Xiaolan was so moved that she blushed and her eyes sparkled.

“I’m really looking forward to it from now on.”

“You just wait and see.”

Qian Jingfuyushu walked to Conan.

Conan looked away and said that he was puzzled.

“……Boss, why do you think all this is unreasonable?”

“Perhaps the most unreasonable part is precisely the answer.”

Qian Jing Dongshu looked at him sympathetically.

You may not believe it, but at the beginning of the movie, the murderer attacked my woman and killed himself first. I

‘m afraid you can’t imagine this even if you scratch your scalp!

“So no matter how you look at it, it’s impossible that this gun could have fired the gun!!”

Mouri Kogoro looked bitter and resentful, staring at Fudo Kyosuke’s lady’s pistol.

“How could the trajectory of the bullet turn? It didn’t hit anything, just a bullet in the air!? It must be a sniper!”

“Ah, I know. The criminal must be——”

His reflex was to look at Qian Jingdongshu, who was the most suspicious and had the best conditions to commit the crime.

“Hmm? Are you kidding, Maori-san?

Qian Jingdongshu looked at him calmly.

“Uh, there’s no way it could be him!”

“How can a man and a woman have time to commit a crime when doing that kind of thing? Then Qian Jingdongshu was ruled out first!”

“Odagiri Toshiya! He carries such a big bag with him! The criminal must be him!”

Mouri Kogoro pointed at Odagiri Toshiya who was lying on the ground, insisting that someone come to test him and couldn’t get up.

Officer Megure took a breath and quickly interrupted him and pushed him aside.

“Enough, enough, Maori-kun! We don’t need you now!”Stop making trouble as soon as possible.

“But, Mr. Inspector, this case is really suspicious.……”

Maori Kogoro wanted to say something, but Inspector Megure’s face darkened.


“Maori-kun, you should know what this means!”

Maori Kogoro’s pupils shrank and he became quiet instantly.

Conan’s face also changed.

This is the code word in the police world!

Unless there is a case that requires the top leaders to avoid and cannot be told to outsiders, all related information will be forcibly blocked from the outside!

“Since no one reacted to the smoke test, officer, this farce should end.”

The whole restaurant is owned by Qian Jingfuyuki, and it’s not a good idea to keep the guests trapped!

As a representative of everyone, he asked the police to release the people.

And because of the two detectives who were shot and the nearly killed Sato Miwako, the target was too clear.

The deceased, Fudo Kyosuke, was a major suspect.

At the same time, the police had identified four suspects by watching the surveillance.

Next, they just had to focus on these four people.

“I am really sorry for disturbing you with this incident, Mr. Fuyuki.”

Officer Megure apologized and released the cordon, and the guests filed out.

Qian Jing Fuyuki waved his hand,”Nothing, please feel free to come to me if you have any questions.”

You want to charge a consultation fee, right?

Officer Megure laughed and watched the people leave in shame.

Qian Jing Fuyuki went out and took out his mobile phone to clean up his mailbox as usual. When a person becomes famous, he has more businesses under his control, and there are all kinds of information.

Even with intelligent programming screening, there are still some hackers with ill intentions.

Some people even heard about his last performance in the Dark Night Duke incident, and they are eager to challenge him!

It’s funny and outrageous.

Qian Jing Fuyuki hacked those stupid computers and hung all the illegal ones on the street lamps, letting the police over there catch them.

There were also some bloody warnings sent by some anti-intelligent mechanical organizations, but he didn’t even look at them and deleted them all.

“I’m so bored with these people.”

“Every extra second I spend on their spam is a waste of my time.”

Delete, delete, delete!”

Qian Jing Dongshu waved his hand and deleted everything.

At this time, Shiratori Sara beside him suddenly remembered something and cried out, pulling him away.

“Fuyuki-kun, you haven’t told Teacher Fei about me yet.……”

Qian Jing Dongshu’s hand slipped and he missed an email that he was going to delete and forwarded it to another person.

He glanced at it and saw that it was sent to Sato Miwako, so he didn’t pay much attention to it.

As a police officer, she should have seen a lot of spam threatening emails.

“Oh, you want to intern at the law firm? Then just go talk to Eri.

Qian Jingfuyu took Shiratori Sara to find Eri.

“Eri, Sara admires you very much and wants to be like Midori Kuriyama and learn by following you and starting as a secretary.”

Is that so? That’s fine!”

“Because you, Anada, are becoming more and more famous, I am almost buried by all these cases!”

“One more person will help me share the burden! Sara-chan, I’ll be troubling you from now on~”

“No, Mr. Kiss, you don’t have to be polite to me!!”

Shiratori Sara was very excited looking at her idol.

With the encouragement of Kiss Eri, she was very shy at first, but gradually she relaxed and integrated into the big family.

The highly confidential police hospital

“It has been found out that Fudo Kyosuke is indeed related to the old case reopened by Sato and his team.”

Inspector Megure pushed the door and walked into the ward.

This is nominally the intensive care unit for Sato Miwako.

In reality, it has been transformed into the temporary command center for this major case.

Sato, the higher-ups have unanimously decided not to let you get involved in this case again in case of fear that you will encounter another accident.

“How can this be possible! I am the person involved!”

