Qian Jingdongshu came back unexpectedly and met Xiaolan

“It’s almost the semi-finals, right? Xiaolan, you’re not going to participate?”

Did something happen? Curacao and the others couldn’t control it? That shouldn’t be the case.

Xiaolan was originally worried and anxious, but she was relieved to see that he was safe.

“Ah, I saw you suddenly disappeared, Fuyuki, and asked Sonoko and Naoko but they didn’t know. I was so worried that I couldn’t help but run out.”

“I’ll go back now.”

You don’t have to compete in the competition, but Fuyuki-kun is more important than anything else.

Xiaolan patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief, revealing an angelic smile.

“Contestant Maori Ran-san? If you don’t show up, will it be considered as your forfeit?”

“”Here, here!”

Xiaolan rushed into the scene.

Looking at her back, Qian Jingdongshu felt warm in his heart.

How could this silly girl not deserve his partiality and love?

“”387” Sonoko and Takei Naoko saw him coming back and quickly gave up the seats in the middle.

Qian Jingfuyu sat down directly under the envious and jealous eyes of the audience in the front row, holding the Suzuki family lady on the left and the melancholy and beautiful Takei Naoko on the right.

“Nene Fuyuki-sama, can you help me see whose phone numbers these are?”

“It’s so annoying. It’s been ringing non-stop since just now.”

Yuanzi handed the phone over, Qian Jingdongshu looked at it and smiled.

“It’s Conan, I’ll call back.”

He just took out his phone and found Conan sending him messages like crazy.

Now he completely understood what happened after scanning it.

“No wonder signing in to a kidnapper would make his lies come true, and he made up a bomb out of nothing, which scared the police.”

Zen Jing Dongshu was also drunk.

He had just sent a message to ask Tachibana Maya and the other two girls to drive away the police who walked into the school.

The next second, there was a commotion in the field.

“What? The game is suspended? We’re all asked to leave school?”

“What the hell! Xiaolan has been practicing so hard for a while! Isn’t it all in vain?”

Yuan Zi stood up and shouted angrily

“It’s really making a mountain out of a molehill.”

Qian Jingdongshu held his forehead with a headache. He was a little annoyed just knowing that his current identity had been exposed, but he didn’t expect it to be so annoying. The police began to treat him as a key target of attention.

Wouldn’t he have a lot of trouble going out in the future?

“Yuanzi, let the school calm the crowd and tell them what I mean. No one needs to leave.

Qian Jingdongshu had an idea and decided to use this occasion as a press conference.

Officially promote his mechanical security and the full intelligent butler series.

As for Xiaolan’s competition, although it will be a pity, he will soon compensate her.

Qian Jingdongshu thought of the unlocking conditions of the tropical paradise, and a smile appeared on his lips.

“In view of the incident in which a radical criminal was angry at the newspaper office for renting a house, I plan to fully enable mechanical security and adopt fully automatic AI scheduling to provide flexible services for everyone.”

“In the future, people who rent houses under my name will have full smart homes, which will be safe and secure. Please wait and see.”

Qian Jingfuyu called a few robots and performed in public.

The whole audience was boiling, and countless media came.

Qian Jingfuyu only dropped a heavy bomb, and let Horikoshi Yumi and Okatani Noriko deal with the rest, and then he left.

After finding Curacao and the others, Shiratori and Takagi were still unwilling to give up and continued to investigate.

“You say there are no bombs, so there are no bombs?”

“Who dares to bet on this? If there are other fish that slip through the net, the safety of Dongshu and everyone in Teitan High School will still be threatened.

Qian Jing Dongshu couldn’t help but show up.

“Actually, I don’t really need you police officers to take care of my safety now.”

“”Fuyuki-kun?” Shiratori, Takagi and the others were stunned.

They had always seen Qian Jingfuyuki’s easygoing side before, but when had they seen him be so unforgiving?

Qian Jingfuyuki glanced at the blasting team around them. (To read the explosive novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“I can defuse a bomb faster than all of you combined.”

“Scan bombs. My robot is equipped with a perspective device, so it can climb rocks and walls as if it were flat ground.”

“As for fighting ability, that’s needless to say. All of you combined are not as good as one of my fingers.”

“Let’s forget about this kind of thing in the future, just let me handle it myself.”

Although I know that every word Dongshu said is true, it’s really too heartbreaking.[]

Are they, the police, so useless in Dongshu’s eyes?

Shiratori and the others looked at each other, their faces looking a little unhappy.

Qian Jing Dongshu patted their shoulders.

“Take it easy, there will be many more speechless things like this in the future!”

“Get used to it, and get out of here quickly!”

After saying that, he left immediately!

When they turned around and told Officer Megure, after this blunder, knowing that he had mechanical security, these policemen would be completely quiet……

“A group of lambs gathered to protect the big bad wolf”

“What kind of comedy fairy tale is this?

Qian Jing Dongshu sneered and went to the locker room to pick up Xiaolan.

“Why didn’t I think karate uniforms were so rough before?”

“I deliberately didn’t make any big moves during the game today.”

“Phew, luckily the game was temporarily suspended, otherwise I really don’t know what to do, Dongshu-kun is really something.”

Xiaolan endured the slight tingling pain, and then heaved a sigh of relief and changed her clothes.

“Xiaolan, I caught you. What bad things are you saying about me behind my back?

Qian Jingdongshu’s teasing voice startled her.

Xiaolan blushed and turned around quickly.

“Ah, Dongshu, aren’t you holding a press conference?”

How embarrassing! Did he see what she did just now?

“Xiaolan, if your wound hurts, don’t be afraid to see a doctor. Let me help you~”

Qian Jingdongshu smiled meaningfully and walked towards her.

Just as he was about to kiss her, Yuanzi came running over.

“Xiaolan, you just asked me to buy the ointment for redness and swelling!”

“Eh? Fuyuki-sama is here too? What are you and Xiaolan doing in the locker room?”

Although Sonoko is no longer a girl, she is still carefree.

She looked at Qian Jing Fuyuki and Xiaolan curiously, and 2.1 didn’t think about anything else.

Xiaolan blushed and was embarrassed to death.


Yuanzi was a little confused by Xiaolan’s watery eyes.

But when she looked at her good sister, her eyes suddenly changed.

“Xiaolan, before you went on stage today, I wanted to ask you if your karate uniform is one size too small.”

She looked down at her software with dissatisfaction.

“I’ve been using papaya recently, but it doesn’t seem to work for some reason.”

Seeing the cute little confused Yuanzi chattering away, saying something that made him laugh.

Qian Jingdongshu couldn’t hold back any longer and laughed out loud while holding onto the storage box.

“Yuanzi, you are such a treasure”

“If you want to be like Xiaolan, it’s easy. Just wear her clothes and come to my room tonight. I’ll tell you.~”

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