Looking at the other sticker that Koizumi Hongzi was holding in her palm, Qian Jing Dongshu smiled evilly and waved his hand gently.

The spiritual wind blew, and the sticker fell into his hand.

Taking out another ordinary paper that he had prepared in advance, Qian Jing Dongshu activated his skill!

God-level forgery!

The fake sticker was returned to Koizumi Hongzi intact.

When she happily received the sticker of Konno Erica

“Yoshi, now all that’s left is to put the sticker on Qian Jing Dong Shu!”

When she thought that the Dark Lord would also be captured by her world’s number one Red Witch,

Koizumi Hongzi suppressed her excitement, tightly held the sticker in her hand, and wanted to walk out and laugh wildly on the spot!

But when she turned around, she was stunned

“Qian Jing Dong Shu!! How did my magic sticker end up on you! ?”

With the Devil Horn and the Devil Breaker, Koizumi Hongzi’s magic unilaterally didn’t work on Dong Shu, but it was hard to say for her.


The two stickers attracted each other.

Koizumi Hongzi’s beautiful eyes trembled, and her body instantly softened!

“No, this is impossible, how did you do it! ?”

She finally regained consciousness, looking at the two stickers in her hand in disbelief. She was instantly swept by the fierce love, the temperature of her brain and cheeks soared rapidly, and she quickly lost all her rationality!

“You are the one who provoked me.

Qian Jingdongshu walked towards her with an innocent look on his face.

The three women in the pool heard the unusual noise and got up to check.

“What’s going on? What’s that noise over there?”

Koizumi Hongzi’s heart fell on Qian Jing Dongshu.

Her cheeks were flushed, and her beautiful eyes were so bright that they were about to ooze tears.

The dark devil in front of her, who was originally a hateful face, became the lover she was willing to keep at all costs.

“Ignore them, I want you to only see me~”

With her domineering spirit, the Red Witch blocked Qian Jing Dongshu’s eyes firmly. The red magic circle instantly stopped time and enveloped the two people!

In Qian Jing Dongshu’s eyes, the red magic circle was invaded by a dark force.

The almost overwhelming power dyed the surging red magic power around Koizumi Hongzi into black and purple.

The depths of those wine-red eyes also ignited a more profound and seductive purple charm fire.

“Qian Jing Dongshu, you are such a bad guy!”

Koizumi Hongzi found out that she was being plotted against and completely fell into depravity, but it was too late!

“Haha, you just realized it now? Hongzi, you are so slow-witted and cute.

Qian Jingdongshu held her tightly and whispered evilly

“From now on, you are my captive.”

“Queen Red? What should I call you now?”

“Great Dark Lord, Master, Master!”

The source of Koizumi Hongzi’s power finally completely turned into devil horns!

A black mark flashed between her eyebrows, and her unwillingness faded away. She quickly and docilely accepted this reality.

The world of magic is such a jungle.

Since she did not lose her magic because of losing her virginity, she betrayed the red magic and fell into darkness forever.

“Be good.”

Qian Jing Dongshu enjoyed the freshly baked black witch and waved his hand to break the magic circle.

“You just switched to magic, so you may still be a little uncomfortable”

“Let’s go to my ski villa and rest first. I’ll come to you to calm down in the evening.”

Koizumi Hongzi brushed her sweat-soaked wine-red hair and looked at Qian Jingdongshu with attachment and reluctance.

“Yes, Master~”

She bowed and left.

The moment she walked out of the door, she snapped her fingers, and all those who were previously affected by Jiang Gutian’s red magic radiation forgot her existence.

Those fanatical infatuations cooled down instantly, and many people were stunned holding their gifts.

“What is this? Is this something I’m going to prepare for a goddess?”

The Red Witch has been pure and innocent all her life. Even if Koizumi Hongzi has fallen into evil and become a black witch, she is absolutely loyal to her master.

She doesn’t need others to know her existence, as long as she silently protects her master when she needs her. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Well, transfer to Teitan High School when you go back~ and you will be closer to your master.”

Koizumi Hongzi’s beautiful eyes were filled with sweet ripples, and she walked away humming a little tune.

“Ah! The damn thief actually took all our clothes away!”

The three women in the pool finally finished their chatter and were about to get out of the water with their bodies red.[]

In a blink of an eye, they found that all the clothes were gone, and the three girls were all stunned.

“What to do! At this time, Mina is actively preparing for the skiing competition!”

“It’s too embarrassing to ask someone to deliver clothes……”

Yuanzi was so anxious that he broke out in a cold sweat and screamed

“The key is that if we don’t leave, what if Fuyuki-sama misunderstands us? ?”

They still have to compete with Fuyuki-sama!

Konno Erica’s face flushed red.

“It’s all my fault. I was so busy chatting with you that everyone let down their guard.”

“As a teacher, how can I not set an example?!”


Konno Erica was desperate, thinking about how to cover it up, and went out to find some emergency clothes first.

“Aoko, Sonoko, Teacher Erica, are you in there?”

“I just seemed to see a shameful thief snatching your clothes!”

“Can I come in and give you some clothes?”

Qian Jingdongshu’s harmless voice sounded.

The three girls were completely unaware that their clothes were in his hands.

When they heard his words, they all felt like they had met their savior.

“Yokada! Fuyuki-sama, you really came just in time!”

Sonoko breathed a sigh of relief.

She and Aoko had long been inseparable from Fuyuki-sama, so it didn’t matter if they saw each other.

“Teacher Erica……”


I didn’t expect Konno Erica to be so slow and naive at this time. She was about to go out at 323, but she opened the door without any precautions. She was like a natural female teacher who didn’t treat her student’s boyfriend as an outsider.

“Oh, Fuyuki-kun, there is a dress that suits me! ? Thank you so much!”

Looking at the purple skirt, white ballet stockings, and even the wings to host the COS competition are ready!

Konno Erica exclaimed in surprise, and rushed over to hug Qian Jing Fuyuki.

One contact.

Qian Jing Fuyuki counted silently in his heart

“Teacher Erica, you don’t have to be polite to me. Why don’t you go in and change your clothes quickly?”

The deep and magnetic voice seemed to kindly remind her.

Konno Erica looked down and said,”Ah~!!!”

Her face flushed, she grabbed her clothes and hurriedly closed the door, but she underestimated the puddle on the ground.



“Teacher Erica, you have to be careful. You can’t be so reckless at your age.”

She looked up at Qian Jingdongshu’s red eyes with a mischievous smile, and the string of reason in her mind snapped.

Instead, she was filled with an unbearable fire!

“Oh, Dongshu-kun~~”

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