The next morning, the police came to close the case.

Qian Jingfuyu asked Conan to stay and finish the work, and drove away in a hover car with Yuanzi and Qingzi.

After everyone left, Hongzi stretched out her arms from the quilt on the second floor and grabbed her phone.

“Butler, call the plane over!”

“Miss Hongzi? You can fly, right? And you can open a portal.……”

“Shut up! Just send me when I tell you to!”

Hongzi’s delicate face was already red.

Could it be said that her body was not coordinated anymore and didn’t look like her own? The master was really too cruel!

But at that time, he was really full of hormones, making it hard for her to resist.

She was looking forward to her life after transferring to Teitan High School. It must be colorful.

“System, settlement. Qian Jing Dongshu returned home humming happily.

【Sign in to Konno Erica and get rewarded with gold hoarding!】

【Sign in with Akiko Yonehara and get a reward of long hair style! After using it, the host can specify the target to stretch and shrink the hair, which overlaps with the positioning of”God-level Haircut” and has been merged!】

【Sign in with Nakamura Minori and get rewarded for mastering housework……】

Qian Jingdongshu didn’t care about the useless skills at the end.

As long as it didn’t affect him, it would be a waste of emotion to wash it off, and it would be left at the end of the skill bar to collect dust.

【It is detected that the host’s current emotion value is 770,000. Do you want to redeem the blind box?】

“Exchange ten ordinary blind boxes and open them!”

Qian Jing Dongshu hasn’t opened an ordinary gambling face for a long time.

Anyway, the mood value is sufficient now, and ten will only cost 50,000 mood value. Open it!

Ding ding ding ding——

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the”Invisibility Cloak”! A cloak that can make you invisible once you put it on. The disadvantage is that the flaws will be very obvious when the wind blows through it. It is a one-time prop!】

【Congratulations to the host for getting the”Spring Shoes”! With a light jump, you can infinitely jump up to the height of the shoes. If you store power for a long time, you can jump to the atmosphere! The same style as the versatile clothes, you can make any transformation with a thought!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the”Violent Phonograph”! Creatures that hear the sound of the phonograph will madly attack all of their kind!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the SSS-level concept item”Fengshenbang Wuzhan”! This is a divine power item that can define a custom Wuzhan rule for a certain area. It has no upper limit in science and is a one-time item!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-level item”Weak Nuwa Mud”! The incomplete mud after Nuwa created humans can be used to mold a lifelike clay figurine with a soul attached, valid for three days!

Good news, luck has triggered, and the item for molding flesh has really exploded.

Bad news, it’s a defective product

“What can you do in just three days?”

Qian Jingdongshu was a little disappointed. It seemed that it was difficult to collect the materials for Yaeko to rebuild her body.

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the”Fully Loaded Multi-purpose Toolbox”! A good helper for mechanical engineers, optional target binding! 】

When he saw this, he couldn’t help but ask it

“Can the blind box props be given as gifts? Or are they bound? Can I take them back?”

【Ding! The host can take back the props, and it requires a handling fee of 20,000 emotional points! 】

That’s fine, under normal circumstances, he won’t give props away casually.

Qian Jing Dongshu continues to read on

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the”Magic Kaito Universal Magic Gloves”! Snap your fingers and you can perform any magic without any lack of materials! 】

He nodded approvingly

“This is a good thing.”

If I had it, I wouldn’t have to go to the magic shop to order it myself.

【Congratulations to the host for getting the”Happy Shot”! Enchanted item, shooting the selected target will make him feel full of happiness! Three enchantment opportunities!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the”100% Success Card”*1! When betting on the probability, use this item to get 100% success!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-level item”Earth’s Grip”! A large-scale earth-related forbidden spell scroll. When it is torn off, a black hole in the ground will appear, swallowing up all people and objects that are unfavorable to the selected target! The effect is overbearing, use with caution! 】

In general, the rewards of this ordinary blind box are relatively rich.

Qian Jing Dongshu looked very satisfied and put them all in his backpack.

Just take them out when you need them.

At this time, the system beeped again to remind you

【It is detected that the host has fragments, enough to unlock the special property”Ekaterinburg”. Do you want to unlock it now? 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Qian Jing Dongshu took a look. He now has three universal fragments and two Yekaterinburg fragments.

“Need five fragments? See unlock conditions”

【Yekaterinburg Ownership:

Condition 1: Clear the magician at the end of the century and shock the characters in the plot in an unexpected way!

2. Take down the Scorber! []

3. Gain the recognition of the direct descendants of the Romanov dynasty!

4. Gain the faith and loyalty of the entire fighting nation!

5. Dominate Europe!】

【Do you want to use the fragments now?】

Qian Jingdongshu: ???

“I can understand the first two.”

“The last three are a bit supermodels!”

Qian Jing Dongshu was speechless.

In order to unlock a property, he is now brewing a third war? And he went to the fighting nation to become their belief?

There is something wrong!

There is a third condition……

“The Romanov dynasty is recognized by the royal family? The fighting nation has been eradicated long ago.”

“”Didn’t all the direct royal family members die along with the last Emperor of Sand?”

Wait, according to the plot of the science fiction, there is indeed a fish that slipped through the net!

The magician at the end of the century, Kosaka Natsumi’s great-grandfather Kiichi, secretly rescued Princess Maria on the eve of the Emperor of Sand’s family’s death!

That is Kosaka Natsumi’s great-grandmother!

“Even so, it’s not worth it to go back for this time.”

Even if the wealth of the stolen country is attractive enough, it can’t compare to the emotional value brought by the beautiful women and the main characters in the plot.

Qian Jingdongshu shook his head

“Just unlock it directly!”

【Ding! Unlocked successfully】

“Now let me think about it, how can I use this love robot that never fails?……”

While Qian Jingfuyu was thinking, Dr. Agasa was at the research institute next door.

“Finally succeeded!”

Elena looked at the medicine in her hand happily.

“The real elixir of life!”

“Make full use of the essence of the meteorite Pandora’s Heart, and after taking it, you can live as long as the heaven and the earth!”


Elena scratched her cheek in annoyance.

“I am the only one who has tried this medicine. I can experience the feeling of unity between man and nature.”

“In addition to some minor side effects, it is not known whether it will have any adverse effects on other ordinary people.”

After all, she is taking all kinds of special A’s for the purpose of making medicine.

This example alone is not enough. If you want to expand mass production, you must find more people to conduct long-term experiments in many aspects.

But this medicine is not an ordinary medicine, it is an elixir of life!

Who can travel through time and let people in the past bring her a large amount of data for her to perfect reference!?

“Well, if you are stuck, go to Fuyuki-kun. Maybe he has a solution.~”

“By the way, give my dear husband another surprise! ~”

Elena put away the elixir with a smile, and ran to Qian Jingdongshu impatiently.

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