“System, use time reflow.”

After returning home, Qian Jingdongshu confirmed that he had Elena’s elixir of immortality and called the system directly.

【Ding! One hundred thousand emotion points have been deducted. Please select the time and place to go back to.】

“In 1918, before the last Tsar Nicholas II and his family were exterminated, Yekaterinburg”

“Brush it for me where it is convenient to contact Princess Maria.”

He wanted to subdue Maria and let this woman test the medicine for him

【Anchoring time space……】

【The target is Princess Maria. The time and location are determined: late at night on July 16, 1918, in the basement of the residence of the merchant Ipatiev】

【The story is going on in this time and space: The magician at the end of the century, Xiyi rescues Maria~A】

【Number of people who can sign in: Three people】

【Key characters (items) in the plot: Kiichi, Princess Maria, Easter eggs】

【Time reversal, start! 】

With the sound of the system dinging, Qian Jingdongshu’s world suddenly faded to black and white.

The whole person buzzed and was swallowed by the dark space-time tunnel.

Time was frozen in place

“The bandits are about to find this place, hurry up! We must get rid of them all tonight!”

When Qian Jing Dongshu appeared, he saw torches and shadows in the dark basement.

The Emperor’s family and servants were driven into this narrow and cramped basement like pigs and dogs.

The whole air was filled with panic and anxiety.

The little prince and the servants were crying and knocking on the door to beg for mercy.

“They, they want to kill us all!”

“Why? I have already abdicated!”

The Tsar cried out in despair.

No one paid any attention to him except Queen Alexandra, who looked sad.

The executioner had already gone to prepare. This was the final countdown of their family’s life.

“Woohoo, I don’t want to die……”

“The Lord will curse them and bring down divine punishment, and none of them will have a good end!”

Alexandra looked at her daughters, who were no more than 22 years old, and her beloved youngest son, who was only 13 years old, and shouted bitterly.

Qian Jingdongshu was not paying attention to the doomed Sand Emperor family.

He was looking at 19-year-old Maria.

The girl sat on the ground like she had lost her soul, her delicate little face pale.

Her slender and delicate body trembled in the darkness, as if she had accepted the desperate fate.


Qian Jingdongshu went over to call her

“Who is it?”

Maria looked back in panic. The little prince also heard a strange sound and turned his head.

“Ah! There’s someone here!”

He exclaimed softly. Alexandra turned her head sharply and saw Qian Jing Dongshu.

His eyes were like those of a prisoner at the end of his rope who burst into hope in despair.

“Oh Lord, you actually gave us a glimmer of hope!”

“Young man, are you sent by the Royalist Army to rescue us?! Did you dig a tunnel from outside?”

“No, I just came to see Maria.

Qian Jing Dongshu ruthlessly rejected them and took Maria away.

“Activate the Wall Spell!”

As long as it’s enough for Maria to pass through, he has a thousand ways to get out of here.

【Confirm the target, Maria, activate the”Wall Block Technique””!】

This time, Maria was so lucky that she passed through the wall in a daze.

Qian Jingdongshu was about to leave when the little prince started to make a fuss.

“He is a messenger sent by the Lord! I saw him help my third sister walk through the wall with my own eyes!”

“”Let me through! I don’t want to die!”

There was an echo from the basement, and suddenly a pair of dark eyes in the darkness looked at Qian Jing Dongshu.

Qian Jing Dongshu frowned and looked at the little prince dangerously.

Suddenly, the door opened and a row of gunmen walked in.

“The final order has been issued, announcing the death penalty for the family of Nicholas II, the major criminal!”

“”Immediate execution!” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Click, click.

Bullets were loaded one after another.

The expressionless executioner pointed his pistol at everyone in the basement and fired!

The machine gun fired like a storm, just to beat people into unrecognizable meat paste!

In an instant, the dark basement became a bloody hell! []

The shrill wails and screams constituted the main theme at this moment.

Xi Yi, who was disguised as a soldier outside and dragging a body bag, heard the gunshots and his pupils shrank.

“Oh no, am I too late?”

Since he had the honor of meeting the third princess Maria, he fell in love with her.

Based on the many acquaintances he knew, he knew that Maria’s family was going to die today.

He hurriedly spent money to find someone to buy a female corpse, hoping to steal Maria and rescue her in time.

But something went wrong and he was still a step too late!


His legs went limp and he knelt on the ground in pain.

Qian Jingdongshu relied on his full-level agility to move freely between bullets like a shadow in the darkness. He watched the death of the Sand Emperor’s family with cold eyes.

Alexandra’s eyes widened, and she protected her little son in her arms with her eyes wide open.

Until the last moment, she stretched out her hand to him, as if hoping that he could save the little prince.

Unfortunately, Qian Jingdongshu did not have the leisure time.

While the executioners were examining the body, Qian Jingdongshu followed and fled.

There was no surveillance in this era, and his face was not captured. Even if the people in the basement knew that he had appeared and taken Maria away, what could they do?

The little prince was still staring at the place where Maria had just passed through the wall. He was covered in blood, and his life was rapidly passing away.

“Master… Wall… Third Sister is gone……”

Xiyi, like the other soldiers, came in silently to collect the body.

According to the instructions from above, they poured sulfuric acid and gasoline to destroy it, and the remaining bones were buried forever.

He and another person happened to hear the little prince’s whispers before his death.

“Hey! Did you hear that? Princess Maria is missing!”

“There is one less woman here!”

Xiyi was shocked!

He was indescribably happy at this moment!

He was not too moved by the tragic death of the Sand Emperor’s family, and only sighed that it was the people’s choice.

But Princess Maria is still alive! Does this mean that the great Lord heard his prayers!?

“Hey, listen up.”

Xiyi’s brain was about to explode at this moment, and he quickly stuffed all the money he had on him to this companion.

“We have collected the bodies of the Sand Emperor’s family, and no one is missing here!”

“There is a female corpse here. No one will notice if we sneak in!”


This is against their great beliefs!

“All my wealth, including the wages from working in the Fabergé factory, will be given to you!!”

Xiyi quickly held him down.

No matter where Princess Maria was, as long as she was alive, he would give everything!

At this time, Maria was like a trembling lamb, watching Qian Jing Dongshu approaching with fear and trepidation.

“Who are you? Are you an angel of the Lord or a devil from hell?”

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