little absent-minded.


Qian Jingfuyuki was surprised.

“What about others?”

“Shinichi has a new case, so I’m going to help him.

Conan, wearing the shirt and dungarees bought by Hattori Heiji, ran in and said.

Even if Hattori Heiji and the boss knew what was going on, there was still Kazuha present.

“Since Kudo can’t go, let this kid take his place.”

Hattori Heiji picked up Conan, and the big and small laughed and said

“By the way, the invitation letter says you can bring someone along.”

“If you have nothing to do, you can come and join in the fun.”

“Oh?” Qian Jing Dongshu looked at He Ye with bright eyes.”Does He Ye want to go?””

“Where~ Me?”

He Ye’s cheeks were red, and he pointed at himself in surprise.

“I want to help Aunt Jinghua look after her nephew Heiji, so I have to go together.”

“In that case, of course I can’t be absent.”

Qian Jingfuyu raised his chin,”It’s decided, let’s go immediately.”

Hattori Heiji, Conan:…

As expected of you!!

Arriving at the Sherlock Holmes Mystery Hotel, Qian Jingfuyu first checked the conditions for unlocking the property rights

【Property rights of the Sherlock Holmes Mystery Hotel:

Condition 1: Ensure that the plot continues until the garage explodes and the murderer is exposed in public

2. Point out the fallacy of the book”The Laugh of Irene Andora” on the spot

3. Complete the Sherlock Holmes Questions and Answers】

What kind of conditions are these?

Qian Jingdongshu is too lazy to read the OOC books that can kill people. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Unlock 2 with fragments, as for 3…

Qian Jingdongshu took out his mobile phone and browsed quickly.

With the super memory cheat, after reading the complete works of Sherlock Holmes, he is the human-shaped Sherlock Holmes knowledge base.

If he really faces the Thousand Questions and Information Summarization, no question can stump him

“Yo Mina-san! Welcome to our Sherlock Holmes themed hotel!”[]

“I am the boss here, Hiroyuki Kanaya. Please give me your advice!”

Hiroyuki Kanaya, wearing a Sherlock Holmes COS costume, waved his pipe excitedly.

“sa~ All the fans who have come from afar, please introduce yourselves to each other first!”

All the fans who received the invitation were Sherlock Holmes fans, and they were all enthusiastic and eager to introduce themselves.

The middle-aged man with a mustache, Fujisawa Toshiaki.

The gloomy face, half-moon eyes, thin and freckled woman, Shimizu Nanako.

The short and fat Toda Maria in purple clothes who claimed to be an astrologer.

The dark-skinned, healthy and cheerful young man Kawazu Ikuo.

And two members of the reasoning club of the same school, the gentleman with glasses and a stern face, Toba Kento.

And the charming, charming, and long-haired Oki Ayako beside him in a red suspender dress.

Finally, the errand girl hired by the hotel owner, the common-looking Iwai Hitomi

“Now that everyone has introduced themselves, the four of you……”

Kanaya Hiroyuki looked at Zeniu Fuyuki, Kazuha, Hattori Heiji and Conan.

He seemed puzzled as to why so many people came with just one invitation.

“Didn’t Kudo Shinichi come?”

“”Kudo, he must have been stuck by something.”

Qian Jingfuyu glanced at Conan with a half-smile.

Then he said to Jin Gu Yuzhi:”Although I am not a Sherlock Holmes fan, I can recite several of Conan Doyle’s novels by heart.”

“I’m not a slacker if I join your party reluctantly.”

“Huh? You are so arrogant!”

In an instant, the atmosphere around them changed completely.


Hattori Heiji was also confused. Qian Jingfuyushu started the fight so vigorously?

He couldn’t help!

Conan was also secretly anxious. He had never heard that the boss was interested in Sherlock Holmes before!

When others really asked about Sherlock Holmes, he didn’t know anything and was kicked out in shame!

A group of Sherlock Holmes fans were unhappy with Qian Jingfuyushu’s arrogant attitude

“Then I will test you, otherwise I will not be lenient even if it is the famous Qian Jing Dongshu.”

Kanaya Hiroyuki’s expression also became serious.

“Question! When did Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty fall into the valley together?”

“May 4, 1891. Qian Jingdongshu blurted out without thinking.

(“Hmm? You react so quickly, you have some skills.”

Jin Gu Yuzhi didn’t believe it,”Then please report the passwords that appear in the dancing portraits correctly!”

Qian Jingfuyuki fluently reported the passwords of the four little people on the spot, and even took a pen and paper to draw the corresponding dancing little people’s movements.


Kanaya Hiroyuki stared at the dancing figures, speechless.

After all, the difficulty was too high, and he might not be able to answer the questions completely!

“”Judicial reform!!!”

A group of Sherlock Holmes fans opened their mouths in shock.

Conan also looked at his boss in shock.

If you can remember such details, you are not a Sherlock Holmes fan!?

Not to mention Hattori Heiji and Kazuha, two outsiders, who looked at Qian Jingfuyu with admiration and worship.

How can a human remember the code of the dancing figures!

Just looking at the movements of these dancing figures makes me feel overwhelmed!

Not to mention drawing them without any mistakes!

What kind of abnormal memory is this!

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