“This is an order! You will be temporarily assigned to another place. A female police officer will disguise you and stay here to fish.” (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Sato Miwako held her breath and wanted to say something, but she saw Officer Megure lower his hat and said in a deep voice:

“Because the current situation is so strange, we are really not sure whether there is another hidden murderer besides Kyosuke Fudo who is hostile to the police!”

“From now on, the Metropolitan Police Department will announce that Detective Miwako Sato was shot and her life is in danger.”

“When the other murderer surfaces, we will arrest him and bring him to justice. It will not be too late for you to come back, Sato.”

The play was played to the end, and Sato Miwako’s mobile phone was also temporarily taken over.[]

She was helplessly escorted to a remote police station in the countryside by her colleagues, who looked at her like she was watching the ball of their eye.

“Really, at least let me call Fuyuki-kun to let him know I’m safe!”

Just at this moment, Sato Miwako’s cell phone was handed over.

Then, the policewoman disguised as her stared at the mailbox and exclaimed!

“Look, Inspector! Fuyuki-kun is facing a death threat!”


The policemen rushed over and saw a bloody eye with the words: I am staring at you until the end of your death!

“Hiss! What a spooky look!”

“Is Fuyuki being targeted? When was the email sent?

The policewoman quickly asked Qian Jingfuyuki. He replied casually,”It’s just a spam email I received not long ago. My finger slipped. Miwako, just delete it.””!

“I just received a spam email! ? ?”

The police are not trivial.

Especially since they just determined that there was something else behind Fudo Kyousuke’s death.

Officer Megure and the others looked at each other carefully.

“Is it possible that Fuyuki-kun and Sara-san were also in the bathroom at the time of the incident?”

“Without their knowledge, they were suspected of witnessing traces of the murderer!”

“The murderer was afraid and wary of Dongshu, so he deliberately sent an email to warn him!”


The police collectively returned to the whiteboard filled with case clues and photos.

They circled Qian Jingdongshu’s name several times with a red pen and added a focus symbol.

“This time it’s really a big deal!”

It involves two important people and a family member of a deceased police officer. Officer Megure hurried to ask his superiors.

Odagiri Toshiro: No taboos, investigate as usual! We must catch the murderer before he strikes again and causes casualties!

After replying the message, he looked out the window with a heavy heart.

“When a person has a significant impact on the country, his ability will stir up a huge storm, then no one will care if he does something wrong, and someone will take the initiative to help him erase the unfavorable traces!”

Like the disappearance of the file of Fu Suo Lai Nan, in the end, won’t people only pay attention to those robots?

“I hope there is really no trace of Qian Jing Dongshu in this incident!”

Inspector Megure didn’t know about his superiors’ concerns.

He had been influenced by Qian Jing Dongshu’s skills, and his good impression of him had penetrated into his bones and brainwashed him. He was determined not to believe that he was a suspect.

For this reason, he was worried about Qian Jing Dongshu’s situation, and he even called to confirm

“You mean that spam email? Officer Megure, I’m impressed by the wisdom of you police officers!”

On the other end of the phone, Qian Jingdongshu was speechless.

It was a rare chance for him to guess that it was related to him, but he went so far as to make it completely wrong!

“It’s up to you guys, just don’t bother me on my date with Xiaolan!”

After giving the warning, he hung up the phone.

So the pressure was put back on the police.

Inspector Megure had a headache!

“Because of the bomb blunder at Teitan High School last time, Fuyuki-kun is now very reluctant to have our police track and protect him!”

With Fuyuki-kun’s superb hacking skills, extraordinary sensitivity, and his omnipotent intelligence network, at this point, we can only ask non-staff members for help!

“Huh? You want us to cover up for you police officers and protect Qian Jingfuyu?!”

Mouri Kogoro and Conan were called to sit in a row and were dumbfounded.

Officer Megure could only tell the truth about Sato Miwako’s situation.

“As you can see, as long as the murderer is related to an old case, Sato will be absolutely safe in the Police Hospital!”

“We, the police, will send additional personnel to follow and protect Ms. Shiratori Sara, and then try to ask her about the situation at that time.”

“The most difficult one left is still Fuyuki-kun!”

Mouri Kogoro scratched his head in annoyance.

“You guys really gave me a big problem! Is Qian Jing Dongshu so easy to follow? Do you think he is stupid?”

“”Nene, Officer Megure, what’s the matter with that old case?”

Conan asked innocently.

Officer Megure looked apologetic.

“Mr. Sman Conan, this is a highly confidential matter of our police force and cannot be leaked for the time being.”

“You and Maori-kun just need to keep an eye on Fuyuki-kun and keep him safe.”


Conan’s face drooped, looking very listless.

However, Inspector Megure’s words aroused his curiosity even more!

Not letting him know? He would ask the boss!

“Ah, a whiteboard for drawing, which we also used in art class~”

He limped and acted like a child, and no one was on guard against him. Conan quickly took this opportunity to peek at the suspects selected by the police on the whiteboard.

Tomosei Makoto, Niino Tamaki, Odagiri Toshiya, Zeni Fuyuki…

Keeping the names of the three suspects in mind except the boss, Conan followed Maori Kogoro and left the university.

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