
Qian Jingdongshu narrowed his eyes and looked over.

It turned out to be a character in the plot.

“How rude! Is this the tutor of Master Odagiri?”

An unfriendly voice sounded.

Sonoko, who was also dressed in a gorgeous outfit, came over.

The purple-haired man’s face froze.

“The eldest daughter of the Suzuki family! Tsk!”

He hurried into the venue dragging his instrument bag.

Yuanzi turned around and smiled at Qian Jingdongshu.

“Fuyuki-sama~~It feels like a long time since we last met. Do you miss me?”

“Of course, I will miss anyone who is missing from my side.”

Zenjing Fuyuki winked at her.

Sonoko couldn’t stand Fuyuki-sama talking to her in the frivolous tone of a scumbag.

Even though she knew he was a playboy, she still couldn’t help but forgive him!

“Ahhh~ I like Fuyuki-sama more than ever~”

She rushed over and hugged Qian Jing Fuyuki and rubbed

“”Okay, Garden!” Xiaolan couldn’t bear to watch it anymore and pulled her back here.

“Who was that man just now?”

“Odagiri Toshiya, son of Inspector Odagiri Toshiro, head of the Criminal Division of the Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department, is a rock singer.”

Zeni Fuyuki sneered,”I’ll remember him.”

Conan and Maori Kogoro shuddered reflexively! They were actually targeted by the boss (Zeni Fuyuki), this rude guy is in danger!

“Fuyuki-kun, Maori-san, and everyone else……”

Shiratori came over with a man with curly hair like his.

It took him a lot of effort to recognize all the beauties of Qian Jing Dongshu.

He wiped the sweat off his face.

“Welcome to my sister’s wedding, this is Fudo Kyousuke, my psychiatrist”

“”Hello, everyone.” The curly-haired man greeted politely.

Even to Qian Jing Dongshu, he was neither humble nor arrogant.

Qian Jing Dongshu couldn’t help but look at him more.

“Psychologist? Speaking of which, the police have been under a lot of pressure recently.

Maori Kogoro couldn’t help but say.

He still wanted to find out something.

Shiratori looked him up and down and smiled strangely.

“In fact, isn’t Maori-san the one who should see a psychiatrist?”

“What? What do you mean?

Maori Kogoro was stimulated by the suggestive look.

“Hey, Omai! I’ve explained it a thousand times that I’m not some dirty detective! There’s nothing wrong with my mind!!”

“Oh Dao-san, oh, it’s always so embarrassing.”

Xiao Lan held her forehead.

Shiratori took Fudo Kyousuke to introduce other big guys, and by chance, they ran into Odagiri Toshi, who had an argument with his father and left with a gloomy face.

“Hey, you guy, don’t you have eyes?”

Odagiri Toshi was also angry, and he grabbed Fudo Kyosuke and started to rage.

After scolding him, he felt that his face was familiar, and suddenly he showed a meaningful smile.

“Wait, I remember you, you were the youngest top surgeon at Toudou University Hospital, right?”

“Now that his left hand is injured, he has become a psychologist in a third-rate wild hospital?”

Kyousuke Fudo’s face changed slightly.

“Sir, I don’t know you, please let me go.”

As soon as the noise started, it immediately became the focus of the whole audience.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled playfully and led everyone around him to

“Let’s go and see what’s going on.”

Shiratori saw his colleagues in the police force, the guests from Shiratori’s family, and the groom’s family all looking at him.

He quickly went up to smooth things over.

“Mr. Odagiri, please spare Dr. Fudo for my sake. He didn’t mean it.”

“Your face? Ah, the young master of the Shiratori family, right?”

Odagiri Toshi also looked at his old man with a dark face, his eyes piercing like a sword. With his rebellious temper coming up, he smiled provocatively and said to Fudo Kyosuke:

“Aren’t you a psychologist? You should be good at guessing people’s minds.”

“Then let’s just pick someone to guess his thoughts. If you guess correctly, I’ll let you go!”

Everyone around was shocked when they heard this, and they whispered to each other.

“This is obviously embarrassing.”

The women around Qian Jing Dongshu also sympathized with the unlucky doctor.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled and took the initiative to push through the crowd and walked over.

“Sharing happiness with others is worse than enjoying it alone. What’s the point of just guessing?”

“If you want to guess, let’s go with the three of us. It’s more fun with more people.”

Qian Jing Dongshu!!

Now, who in Japan doesn’t know about this heavyweight?

As soon as he appeared, he immediately overshadowed Odagiri Toshiya and the other two.

Odagiri Toshiya only dared to get angry at the lower class people, and when he saw Qian Jing Dongshu’s half-smile, he immediately felt weak.

I don’t know why, he was fearless enough to argue with his own old man, but when he saw Qian Jing Dongshu’s red eyes, his heart seemed to be grabbed by something.

Just like a mouse seeing a cat, it dared not even fart.

“”Mr. Dongshu!”

Shiratori looked grateful, thinking that Qian Jing Dongshu was here to give him a chance.

“I’d better quit this game. I don’t dare to make a fool of myself in public.”

