Metropolitan Police Department

“What case are you looking for me for?”

“”Mr. Fuyuki, you’re here so fast.”

As soon as Qian Jing Fuyuki appeared, Sato Miwako greeted him with surprise.

She hadn’t seen Mr. Fuyuki for a long time since the last time she was drunk.

“Miwako called, I immediately changed a new car.”

Zen Jing Dongshu said without blinking.

In fact, he thought the black gold was too noisy, so he gave it a love vacation to hook up with the beautiful car.

He temporarily modified the new car sent by the car company, just in time to try out new energy.

Feeling sweet in her heart, Sato Miwako didn’t ask any more questions and went straight to the point.

She looked at Qian Jing Dongshu helplessly.

“This incident has nothing to do with you, Fuyuki-kun.”

“But who made the person involved insist on seeing you before cooperating?”

“And the 200 million yen (9.54 million soft currency) that was robbed from the Beihu Bank has just been transferred to your name.”

She was talking to Qian Jingfuyuki face to face and didn’t notice that two repairmen were passing by carrying a huge glass

“”Sato-san, be careful!”

A reckless voice suddenly sounded.

Sato Miwako subconsciously took a step back.

“What? What happened?”

Her head was about to hit the glass!

Qian Jingdongshu didn’t think twice and grabbed her slender waist and pulled her into his arms.

“Miwako, are you okay?”

Miwako Sato’s erect body hit his chest hard, causing Qian Jingdongshu to feel a full shock.

She was stunned, and her face turned red as she looked at her beloved who was so close to her.

“Dai, Dai Jiaofu! Thank you, Dongshu-kun.”

The little hand that was originally a little reluctant to let go naturally embedded into Qian Jing Dongshu’s big hand, and pink bubbles seemed to appear around him.

Qian Jing Dongshu raised his eyebrows and turned around to look at Gao Mushi, who was assisting him, with a somewhat subtle expression.

“This reckless police officer looks unfamiliar. Is he new?”

“”Takagi-kun! When will you change your impetuous habits?”

Sato Miwako reacted and scolded him angrily.

Then she turned back and looked at Qian Jingfuyu tenderly.

“Fuyuki-kun, this is Takagi Wataru, our new rookie officer in the first investigation section.”

Huh? Rookie officer?

Takagi Wataru pointed at himself and looked at Officer Sato, who he had a crush on, and his heart was broken.

“As for Beihu Bank, we just got the property rights, and there are indeed some remaining issues.”

Qian Jing Dongshu let the system anchor the plot, glanced at it, and understood.

This is the love story of the Metropolitan Police Department!

I don’t know who specifically wants to see him

“Mr. Fuyuki, you are here. It just so happens that the wife of the bank president is also coming to take a statement as agreed.”

Shiratori Renzaburo and Sato Miwako are in charge of this incident together.

They are all old acquaintances, so they added some details to Qian Jing Fuyuki.

“Just three days ago, a 200 million yen robbery occurred at the Beido Bank”

“At that time, criminals took the wife of the bank president hostage. The police had no choice but to watch them walk away with the money.”

“Not long ago, the bank president’s wife suddenly said that she remembered some clues about the criminals and was willing to cooperate with the police, but the prerequisite was that she had to see you before she could tell you. So……”

Qian Jingdongshu remembered that the bank president’s wife looked like a mature version of He Ye.

She was very perceptive and immediately discovered who the criminal was, which led to her death.

“Now that I am the owner of Beihu Bank, she came to me and said that it was understandable.”

“This lady is quite smart to avoid stakeholders threatening her safety.”

Qian Jing Dongshu finished speaking, and a middle-aged man with a plump figure ran in breathlessly.

He was wearing a suit and looked nervously at his watch from time to time.

“Ah, I’m late! I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.”

He bowed politely to everyone when he came in. When he saw Qian Jingdongshu, his pupils shrank and his expression was obviously a little stiff.

“Who is this?” Qian Jingfuyu asked knowingly. Sato Miwako introduced:”This is the president of Haido Bank who was robbed, Masuo Keizo”

“Oh~ So you’re my new subordinate.”

