“”Mr. Dongshu! This can’t be true!”

Xiaolan’s beautiful eyes trembled, and she immediately stood beside Qian Jing Dongshu!

Her eyes were blazing with fire and she stared at Yizhi Long.

“I know him best! Although he loves to play and likes beautiful women, how could he do such a terrible thing!”

“Stop spitting blood on me!”

Maori Kogoro and others were still in doubt.

At this point, Ichieda Takashi, whose crime was exposed, smiled strangely and didn’t care whether he would be retaliated fiercely by the boss.

“I saw it with my own eyes after I killed Nikaidou!”

“If you don’t believe me, go check if Shijing Lihua is still alive!”

She died with her eyes open, she looks even more miserable than Nikaidou!

And they went to find Qianjing Fuyuki in such a short time, he must not have had time to deal with the body!

“Hahaha, even if I drag a big shot like you, Qian Jingfuyuki, to take the blame with me, my death is worth it!”

Ichizhi Long laughed wildly.

Mifune Takuya ran towards Shijing Lihua’s room without saying a word.

The others also hurriedly followed.

“Ms. Lihua!!”

“Don’t worry, Dongshu-kun, I believe you at all times!”

Xiaolan put her little hand into Qian Jing Dongshu’s big hand and said firmly.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled and hugged Xiaolan.

“Of course I’m not worried at all, because she’s fine.”

As expected, when we walked over,

Yaeko, wearing the shell of Shii Reika, came out yawning and wrapped tightly.

“What are you all doing? It’s so noisy!”

“”Ms. Lihua!?”

All the lickers suddenly stopped, looking at her in disbelief, and her smooth but slightly red neck.

Yaeko and Qian Jingfuyu who came over looked at each other, and remembered his careful and thoughtful massage to remove the stasis before he went out, and her pretty face suddenly blushed. She hurriedly covered her collar tightly

“What? Haven’t you seen Shao Fu who experienced her virginity?”

“If you keep looking around, I’ll kill you!”

After following Shijing Lihua for so long, Yaeko has imitated her perfectly.

“Ugh! Simimasa!”

A group of men were so humble in front of her that they seemed to be a head shorter than her, and they dared not look around.

Even the good guy Gojo Shu couldn’t help but grind his teeth.

“That guy Yizhilong is really cunning!”

“Seeing that he is about to be finished, he still doesn’t forget to trick us!”

This is over. He blatantly showed his distrust. How will Qian Jing Dongshu look at them! Qian Jing

Dongshu has never taken this group of jumping clowns seriously from the beginning.

Before the right materials are gathered, Yaeko will replace Shijing Lihua and help him manage the Shijing Group.

Every grievance has its perpetrator, and this is what the Shijing family owes her.

Qian Jing Dongshu just transferred the authority of one of his companies to her for management.

As for this group of people who are familiar with Shijing Lihua, she will deal with them quietly.

“See, you all wronged Fuyuki-kun!”

“Humph, what a bunch of terrible people, I really don’t want to stay here for a moment.”

Xiao Lan, such a good-tempered angel, couldn’t help but pout so much that she could hang a bottle of oil on her mouth.

“Fuyuki, let’s go back!”

“Okay, Maori-san, put your car behind mine and I’ll give you a ride.”

Except for beautiful women, no one can get on his Black Mamba, but he can still take you flying.

Qian Jingfuyuki was rarely generous, Maori Kogoro was a little flattered.

“Hey! Thank you so much!”

After Qian Jingfuyu called the police, he led his men away.

A bunch of licking dogs were like losing their parents. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Yaeko gave them a cold look, and didn’t even give a look to Yizhi Long.

“Mother-in-law, kick out the irrelevant people, I don’t want to see them again!”

“Tie up the criminals with ropes and wait for the police to arrest them!”

It was clearly the cold voice of Shijing Lihua, but Nanao Mi shuddered all over!

The old eyes could not help but be filled with trembling tears.[]

“Yaeko, is that you? My poor child……”

How could the most familiar relatives fail to recognize their granddaughter who depended on them for life?

Yaeko’s beautiful eyes softened for a moment, thinking of Fuyuki-kun’s instructions that one day she would be able to reunite with her grandmother openly.

She pursed her lips and hardened her heart.

“What are you talking about? Get rid of him!”

She turned around and left in a hurry, but her nervous and uneasy movements, which only those close to her could understand, made Nanami’s eyes red again.

“”Okay, I got it!”

It must be the god-like Qian Jing Dongshu!

If she could let her granddaughter return to her soul without revealing the truth, she would be willing to swallow this secret that only they, the grandparents and grandchildren, knew!

“System, Settlement”

【Sign in to Shijing Lihua and get the reward of Extreme Suffocation! The host will not die even in a vacuum environment!】

【Sign in with Yaeko and you will be rewarded with synaesthesia for Yin and Yang! You can see the dead! But it will only be women who have formed a bond with the host, excluding the main characters of the story! One chance per day!】

【Sign in with Takuya Mifune……】

The things that the licking dog gave him afterwards were all junk, either duplicated or useless, Qian Jing Dongshu was too lazy to even look at them.

The emotional value was less this time, only 20,000, and he almost got 750,000.

Qian Jing Dongshu was thinking about whether to draw a few ordinary small blind boxes to play with, to see if he could get the materials for reshaping his body.

Xiaolan’s phone next to him dinged, and she opened it and screamed

“Ah, Sonoko said she wanted to go skiing late at night!”


Qian Jingdongshu looked out of the car.

Sure enough, the strange power of time in the science school was at work. It was sunny and clear before, but in the blink of an eye, it was already winter.

The trees on both sides of the road were still lush and leafy, and snowflakes were fluttering in the air.

He opened his phone and saw that the calendar had not moved a page since the Xiaolan Karate Tournament.

It was as if everyone in the science school had spent their days and nights in the past few days living in a time and space black hole.

“Isn’t this ski villa just perfect for this purpose?”

Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows and smiled, asking Xiaolan

“What did Yuanzi say?”

“mo~Yuanzi is jealous that we are going out on a date alone!”

Xiaolan rubbed her cheeks shyly

“When she saw the snow, she thought of the romantic ski resort. Unfortunately, I had missed a lot of lessons to prepare for the karate competition. I had to go back to make up for it.”

“I can’t accompany Fuyuki this time, you and Sonoko should go.”

Since Xiaolan can’t go, then bring another beauty from home.

Qian Jingfuyuki remembers that Aoko can’t ski.

“Well, let’s take this opportunity to teach Qingzi a lesson.

Qian Jing Dongshu made a decision and called the two girls.

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