Qian Jing Dongshu:…


The musical fountain descended.

The good atmosphere was instantly destroyed.

Everyone in the field looked at each other with unspeakable embarrassment.

“What about terrorists?”

“Which bastard said that there was an ambush crime plan on the little blue bird!!”

Qian Jing Dongshu looked at these smart people with a kind look.

“Inspector Megure”

“Ah, Fuyuki-kun, tell me!”

Inspector Megure sensed the danger and was so frightened that he paused!

“Call your Chief Inspector Odagiri Toshiro, now, immediately, right now!!” Outside the Tropical Paradise Quiet Room

, Conan was hesitant to speak to Xiaolan.

“Lannai-chan, listen to my explanation……”

Although he was a pimp for the boss, he had his reasons!

She didn’t want the boss to be in danger…right?

“Please shut up right now, Conan-kun.”

Xiaolan took a deep breath, clenched her fists, and her forehead was full of crosses.

“I’m afraid I can’t help myself and go against my moral standards and beat a child in the street.”


Conan was so scared that his face turned pale and he dared not fart.

Inside the door, one stood like a grandson and the other sat like a grandfather.

“I am just an ordinary person, I went online to call overseas netizens for my girlfriend to have a large-scale collective magic time travel performance.”

“The result was interpreted like this by the incompetent Japanese waste police. You really opened my eyes.”

Zen Jing Fuyuki leaned on the sofa with a fake smile.

Odagiri Toshiro could no longer maintain his seriousness and bowed to Qian Jing Fuyuki in shame.

“Unexpectedly, the death of Fenghu Kyosuke turned out to be a mysterious unsolved case after investigation.”

“I’m really sorry that my not-so-smart subordinates have caused trouble for Fuyuki-kun!”

“Also, the family education is not strict, and the rebellious son has repeatedly tried to throw dirty water on Fuyuki-kun. I have asked Megure and others to punish him severely!”

Even if the rebellious son is still in some unspeakable abnormal situation, Odagiri Toshiro has no face to ask Qian Jing Fuyuki for help.

Odagiri Toshiya, never thought that he would be turned into a disabled person and put in jail just because of a rude word.

Qian Jing Fuyuki was still unhappy.

His date was interrupted, and he wanted these people to suffer together.

He snorted and laughed, and continued to be sarcastic.

“I won’t give you the 3D simulation and online wanted technology that we promised you.”

“Otherwise, I am afraid that the police will abuse it someday. It is better to maintain the status quo.”

“If the Superintendent of Hakuba asks, you can do it yourself!”

Odagiri Toshiro was really dumbfounded this time.

Even if he suffered a loss, he smiled bitterly. It was he who gave the order to investigate regardless of his identity. Now he didn’t know who to blame.

Who knew that so many mistakes would happen…

He could only represent Japan and beg Qian Jingdongshu not to sell this technology to other countries first. Qian Jingdongshu sneered disdainfully,”Let’s see if your performance can satisfy me when the time comes.”

3D simulation and online wanted notices will be nothing in the future.

Every country will have Sky Eyes in the future, and even now he can invade at will as long as he wants.

Now, of course, he will sell to whoever pays more on the black market. Anyway, he has backdoors in his software, and selling it to those complacent organizations is a huge profit without any investment!

“This is the last time the police are tracking you for no reason.”

“Today you should be thankful that my robot’s removal order did not work on the police, otherwise……”(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Qian Jingfuyu gave Odagiri Toshiro a cold look and went out to find Xiaolan to continue the unfinished date.

Odagiri Toshiro looked at Qian Jingfuyu’s back and the tall and silent robot figure outside the window.

A chill suddenly rose behind him.

“This Qian Jing Dongshu is really not to be underestimated……”

“It has been less than two months since he came to Kyoto Rice Flower Street and he has achieved such great results. There are still many unsolved mysteries surrounding this young man!”

“The future of Neon may already be in the hands of Qian Jingfuyuki!!”

“This is too loose, Fuyuki-kun, please help me tighten it a little……”

Xiaolan’s shy voice floated out of the room.

Xiaoai slipped, her face flushed, and she hurried back to her room.[]

“Zeni Fuyuki, this pervert, actually listened to a musical all night and it’s not enough?!”

In fact

“Is this okay?”

Qian Jing Dongshu was holding a needle and thread scissors to tighten the waist of Xiaolan’s new dress.

Not long after they got home, they received an invitation from the Shijing Group.

To be precise, it was Maori Kogoro’s side, who invited them to attend the birthday party of Shijing Group’s eldest daughter Shijing Rika.

Shijing Rika was Maori Kogoro’s big money sponsor. Maori Kogoro wanted Xiaolan to dress more formally for the sake of face.

There was also a little revenge on Qian Jing Dongshu.

Qian Jing Dongshu was too lazy to despise Maori’s pettiness. Who said he could only be shameless at home with Xiaolan.

The Shijing Group was all his, and he and Xiaolan would go together, and they would still have the most luxurious and comfortable empty room.

“Well, it’s OK!”

Xiaolan took a deep breath and held up her skirt awkwardly.

“I seem to be losing weight recently. My waist seems to be a little bit bigger.……”

“This feels just right, I like it.”

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled and compared.

He admitted that he deliberately tailored the love lunch according to the figures of the girls.

Xiaolan is already underpaid, she doesn’t need to be thin like malnutrition, she needs to be a little plump to feel comfortable

“mo~ Dongshu-kun is not serious again.”

Xiaolan’s pretty face blushed slightly, but she didn’t mention losing weight again.

The two set off together.

Qian Jing Dongshu talked to Xiaolan while distracting himself, and in his mind he called the system to settle the account.

【Sign in to Shiratori Sara and get the reward of”The Yangtze River’s Back Wave Pushes the Forward Wave”! It overlaps with the positioning of”Invincible Physical Technique” and has been merged!】

【Sign in to Renye Huan and get the reward of climbing the wall and pushing the mill! It overlaps with the positioning of”Invincible Taijutsu” and has been merged!】

【Sign in with Odagiri Toshiro and get the Police Fear reward! The police will be in awe of you from now on! It has been merged with”Maximum Police Favorability”!】

【Sign in to Odagiri Toshiya and get the reward of Strongest Rock! It overlaps with”Absolute Pitch” and”Voice of Heaven” and has been merged!】

【Sign in with Fudo Kyosuke and get the gold left-handed reward! From now on, the host will be proficient in the art of fighting with both hands! The left hand can be used perfectly as the right hand!】

【This plot has been fully repaired, and the mood value has increased by an additional 5%!】

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