“Hey, boss, is this magic trick of yours really a living person?”

Conan looked at Qian Jingdongshu, who was using a crossbow and a rope.

“Yes, the snow leaves no footprints. When a person slides down and stands on the snow, there is no footprint at all. Isn’t it amazing?”

Qian Jingfuyu smiled cunningly.

This is exactly the method of killing and moving corpses to restore the plot.

Today he is going to use this method to kill Hamano Toshiya under Conan’s nose.

Dare to pretend to be him to pick up girls, this is the price

“Haha, you can think so complicated.”

Conan crossed his hands behind his back.

Suddenly his glasses reflected,”Sack, there’s someone!”

“Is it you! Kaito Kidd!”

“It’s really impressive, little detective.”

Kuroba Kaito walked out from the shadows.

“”I thought only the landlord had noticed. My disguise has become so bad?”

Conan was shocked.”How dare you show up in front of me and the boss!”

Especially the boss. Kidd was almost beaten into a firebird last time.

Doesn’t this guy have any psychological trauma when facing him?

“Hey, Kaito Kidd.”

Qian Jingfuyu looked back and glanced at Kuroba Kaito.

“I thought you were already in Jianggutian, trying to sneak into Princess An’s tour group.”

“”Ah! You actually know everything!”

Kuroba Kaito was shocked.

What his aunt said was indeed right. This guy is unfathomable!

“The area where you grafted the skin will be exposed no matter how hard you try to cover it up.

Qian Jingdongshu pointed to the abnormal skin color patch from his face to his neck.

“Tell me, what’s going on with the Magic Lovers Alliance this time?”

“I can’t hide it from you guys after all.”

Kuroba Kaito shrugged.

“No way, I’m here for the dead fraud boy”

“The dead fraud boy?” Conan was shocked.

“Masaka! It’s the old man Harui Fuchu who died in the escape accident a month ago! What about Miss Tanaka?”

“If my guess is correct, she should be the old man’s granddaughter.”

Qian Jingdongshu’s face showed no surprise. Kuroba

Kaito nodded,”I saw her on the list of this party, so I made a special trip.”

“Besides, it’s to see you.”

“See us?” Qian Jingdongshu and Conan looked at each other.

“Princess An’s gem exhibition this time is unusual. Two forces are secretly watching.”

“One of them is an organization that is trying to snatch the legendary (afef) gem, Pandora, with me.”

Kaito Kuroba said, with a sense of urgency and anxiety on his face.

“The other force, coming from Europe, casts a shadow behind all the royal families, which is not something that ordinary organizations can contend with.”

“I can hold back the organization that covets Pandora, but I’ll have to ask the landlord to help with the other big forces.”

Kuroba Kaito looked at Qian Jingfuyu steadily.

“You have a powerful mechanical army. Behind the European power, there is also the legendary mechanical goddess Katyusha.”

“If they threaten Princess An’s safety, please help cover the princess’s departure.”

His father, Kuroba Toichi, was investigating the sudden disappearance of Pandora’s gem.

The Phantom Thief Family only knew that Pandora’s gem was unusual, just like Pandora’s box, and something bad would happen once it was opened.

But no one knew what the bad omen was.

He could only suppress his curiosity and continue his unfinished mission according to the tape left by his father.

“Mechanical female warrior Katyusha?”

Qian Jingdongshu couldn’t help but look weird when he heard it.

“Boss, have you heard of it?” Conan looked up at him.

Qian Jingdongshu held back his laughter,”No, I can’t be sure without meeting her.”

In fact, he had already guessed that the other group of forces staring at Princess An should be Maria.

After more than 80 years, she must have missed him a lot.

“Okay, I will help when necessary, you guys hurry up, I have to go on a date with Miss Tanaka.

Qian Jingfuyu arranged the kite line that looked like a sailboat and went to find Tanaka Kikue. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“This boss.”Conan was speechless.

“That guy is still as lustful as ever.” Kuroba Kaito also squinted.

Neither of them took the trick that was placed under their noses seriously.

Qian Jingfuyuki followed the original plot and set up tricks in the Jade Room and other places.

Therefore, when Tanaka Kikue also wanted to set up a trick, she happened to run into Qian Jingfuyuki[]

He turned around and smiled playfully

Miss Tanaka ? Oh, you discovered my plan right from the start.

“Fuyuki-kun, what are you doing?”

“As you can see, he doesn’t like Hamano Toshi anymore.”

Qian Jingfuyuki’s expression was meaningful,”So I deliberately taught him a lesson.” Tanaka Kikue’s heart skipped a beat!

Could it be such a coincidence that her and Fuyuki’s murder plans collided?

“Well, this is not good. Everyone is in a panic because of the Shadow Mage.

She wanted to back out and hurriedly pretended nothing had happened.

“Hey, now that Ms. Tanaka is here, how can I stay out of trouble after discovering my criminal plan?”

“Just like you pretended to be a shadow mage and murdered the forum moderator Xishan Wu……”

“I checked all the records on the Internet, but I didn’t reveal anything, did I?”

Tanaka Kikue’s beautiful eyes were shocked and kept shrinking.

“Dong, Dongshu-kun, I don’t understand what you are talking about. This joke is not funny at all.……”

Her voice became increasingly dry.

Facing Qian Jingdongshu’s malicious red eyes, her pretty and plump body trembled in panic, and she didn’t know when she had retreated to the jade jar.

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t remember it now, I will help Miss Tanaka recall it carefully.”

Qian Jing Dongshu pressed her head with his big hand and kissed her fiercely. There was a sound of water splashing, and the door slammed shut.

With Conan and the others blocking the way, no one would be indifferent and come to disturb Qian Jing Dongshu’s enjoyment at this time.

When Qian Jing Dongshu left Tanaka Kikue’s room alone, she had completely lost all her strength.

Her throat was almost smoking, as if magma was flowing through it. Her legs were weak when she stood up, and she was even more shaky when she walked. Even so, she insisted on seeing how Qian Jing Dongshu would deal with Hamano Toshiya, the bastard who also blasphemed her grandfather online. Hamano

Toshi didn’t see that there was a pair of cold eyes staring at him upstairs.

He finished a whole bottle of red wine, but still felt unsatisfied, and his feet were floating and he wanted to continue drinking.

“Why is the red wine so strong today? Drink! Another glass!”

“Hamano-san, you really can’t drink anymore.”

Araki Yoshinori and Sukama Kiyohiro felt a headache.

They took the drunkard back to the room and didn’t want to care about him.

Hamano Toshiya was still struggling to get up.

At this time, there was a knock on the balcony door.

“What’s that sound?”

He walked over drunkenly and opened the door.


The mechanism was triggered, and he was thrown out and hit the tree trunk hard and fainted on the spot.

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