Police dormitory.

Miike Naeko, who was taking leave to help Miyamoto Yumi move, and Sato Miwako looked outside in surprise.

“Why do people seem to be in such a hurry, as if something urgent is going to happen?”

Sato Miwako was dressed in casual clothes, and she instinctively wanted to go out and ask.

Miike Naoko held her back.

“Meiwako, since we have all asked for leave, let’s not worry about work for now!”

“There are so many colleagues in the Metropolitan Police Department, the sky won’t fall without the two of us”

“Yumi is still waiting for us at the new house~ The ingredients for the sukiyaki pot tonight haven’t been prepared yet!”

Sato Miwako apologized

“makes sense……”

Compared to the daily events, the sisters’ celebration of moving is more important.

Outside the karate competition venue.

Tachibana Maya and Curacao checked around and walked back.

“No abnormalities found”

“That guy might not plan to take action today?”

Just as the two women finished their conversation, several low-key cars drove past them.

“Wait, it’s the cops.”

Tachibana Maya instinctively pulled Curacao to hide in a corner.

The two women turned sideways and watched the police car with its lights off as it passed by.

If Fuyuki-kun hadn’t controlled a huge intelligence network and had superb hacking skills, they wouldn’t have been able to get 387’s help and know everything about the police in the Metropolitan Police Department.

“So many policemen, this is not an ordinary incident.”

As police cars passed by one after another, Curacao’s brows gradually frowned.

“Their target seems to be this high school? But why?”

Could it be that a particularly dangerous criminal has sneaked in?

“Wait! The guy who wanted to attack Fuyuki-kun!”

Tachibana Maya and Curacao looked at each other, their pupils shrank.

They quickly reached a consensus, one of them kept a close eye on the police, and the other hurried in to find Fuyuki!

“Is there a criminal in Teitan High School?”

The competition was about to begin, the venue was full and the atmosphere was extremely enthusiastic.

Qian Jingdongshu’s eyebrows twitched after hearing what Curacao whispered.

“Could it be that some plot has been triggered that I’m not aware of?”

“System, anchoring the plot”

【The target is being locked. It is located on the 18th floor of the Express Apartment, 1000 meters to the left of Mihua High School.】

【People who can sign in: One person】

【Key characters (items) in the plot: the kidnapped Junko, construction site]

The plot information this time is a bit vague.

Qian Jingdongshu closed his eyes and used super memory to think about it.

“Xiaolan Karate Tournament… The Abducted Junko……”

“I remember the episode where Conan stood up Xiaolan to save someone.”

A mentally ill prisoner didn’t take good care of his daughter, and she fell from the rooftop and died. He blamed the apartment manager for not locking the door.

In order to get revenge on the manager, he kidnapped the daughter and let him have a taste of his own medicine.

“Such a small matter actually alerted the police”

“The trash of the Japanese police is really refreshing the bottom line every time.”

Xiaolan is here, even if there is a bomb, it will be handled by the system, and even because he is here, a pop-up window will be displayed to inform you.

Now it’s quiet and nothing, but everything is safe at Teitan High School.

Qian Jingfuyushu was about to ask Curacao and Tachibana Maya to go over and solve it.

Thinking about the characters that can be signed, he decided to go there in person and make a quick decision.

“You guys stay here and keep an eye on the police to control the outside. Don’t let anything happen to Xiaolan.”

“I’ll be back soon.

Qian Jingfuyu went out and gave a command, and the Supreme Black Mamba started and flew over.

He stepped on the accelerator and headed straight for the plot sign-in place.

At this time, Officer Megure had already led people to Conan and the others.

A group of police officers stared at the listening device nervously.

“I have taken off my clothes and am standing on the balcony as you instructed!”

“What do you want? Don’t make things difficult for my daughter! And, and there’s also Qian Jingfuyuki!”

“What grudge do we have against you that you want to treat us like this!”

A timid, panicked and trembling male voice sounded. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

This is undoubtedly the father of the little girl.

As soon as he finished speaking, the bomber and kidnapper seemed very proud.

He said in a gloomy and neurotic male voice:

“(afcb) Stop talking nonsense, you are not qualified to negotiate with me! Try to satisfy me first!”

“Now, wave to the female students walking by!”[]

“If you don’t do this, your daughter Junko will die immediately!”

Knowing that the listening device only has the function of listening, it will not expose the eavesdropping channel here.

Officer Megure waved his hand hurriedly.

“Quick, check if there is a missing little girl named Shunzi!”

Several policemen hurriedly followed the order.

Conan frowned and stared at the folding screen map in his hand.

“Inspector Uchimegure, the criminal can actually grasp every move of Junko’s father”

“Even the female students passing by downstairs knew about it. Don’t you think it’s strange?”

It’s about the safety of the boss and Xiaolan, so he didn’t bother to hide it.

Saving people is the most important thing.

“Could it be that the criminal is right there, staring at Junko’s father with a telescope or something?”

Inspector Megure was startled!

“What Conan said makes sense. It seems that Fuyuki has taught you a lot of reasoning!”

“Quick, go around Teitan High School and look for the man who is stripping naked on the balcony and waving at the female students!”

“As long as we find him, we can narrow the scope and find the criminal who is spying on the opposite side!”


Another team of police rushed out.

At the same time, Takagi and Shiratori led the blasting team to sneak into Teitan High School.

“Inspector Megure, we’re already in.”

“Fortunately, a karate competition is being held now, and all the teachers and students are paying attention to the competition.”

“Very good! Keep the operation secret! Be careful to avoid surveillance!”

Inspector Megure said seriously:”If the criminal has accomplices, this is a carefully planned and premeditated action.”

“We are arresting people here, and the accomplice is still in Teitan High School. If the bomb is detonated, Fuyuki-kun will also be in danger!”


Shiratori and his group knew that Maya Tachibana and Curacao were watching them closely.

Even if they wanted to be high-profile, they would immediately take action to silence them all.

On the rooftop of the high-rise building opposite the apartment, they watched Junko’s father with a telescope, showing his ugly appearance and being spurned as a wretched man.

The prisoner couldn’t help laughing loudly.

“That’s right! I won’t let you go even if you die!”

“Keep singing for me, so that the neighbors can hear it!”

He wanted Shunzi’s father to be seen as mentally ill by outsiders, and to commit suicide like a perverted lunatic!

Then he would throw the little girl off the rooftop!

In the end, he used a non-existent bomb to force Qian Jingdongshu to take responsibility and completely stigmatize him!

“No matter how wealthy an entrepreneur is, he would be afraid of being criticized by the public!”

“This is the result of poor management that killed my daughter!!”

The prisoner was grinning viciously as he looked at Shunzi, who was crying in fear.


The rooftop door suddenly opened, and an impatient voice came out.

“You’re just not doing your job and disturbing me from watching the game?”

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