Kyousuke Fudo also breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly shook his head to refuse.

As a result, he and Odakiri Toshi were also pinched by Qian Jingfuyu on each side of the neck, smiling kindly.

“Hey, I hate being interrupted when I’m in a good mood.”

“Since I said guess, let’s guess together. Why not guess that beautiful lady?”

He seemed to be nonchalant, pointing at a beautiful lady in red, with long hair and a mysterious and unique temperament.

Nino Tamaki was originally following Odagiri Toshiya for the death of his brother, but he never expected that he would suddenly become the focus of everyone’s attention.

“Eh? Me?”

How did she attract the attention of the famous Fuyuki-kun!?

Nino Tamaki was stunned for a moment, and a blush immediately appeared on her cheeks.

“Haha, I guess, I can’t guess it!”

Odagiri Toshi also had cold sweats running down his back, cursing Qian Jingfuyushu in his heart that he was sick! (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!) There was no grudge in the past and no hatred in the present, but he was treated like this!

Fudo Kyosuke was also very embarrassed

“This… I have never met this lady before, how can I know what she is thinking!”

“Oh? Actually, isn’t it easy to guess at first glance? She must be wondering how she caught the attention of this big shot like me?

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled mischievously, looking through the crowd at his target today, the beauty of the limited edition of the theater[]

“Ah, Fuyuki-kun, you guessed it right.”

Rinno Tamaki was too shy to look into those burning red eyes, and quickly turned around and left.

Qian Jing Fuyuki was not in a hurry, as people would definitely bump into his hands.

As for Odagiri Toshi, there were two of them.

Qian Jing Fuyuki patted their shoulders and smiled meaningfully.

“You can’t even see something so obvious, you all lose, and the losers will be punished.”

【After determining the target, Odagiri Toshiya activated”Cicada Transformation”! From now on, for seven days, he will experience the ultimate pleasure of life without stopping!】


Odagiri Toshi’s face suddenly turned green.

He felt as if he was stripped naked and surrounded by a group of brothers, attacking him from front to back, man on man on man. His physiological reaction was out of control on the spot, and he was so scared that he peed and ran to the bathroom.

Fudo Kyosuke was not much better.

“Dong, Dongshu-kun, I didn’t provoke you, so forget about the punishment!”

Qian Jing Dongshu saw him whispering for mercy, and smiled, his mouth moving slightly, and no one could interpret it.

“Mind control!”

Fenghu Kyosuke’s eyes changed, and he walked into the crowd like a wandering soul, in front of the cynical young man.

Coincidentally, it was also because of his father’s death that Tomo Chengzhen mixed in with the police to investigate:???

Looking at the strange doctor with a suspicious face, he was hugged and kissed hard!


The whole audience was stunned!

Shiratori’s head exploded, he grabbed his face in despair

“Doctor Fudo, what are you doing?”

Even if Fuyuki-kun really came up with such a prank, you don’t have to do it for real!

After 5 seconds, Fudo Kyosuke woke up, and when he saw the friend he called come true, he became stiff!

“What, what’s going on!”

Is he possessed?

That Qian Jing Dong Shu – he turned around in horror, but saw that Qian Jing Dong Shu had gone back to flirt with his own beauty.

You Chengzhen was still angry, and slapped him twice, wiped his mouth frantically, and ran away cursing.

Fenghu Kyosuke was left alone, clenching his fists in silence.

Such a farce appeared at the wedding, and the people of the Shiratori family felt ashamed.

“Where’s Sara? Why isn’t she ready yet?”

“Tell her to come on stage with the groom quickly, and don’t let the guests laugh at her anymore!”

Shiratori Renzaburo hurried to find his sister.

But who knew that Shiratori Sara had left a letter and ran away from the marriage!

【Ni-chan, I still can’t accept the marriage forced by my family. You must not have the heart to watch your sister lose her happiness! 】

Shiratori Renzaburo was completely torn

“”It’s over. The Shiratori family is going to be a joke now!”

Let’s not talk about how the Shiratori family was shocked and angry when they heard the explosive news. They quickly ordered people to seal off the hotel and bring the bride back.

Qian Jingdongshu was only surprised when he heard the manager of his own hotel say this.

“Runaway bride? That’s interesting. It seems that the plot repair card should be used here.”

Then he will not hesitate to intercept.

“Yingli, you guys chat first, I’m going to the bathroom.���Use the landlord’s authority to directly lock the target.

The bathroom.

Shiratori Sara is trying to deal with her cumbersome wedding dress

“Phew, with my brother’s reaction speed, I need to be faster if I want to escape from the hotel.”

She looked at the package she had prepared in advance, and a firm look flashed across her beautiful eyes.

“Even if I have to risk climbing down from the window, I would rather not go back to that pedantic, suffocating, and unbearable family!”

“That won’t do. It’s very dangerous for a weak woman who has never experienced exercise to climb up the window.

Someone said with a smile behind her.

“”Who is it?”

Shiratori Sara was startled and immediately turned around!

What he saw was a pair of red eyes full of desire.

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