“The body of a 41-year-old unemployed man named Xishan Wu was found in Apartment No. 14, Building B, Beihu Town”

“According to the police investigation, Xishanwu is the moderator of a well-known magic lovers forum, with the online name of Escape King.”

“If nothing unexpected happens, he will attend the offline gathering of the Magic Lovers Forum tonight.”

“According to the information released by the police, when Xishan Wu’s body was found, there was a message left by the murderer on the computer.……”

At 6pm, Qian Jingdongshu drove his hover car straight to the villa where the Magic Lovers’ Union was gathering.

On the way, the radio in the car happened to broadcast this news.

“The plot begins now.”

A murder caused by an emoji in an online chat.

Qian Jingdongshu turned off the radio and wiped off some traces on the Internet.

Ten minutes later.

Arriving at the destination, he rang the doorbell.

Ding Dong –

Conan ran to open the door and was relieved to see him.

“Boss, why are you so slow? You are the only one missing.”

“There are too many women at home, and I can’t get away from them.”

05 Qian Jingfuyuki walked in alone, and Conan was a little surprised

“Why are you the only one here this time? Didn’t you bring other beauties with you?”

“There are some ready-made ones here, so of course we have to pick wild flowers first.”

He smiled and pushed the little devil away, looking at the people coming out of the house

“Hello everyone, I am Timing”

“Oh, aren’t you the super rich landlord, Qian Jing Dongshu-san?”

Everyone in the Magic Lovers’ Union was surprised to see him.

Because Princess An, who came from afar, threatened to challenge all Japanese magicians, many new people joined the forum.

But the only one who proposed to meet offline and took care of the venue was Timing.

For this reason, the old forum members speculated whether this young master took advantage of Princess An’s popularity to get in and get the qualifications to pick up girls.

“No wonder, when the forum moderator Escape King tried to propose to hold a queue at the villa, you agreed without hesitation.”

“The whole villa is yours.”

Everyone looked at each other with emotion.

“Timing, in magic terms, means opportunity. Is Fuyuki also interested in magic?”

There is a beauty mole at the corner of her mouth. She is wearing sexy black stockings and long boots. Her legs are slender, her waist is slim, and her buttocks are bulging under her purple clothes.

She exudes an elegant mature woman’s temperament, her naturally charming and charming smile, and her ambiguous eyes, which arouse endless reverie.

Tanaka Kikue curiously approached Qian Jing Fuyuki and introduced herself with a smile.

“Hello, my name is Tanaka Kikue, and my forum username is Fraud Boy”

“Of course, I like to seize the fleeting timing and control the rhythm.

Qian Jingdongshu naturally grabbed the soft hand of this very feminine and virgin beauty and kissed her.

“I’d like to trouble Miss Tanaka to give me more advice for this gathering.”

“Ah~ Fuyuki-kun is as handsome and romantic as the rumors say.”

Tanaka Kikue’s beautiful eyes trembled and her cheeks blushed.

This landlord really has the same mysterious temperament as a magician, which especially attracts women’s attention.

“Hey, Timing is not only a magic term, but also a common term in FPS games.”

Conan watched with a half-mooned look.

In the game, players need to grasp the”Timing” to gain an advantage in the battle.

For example, when the enemy is in a state of preparation, use this time difference to launch an attack and catch the enemy off guard.

In shooting games such as the newly released Overwatch, the grasp of Timing is crucial to controlling the game.

“The boss really doesn’t hide his love for fun.”

“Besides Miss Tanaka, where are the others?” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

As soon as Qian Jingdongshu finally asked them, the other people on the forum finally let go of their restraint and happily came up.

The middle-aged man with a friendly face came up to shake hands first.

“Hello, Fuyuki-kun, my name is Ara Yoshinori, I am also a magic enthusiast, and one of the initiators of this offline event”

“I am also the vice-moderator of the Magician Fans Forum. If you hadn’t reserved the villa, I would have asked everyone to go to my holiday home.”The dark-skinned, long-faced man in a white suit pointed at himself.[]

“My online name disappeared Barney, Hamano Toshiya, Fuyuki-kun right valley!”

“What? You’re not Timing? You’re a big liar!”

At this time, a flat-chested girl with glasses came down from upstairs excitedly.

She rushed to Hamano Toshiya in two steps, and from her expression, she wanted to eat him alive!

“Conan, what’s going on?”

Zhen Jing Dongshu remembered everyone in the plot, but he was a little surprised by this development.

As a younger brother who helped Qian Jing Dongshu run errands, Conan came to the villa first to decorate it.

He put his hand to his mouth and whispered:”Ms. Kuroda Naoko was cheated in her online love!”

“Just now, Mr. Hamano cunningly pretended to be the boss and teased Miss Kuroda Naoko.”

“She thought Mr. Hamano was the young master that their forum had previously speculated, so she invited Mr. Hamano to her room to discuss underwear selection.……”

Conan was worried that the explanation was not intuitive enough, so he touched his thumbs together.

“That’s it, boss, you know best.”

“Impersonating me?”

Qian Jingfuyuki smiled coldly, looking dangerously at Hamano Toshiya who was smiling playfully.

“Looks like someone is really tired of living”

“Anyway, Mr. Hamano’s prank is really too much. It’s better to apologize to Miss Kuroda and Fuyuki-kun as soon as possible!”

A muffled fat voice sounded from the side.

Qian Jingfuyuki and Conan looked over.

They saw a square-faced man with a big belly and a friendly smile.

“Hello Dongshu, my name is Doi Takeshu, my online name is Red Herring, and I am also a member of the Magic Lovers Forum”

“Red herring, a classic misleading meaning in detective novels.”

Zen Jing Fuyuki looked at the disguised Kuroba Kaito and raised his eyebrows.

He didn’t expect that this guy would recover and return home so soon.

Kuroba Kaito felt an inexplicable chill on his back and was secretly surprised.

He was disguised as a fat man, could this person see through it?!

Or did he react instantly after hearing the name? What kind of divine insight is that!

Finally, there was Sukama Kiyohiro, who was wearing a black sweater, tall and expressionless

“Hello, Mr. Fuyuki. I am a temporary worker hired by Conan to clean for everyone.”

“I also happen to be interested in magic.”

Most of the people were present, and Qian Jingdongshu looked around.

“Hey, why is the Shadow Mage not here?”

“It’s fine that the moderator escaped from the scene and encountered an accident, but could it be that Shadow Mage was guilty of killing someone?”

As soon as these words fell, everyone in the audience was shocked.

“”What did you say, Dongshu-kun? The moderator is dead? Or was he killed by the Shadow Mage! ?”.

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