Looking at Alita, Qian Jingdongshu instantly had thousands of uses in his mind.

But now, he still needed one person to fulfill his most needed use.

“Follow me to the hotel”


Alita stood up quickly, without any hesitation.

She followed Qian Jingdongshu quietly. She never said anything when it was not necessary.

Even though she was very curious about her master and wanted to know him better.

But he was the whole meaning of her existence, and she could not go against him.


Okino Yoko suppressed her excitement.

The boss actually found her first!

I thought I would have to wait for a long time.

For this, Okino Yoko put on the most holy and clean white dress.

It was too rude before, she wanted to leave the best and purest impression on the boss.

“Are you here?”

Qian Jingdongshu smiled when he saw Okino Yoko blushing.

“Come on, follow me to a place”

“”Where place?”

Yoko Okino was surprised.

When she saw Alita behind Qian Jingfuyuki, she couldn’t help but be even more surprised.

What a… special girl.

There was an inhuman neatness in her actions, and her eyes were like inorganic glass, calm and restrained when you looked closely.

Is the boss thinking about them?

No, no, no, how could she underestimate the boss, he must have other purposes.

Yoko Okino hurriedly asked:”BOSS, don’t you want me to prepare anything else?”

“Are you so impatient?

Qian Jingdongshu paused and glanced at her with a smile.

He didn’t keep her in suspense and directly clicked on the prop to use it.

【The target user has been confirmed, Okino Yoko, use”Mechanical Girl Avatar”, effective immediately! 】

The next second, Okino Yoko exclaimed.

The originally normal, round and plump figure suddenly stretched out!

Instead, there were smooth and sharp lines, holy white mechanical wings.

Armed to the teeth, the white mecha is both dangerous and beautiful!


The whole process was painless, but Okino Yoko was frightened.

However, because her status was full, her face changed quickly, and she completely refreshed her cognition.

She automatically accepted all kinds of knowledge about transforming into a mechanical girl.

Her beautiful eyes stared at Qian Jing Dongshu fanatically, with her arms pointing upwards, kneeling on the ground.

“Master, Yoko is willing to do anything for you!”

“If the master wants to use Yoko’s words, please don’t hesitate to do so!

Qian Jing Dongshu was very satisfied.

He snapped his fingers.

“Alita, Yoko, I’m going to give you a task.”

“This night, 12 hours, sweeping all the black forces within the Beihua area.”

Alita and Okino Yoko accepted it without hesitation.

Alita thought about it and asked again:”Master, to what extent do you want to clean up?”

She had her own thoughts.

The master was the landlord of Beihua Street, and it must not be a literal sweep.

Qian Jingfushu looked at her with appreciation.

“I want to give the local gangs a little shock”

“No time to play wind-blowing games with them”

“I will kill you until you die. No one dares to look me in the face.”

“From now on, let all the underground forces know clearly that who will be the boss of Beihua Street, no, my territory in the future.”

Alita’s eyes were burning with war.

She and Okino Yoko immediately bowed their heads enthusiastically.

“Yes! I will obey the master’s order!”

Time is running out.

The two women immediately split up.

Qian Jingdongshu followed behind slowly… picking up leaks

“Well, I hope the neighbors on Rice Flower Street have a good night’s sleep.”.

Neon’s second club, the Nimiao Club.

In the middle of the night, the headquarters suddenly rang with red lights, signaling an alarm.

“what happened!”

“Enemy attack! ?”

Gui Tong Na Fang, the gambling leader of the Mud Miserable Society, was so scared that he fell off his mistress’s bed.

A cadre rushed in. The kind-looking Watanuki Tatsuzo was sweating all over his face and shouted in fear:

“President! Something terrible is happening!”

“Where is that alarm! You dare to provoke my Nichan Society, are you tired of living?”

Gui Tong Nafang shouted angrily.

Watanuki Tatsuzo suddenly stiffened.

As if he saw a demon, his old legs trembled, sweat poured down, and he stared at the window sill behind Gui Tong Nafang.

His wealthy face was extremely distorted, as if he had lost his soul.

“Rice, Popcorn……”

“What did you say?”

Gui Tong Na Fang was about to scold the old man if he was brain-depleted.

Qian Jing Dongshu, who was following Okino Yoko, smiled and said:

“Good evening, President Gui Tong, I hope I didn’t disturb you?”

“Who are you? How did you get up here?!”

The boy wrapped himself in a scarf and quickly pulled out his gun.

Qian Jingdongshu got straight to the point and said,”I am the landlord of Mihua Street, Qian Jingdongshu”

“From now on, we are all members of the black market. Please give us your advice.”

“Black market!? Masaka!”

Ghost boy Nafang’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he remembered the rules of the Kyoto black market.

If there are newcomers or forces from outside who want to get involved in the black market, they must be recognized by the three black forces in Japan!

But those forces before were all small-scale, this?

“After all, Rice Flower Street is my territory. I just beat up some disobedient little guys.”

“We also took back the rent that your Nican Society had been owing. It wasn’t much. We only emptied two or three armories and the underground vault.”

“Chairman Kido has a big family and a lot of wealth, so he shouldn’t bother with me, right?”

Qian Jing Dongshu glanced at the muzzle of Okino Yoko’s gun that was accumulating energy and glowing, and smiled very kindly.

Kido Nafang and Watanuki Tatsuzo dared not move. They cursed in their hearts.

If you want to rob, just say it directly, why are you looking for excuses and using force!

What is the origin of this woman who is made up of machinery and has a terrifying aura!

“I have already informed you. Since you have no objection, then we have reached a friendly consensus?”

Qian Jingdongshu grinned.

“Then bye~”

Boom –

Okino Yoko’s thrusters were fully turned on, and Qian Jingfuyu and her immediately disappeared into the dark night.

The remaining Kidou Nafang and Watanuki Tatsuzo looked at each other.

Suddenly, the two of them did the same thing at the same time.

They all called and asked about the men in Beihua Street!

“What on earth just happened!”

“How many people are there?!”

A weak voice came from the other end of the line.

“Chairman, please stop asking questions, Mr. Watanuki”

“We were drinking and playing cards when someone came down from the sky and bombarded us in the face.”

“The three branches of Mihua were all destroyed, leaving no one behind.”

“Two women and one man… Only the women took action during the whole process, while the man was unarmed”

“We can’t run away, we are no match for them!”


Gui Tong Na Fang and Mian Guan Chen were shocked.

Who on earth is this Qian Jing Dong Shu?

An underground force that swept through Mihua Street overnight?

And there are at least three of them?

Relying on two women?

People to do things???

It’s unbelievable!

It seems that when they didn’t notice, a terrible force suddenly appeared in Mihua Street!

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