Qian Jingdongshu was very curious about what compensation the system gave him

“View New Construction”

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special”Beihu City Hotel” property rights】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special”Dongdu University Affiliated Hospital” property rights】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special”Former First Ooka Residence” property rights】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special”Mihua Pharmacist Hospital” property rights]

Two hospitals, Qian Jingdongshu didn’t take them seriously.

Beihu City Hotel, the former first item Ooka House is a bit interesting

“Maybe I can give Pisco a decent funeral.”

“The former Xiang family should not owe rent, right? I remember that the granddaughter of the Ooka family is quite pretty. I’d like to meet her by chance when I have time.

Qian Jingdongshu thought leisurely.

“What’s included in this upgrade?”

【Ding! Because the host is closely connected to the scientific world, the world wall is strengthened and becomes more solid when it is upgraded to a higher dimension. In the future, the emotion value required to draw blind boxes will be comprehensively increased.】

【Ordinary blind boxes are exchanged for 5,000 emotional points, rare blind boxes are exchanged for 10,000 emotional points, and self-selected supreme blind boxes are exchanged for 20,000 emotional points】

【The emotional value required for time travel is 100,000 emotional value for one day, and 200,000 emotional value for three days.】

“Huh?”Zen Jing Dongshu was not happy.

“System, you are not fair. Isn’t this a boomerang that stabs me?”

【The scientific world consciousness is subject to the host, and the hosting enhances the world’s repair power, which consumes a huge amount of energy. Please understand the host……】

That’s all right.

Who made Conan’s consciousness the same as Conan’s, sliding down and kneeling so quickly?

Qian Jing Dongshu said depressedly:”Even if the exchange point is raised now, I have to draw a self-selected supreme blind box with the 100,000 emotion points I originally locked!”

“There is still a reserved 100,000 yuan, and I have to go back once for three days as before!!”

【Ding! This system upgrade to LV5 has reserved the host’s right to draw the Supreme Blind Box with 10,000 emotion points for ten times!】

【In order to compensate the host’s rights, the next time you return and stay for three days, only 100,000 emotion points will be deducted!】

“Well, let’s settle the account now.”

Qian Jing Dongshu was satisfied and asked the system to settle the account.

【Sign in with Suzuki Shiro and get the reward of a modest gentleman! Specializes in improving the favor of politicians and businessmen, overlaps with the positioning of”Friends of the Zaibatsu” and”Tongzheng Ticket”, and has been merged!】

【Sign in to Suzuki Tomoko and get the reward of Master Carving! Now the host can do micro-carving at the level of Nuzhouji!】

【Sign in to Phantom Thief Lady/Kuroba Chikage——You will never go empty-handed with rewards! As long as you take action, you will definitely get something!】

【Sign in with Jack Connery – Reward for god-level planning, the host’s plan must be perfect!】

【Sign in to Pisco/Kenzo Masuyama – Reward your teammates for their recognition! Those who regard the host as a teammate in the same camp will spontaneously acknowledge the host’s achievements!】

【Counting the emotion values… Congratulations to the host, for critically hitting both the black and red sides and gaining double their shock emotion values!】

【Through the live broadcast, the host’s popularity has increased again! The entire Neon, the United States, and even the followers around the world all know that the host is a heavyweight financial figure in Neon, and the conversion sentiment value is 50,000 points!】

【The host’s current emotional value is detected to be 600,000. The limited-time redemption of the self-selected supreme blind box has been opened. Do you want to redeem all? 】

I have actually swiped so much?

Qian Jing Dongshu suddenly remembered that he had forgotten the settlement of the Dark Night Duke.

“First draw the ten times you locked before this time, and save the rest later.”

Time Flow is a money-eating beast, save what you should save.

【Refreshing the prize pool——】

【The prize pool has been automatically injected with universal property rights fragments, special property fragments, golden fingers, and welfare props! 】

Swish! (To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

Golden light appeared in front of Qian Jing Dongshu again, as well as golden reward cards.

He Xin took a quick look and immediately picked out ten things that he liked.

【Universal fragment *2】

【Special property rights”World Chain Car Company under Pisco” fragment *2】

【Beauty trap, a one-time welfare prop. Within 24 hours after use, beauties who have no intersection with the host will notice the host and automatically launch a fierce offensive against you!】

【XX Halo, a one-time welfare item, is used by designated targets. Within 24 hours, the other party’s mind will be full of xx behavior with the host. It has a serious M tendency, so use with caution!】

【Make your wishes come true, a harmless wishing skill, with a small range of realization, and the wish result is only useful to the host, once a day!】

【This is the Hentai Man! All the Hentai props can be controlled by the host with his mind!】

【The self-exposure call is a call that criminals can’t help but make when they are feeling proud. It goes straight to the police!】

【The rebound gun is a gun that looks normal but is actually strange. The bullets will be shot out from all kinds of strange angles, with strange effects. Use with caution!】

“Needless to say, the welfare props are getting wilder and wilder. The last two sound very interesting.”

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled.

Which unlucky prisoner should I find to play a prank on for fun?

There are too many prisoners in Ke Xue, and I couldn’t think of one for a while.

After waiting for a while, Qian Jing Dongshu found that Pisco’s car company had not been unlocked directly.[]

“View unlock conditions”

【Ownership of the world chain car company under Pisco’s name:

Conditions 1: Participate in the”Assassination of Shigehiko Tsuguchi” plot as an important 877 figure in the organization

2. Facilitate the confrontation between Conan and Gin

3. Kill Pisco personally

4. Obtain joint recommendations from six financial tycoons and entertainment industry insiders who attended the meeting]

Qian Jingfuyuki didn’t even think about it,”Unlock 14 fragments”

As for 23, it’s a piece of cake for him, just to brush up his mood value.

What’s more, he was eager to join in the fun.

After the settlement, the system sounded.

Qian Jingfuyuki was about to take a break when Horikoshi Yumi came over.

“Dongshu-kun, a strange person rented two floors today, saying that he was using it for filming.”

“But when asked about the crew’s registration information, he was vague.”

“In addition, Mika Taniguchi’s secretary at the fashion company said that she had received a big order.”

“A housewife was dissatisfied with the perfunctory design of the company and wanted to ask a real god designer to tailor a dress for her.”Yumi

Horikoshi is very enterprising. After being taught by Curacao, she quickly got the hang of the assistant work.

She could do other things as an assistant, but she felt that these two items were a bit problematic and had to be done by Qian Jingfuyu himself.

“Oh? Let me take a look.

Qian Jingdongshu glanced at it and smiled.

Two daily plots actually collided with each other? This is a coincidence.

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