Qian Jingfuyuki smiled playfully, and Masuo Keizao avoided his gaze and didn’t dare to look him in the eye.

“Hi! Hello, Mr. Qian Jingfuyuki!”

“”Master Masuo, where is your wife?” Shiratori asked with a frown.

“Ah, my wife……”

Keizo Masuo kept looking at his watch, and seemed very anxious and embarrassed.

“I don’t know why. We had agreed on this beforehand, but something went wrong on her end.” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“Officer, can I borrow your phone for a moment?”

Sato Miwako, Shiratori, and Takagi Wataru who came behind did not suspect anything.

“Just use it directly.”

Sato Miwako looked at Qian Jingfuyu with an apologetic look.

“I’m so sorry, Fuyuki-kun, for making you wait a little longer.”[]

“I’m fine, let’s see how his wife is doing.”

Qian Jingfuyu looked at Masuo Keizao leisurely.

Masuo Keizao was stared at so hard that he was sweating profusely, and his palms were so slippery that he could hardly hold the phone. After finally getting through, Masuo’s wife finally answered the phone.


“”Kayo, what’s wrong with you? You said you would take a statement from the Metropolitan Police Department, where are you now?”

Masuo Keizao said with some complaints, and smiled humbly to Qian Jingfushu and others.

Mrs. Masuo was very impatient.

“I’m cycling for exercise, you know that this is the time…Ah!!!”

Before she finished her words, she screamed miserably.

Everyone present changed their expressions!

The microphone over there fell to the ground with a bang, and no matter how Keizao Masuo screamed in fear, there was no sound.

“Officer! What the hell is going on? My wife Kayo, has she met with an accident?”


Masuo Keizao shouted in panic

“Oh no, could it be that the president’s wife was discovered when she was about to report the criminals to the police?”

“The criminals rushed into Masuo’s house and killed people to silence them!”

Sato Miwako and the other two policemen had serious expressions and ran out without thinking!

Qian Jingfuyushu called Sato Miwako to get in his car.

Considering the tight time, Sato Miwako thought it would be better to drive wildly by herself, so she shyly declined.

“Still no, Fuyuki-kun, you drive slowly, I’ll go first!”

Then he turned to Takagi and the others and said,”Takagi-kun, you and Shiratori-kun go together! Speed up and start!”

As Sato Miwako stepped on the accelerator, the red Mazda headlights floated a dazzling red line in the air and sped away!

Shiratori and Takagi did not hesitate, and took Masuo Keizao to catch up.

Qian Jing Fuyuki was left shaking his head behind

“You’re in such a hurry! I was just about to say there’s a shortcut.”

His new car hasn’t made its debut yet!

Qian Jing Dongshu opened the door and got in, and started it with one button!

The four wheels of the car were completely retracted, and the whole car body was suspended in the air, parallel to the ground, and it rushed at a flying speed.

It was exactly the kind of floating car that Yajirobe and others drove in Longzhu!

“The new energy is sufficient. If this invention (Li’s Zhao) comes out, it will shock the whole science.”

Qian Jing Dongshu hacked into the car navigation and wrote a program in seconds to drive automatically at a relatively safe speed.

Anyway, there was no one else around, so he just slacked off.

A floating car comparable to future technology was speeding on the road. How eye-catching! It took off completely, ignoring all traffic jams!

People who saw it along the way all stared with their eyes wide open and opened their mouths in disbelief!

Even Sato Miwako and the others had to turn according to the road conditions, go up the bridge, and go down the bridge!

Qian Jing Dongshu jumped over them completely from the top!

He walked in a straight line with a swagger, and they were so eager to save people that they didn’t notice the steps at all!

“Yumi, the traffic monitoring system suddenly sounded an alarm! A car was speeding 300 miles in the city! We’re coming to you right away!”Yumi Miyamoto, who was on duty at the Traffic Division, was shocked when she heard the alarm from her headset.

“It’s such a dangerous speeding, we have to stop it immediately or there will be an accident!”

She quickly turned on the police lights and stepped on the accelerator!

“Got it, I’ll intercept it right away!!”

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