“Uncle Maori, be careful.”

Conan knew Maori Kogoro was afraid of heights.

Seeing him trembling like that made his heart hang in his throat.

Uncle Maori really worked hard to make money this time.

Xun Zhuangping was watching the children holding the railings in the back, cheering Maori Kogoro up with a satisfied smile.

Just then, a customer called

“Maori-kun, you should do your best. I will go and do my work first and wait to see your results.

He turned and went back.

“” Hello!!”

Maori Kogoro was so upset that he almost cried.

Couldn’t you have called earlier? You’re just kidding me!

He wanted to go back, but he went back with his courage alone, and then he saw the world spinning around below.

I’m going to die!

What was even more tragic was that when he was holding the DV and trembling, Qian Jing Fuyuki pulled the curtains and saw him!


Zen Jing Dongshu narrowed his eyes, his expression a little dangerous.

The plot was not like this. What did the lawyer who murdered his wife want to do by asking Maori to cross the balcony?

To catch him cheating? To frame him?

He smiled, and a dark aura emanated from him.

Even the dullest Maori Kogoro could feel the chill in the air.

“Ah! I, I’m not! Qian Jing Dongshu! Please listen to my explanation!!”

He hurriedly hid the things behind him. He backed away with a smile, but his foot slipped!

He tilted his head back and fell directly from the balcony railing!


Maori Kogoro screamed miserably.

Qian Jingfuyu crossed his arms and looked at

“Uncle Maori!!”

It’s terrible!

I was caught by the boss at this time!

Uncle Maori, danger!!

Conan had thought of the suicide notes for himself and Maori Kogoro at this moment.

But he couldn’t just watch someone die, so he rushed over frantically and grabbed Maori’s pants!

With the strange power of science that broke out at the critical moment, he grabbed the man.

Conan screamed at the top of his lungs.

“Uncle! Give me the belt! I’ll tie it to the railing and you can climb up!!”

Maori Kogoro was almost scared to death. He almost understood what he said. With his years of judo skills, he handed over the belt with snot and tears, and struggled with his pants with one hand.

The sound of the pants tearing was heard little by little.

Conan almost raced against time to tie the strong belt.

“All right, Uncle Maori, climb up!!”

Maori Kogoro used up almost all of his life’s strength.

He panted until his face turned red, and finally reached the railing. He swung up like a swing and landed on the balcony of 504. Crack!

As a result, his arm was dislocated, and his thigh was about to cramp. He lay there like a salted fish.

“”Mr. Dongshu?” Xun and Mei were already rubbing their legs together in the room, and the tide was surging, and they couldn’t wait.

With a beautiful woman waiting, Qian Jing Dongshu sneered, and the curtains fell directly, and he didn’t bother to pay attention to Maori and Conan.

With his aura field filling the entire space, even if they were tossing around like clowns outside, it wouldn’t affect him.

Similarly, he couldn’t see anything inside, let alone hear any sound.

“Here I come, Miss Xun Hemei, I will personally help you to measure and tailor clothes~”

Qian Jingfuyu picked up the ruler and directly regarded it as a pornographic prop.

He used his skills with a sly smile, this is a pornographic man!

Xun Hemei was directly surrounded by the floating ruler while exclaiming.

With her hands and feet tied, she could only let Qian Jingfuyu bully her in various places in the room.

After Conan finally helped Maori to reset his dislocated joint, the big and small fell into deep thought facing the closed balcony of 504 and 503. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“It was normal for Qian Jingdongshu and that lady to lock the door, but what’s wrong with this lawyer Xun?!”

“Let us take a secret photo, I don’t know what shameful things I have done, I even locked the balcony when I answered a phone call!!”

This is the fifth floor!

The balconies of other adjacent rooms on the same floor are all on the other two sides of the building.

Maori Kogoro is afraid of heights. He just played the extreme heartbeat once and didn’t want to embarrass his old heart again.[]

Conan is so small that he can’t even reach the balconies above and below with his short legs.

The most frustrating thing is that the two of them didn’t dare to call the police.

After all, this is not a job that can be put on the table. If it fails and affects the reputation of the sponsor, then the detective’s job will be ruined!

“Boss, please open the door!”

“Uncle Maori and I know we are wrong, and we promise to let you pass through without listening or looking at anything!”

“The sun is so hot, people will be roasted to death!”

Conan had to knock on the door again and again in a very humble manner.

Qian Jingfuyu and the beauty were having fun, so who cares if they live or die.

Maori Kogoro lay on the ground in grief.

“This is the retribution for making money through illegal means!”

“I, Maori Kogoro, a famous man in my whole life, died from being locked outside on the balcony in the sun after a failed attempt to secretly take photos! I will never rest in peace!”

“Uncle Maori, don’t be discouraged. Even if the boss is angry now, he won’t ignore us in the long run… right!”

Conan was not sure, so he could only try and continue to call and knock on the door.

More than an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Just when Maori Kogoro and Conan were about to be dried up,

Conan’s voice was so hoarse that he couldn’t listen.

“Boss… help me!……”

The balcony sliding door opened like the holy light of Maria in their eyes. Qian

Jingfuyuki was full of joy from head to toe. After making full preparations, he didn’t mind Maori Kogoro and Conan borrowing the road.

“You should thank me and that lady for your tolerance. Please leave now.”


Maori Kogoro held up his pants, Conan stood at attention, and the two ran straight to the door at the fastest speed in their lives, with the most focused and serious attitude, and with a clear goal!

Just pretend that they didn’t smell the scent of heather in the room, and didn’t see that the carpet, sofa and wall were all severely damaged!

The big and the small went out, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Conan was so scared that he wanted to pee.

“Uncle Maori, I’m going to the bathroom!”

“Sure, go to the nearby convenience store and buy me a belt!”

Mouri Kogoro didn’t dare to think about how many people would think he was a perverted exhibitionist if he went out in this honor!

After giving Conan the money, Maori Kogoro clamped his pants between his legs, continued to pull the waistband with one hand, and smoked a cigarette with shaking hands to calm his nerves.

Next door, Xun Sohei finished two phone calls and was wondering why Maori hadn’t replied yet. When he opened the sliding door, he was gone!

He hurried out to look for him, and ran into Maori Kogoro, who was disheveled and had his pants not put on properly, and seemed to be smoking a cigarette at his wife’s door.!!!

At this moment, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the pupils shrank wildly.

Xun Sohei, he wanted to kill Maori Kogoro.

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