The night fell, dark clouds covered the sky, and the weather was gloomy.

Qian Jingfuyu and Kyogoku Makoto stood on both sides.

There was only one witness at the scene.

No, to be precise, there was a special person.

【Ding! The consciousness of the scientific world is paying attention to this battle!

Qian Jingdongshu didn’t feel strange at all.

The last time he was a crazy man in the magnetic field, he discovered the three pillars of the origin of this world.

Wisdom, courage and trust.

Wisdom is represented by the protagonist Conan.

Courage is naturally the strongest Kyogoku Makoto.

Trust is represented by countless main characters such as Maori Kogoro and Inspector Megure.

If one of the three pillars collapses, the whole world will be in danger of turbulence and overturning.

So Qian Jingdongshu indulged himself with the girls that night and almost broke Conan, collapsing the world again and again.

Fortunately, because Conan recognized him as the boss, the system gave a hand, the magnetic field was reset, and everything was back to normal.

This time it was Kyogoku Makoto who was moved. In addition to sparring with Qian Jingdongshu, he wanted to figure out one thing.

“Let Fuyuki make the first move. I’m afraid that if I go all out, I won’t be able to stop and hurt you!”

Kyogoku Makoto said seriously.

He looked at Qian Jing Fuyuki for a long time. This man had flaws all over his body and was extremely relaxed in the true sense.

This made Kyogoku Makoto confused. He was cautious and alert.

If you can’t figure out the strength of your opponent, the best way is to defend first and find out the opponent’s moves!

But he didn’t understand that Qian Jing Fuyuki’s current strength had already far exceeded his imagination.

The opponent he was facing was not a human being at all.

“No, this guy is so weak that I can kill him with just one finger.

Qian Jingdongshu looked at himself and shook his head.

Don’t let the science of science collapse again before the experiment.

Although Kyogoku Makoto is a pillar, he is not the absolute protagonist of Conan. He is the stubborn and indestructible little cockroach that is the focus of the whole world.

“I will release the sea once, if he can still knock off one of my hairs, no, one hair, he will win.”

Qian Jing Dongshu muttered to a certain existence

“The activation time is slow, my own time is slowed down 10 times, no invincible physical skills are needed, just rely on my own body’s instinctive reaction.”

The system does it one by one.

“Qian Jing Dongshu-kun?”

Kyogoku Makoto saw that Qian Jing Dongshu did not respond, so he called out in confusion.

After waiting for a while, Qian Jing Dongshu’s slow voice came

“You attack first!”

“Well, excuse me!!”

Masters fight, there is no need for too much politeness, and besides, the blood in Kyogoku Makoto’s body has already surged to the peak!


Just like a Saiyan punching out, the ground sank into a deep pit.

Kyogoku Makoto rushed towards Qian Jing Dongshu without reservation.

Qian Jing Dongshu looked at his figure calmly. When time slowed down 10 times, the whole body’s reaction was also slowed down 10 times, including the super sharp perception.


Kyogoku Makoto’s speed was as fast as lightning and he was approaching in front of him. His punch seemed to cut through the space. Qian Jing Dongshu saw it belatedly. He also heard the heavy punch hitting the air. There was a sharp explosion in the air.

He slowly stretched out his hand, caught, countered, and broke!

It was a simple, plain action, purely a natural reaction of the body.

Bang! Snap! Snap! ——Kyogoku

Makoto’s pupils suddenly shrank, and he spat out a large mouthful of blood.

Under his clothes, half of his flesh and bones burst, almost exploded!!

Without even a muffled groan, the whole person flew backwards and hit a big tree that two people could hug together.

Snap, snap…

Horrible cracks spread from the place where he hit, the branches of the big tree exploded with a bang, the crown of the tree moved backward and tilted as a whole, and fell heavily to the ground!

Smoke and dust billowed!

“Sure enough, even if he stood still and slowed down ten times, he was still no match for me. He couldn’t even beat me with his instinctive reaction. He was too weak.

Qian Jingdongshu released the time delay and put one hand in his pocket.

“The winner is decided.”

Immediately, I heard the system sound of Ding Ding Ding!

【Ding! The host destroyed Kyogoku Shin with one strike, and the consciousness of the scientific world was shaken!!】

【Congratulations to the host for gaining the obedience of the scientific world consciousness!!】

【One of the three pillars of origin is shifting……】

【Congratulations, host! You have replaced Kyogoku Makoto and become the strongest and most indestructible pillar of the science world!】

【From now on, the upper limit of the strength of the scientific world will be bound to you. The stronger you become, the more tolerant the entire world will be! 】Oh, to put it simply, it will become like the earth in Dragon Ball, becoming more and more resistant, right?

“Anyway, the whole world is flat. You are the most awesome, and I admit defeat. I can do whatever I want in the future?”

Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows.

It was exactly as he thought.

Look at Kyogoku Makoto’s position in the plot.

The strongest, invincible, one-punch man in the world of science.

1. He can dodge bullets and fight with his girlfriend on the roof of a collapsed hotel building. He is so fierce and his single ability is awesome.

2. Sonoko’s boyfriend.

Now Kyogoku Makoto’s position has been taken away by him. He can replace this guy and become the most powerful and invincible one.

But, support this world?

No, from now on, the whole world will follow his development rhythm and wait for him to lead it to success.

“Maybe one day when I ascend to heaven, there might be immortal cultivators here.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled and turned back to look for Yuanzi.

Yuanzi was already stunned.

“Even though she knew that Fuyuki-sama was very powerful, this attack was beyond the human limit!!”

She could see how powerful that guy was just now.

Even so, Fuyuki-sama just raised his hand and knocked him down, just like 780 swatting a fly!

“”Wow! Fuyuki-sama!! 780 Fuyuki-sama!!”

Sonoko was so excited that she was going crazy.

What could make a woman feel more secure than a man she likes, who is handsome, strong and fierce? She wanted to kneel down at his feet immediately!

Qian Jingfuyu was about to say something when she heard a few more dings in her ears.!

【Congratulations to the host for conquering the first world consciousness. You will be given a reward of leopard print nail pants. Designated targets can use them. Wearing them will transform you into a wild and hot leopard cat girl for 24 hours!】

【To show its submission, the world of scientific consciousness presents you with a great gift: a conceptual-level locking mechanism. All women who meet your aesthetic taste are virgins!】

【The system is about to enter maintenance and upgrade, countdown 24 hours!】

【Your conquest reward has been sent to your backpack, please enjoy it! 】

Oh wow.

They are all quite smart.

Qian Jingdongshu immediately looked at Yuanzi with fiery eyes.

“Sonoko, do you like role-playing?”


Yuanzi didn’t understand what he meant at first, but when she saw Fuyuki-sama’s eyes, she understood. Her pretty little face immediately flushed.

“As long as Fuyuki-sama likes it, I can accept anything!” The beauty said so in her arms, so what is Qian Jing Fuyuki waiting for?

He led people to the hotel like a gust of wind sweeping away fallen leaves!


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