A small forest.

Qian Jingfuyu and Sonoko walked in front.

Xiao Ai followed slowly with narrowed eyes.

Conan was at the end, looking around alertly.

“Inside~ Fuyuki-sama, look–this way~”

Sonoko took out a camera and couldn’t hold back her desire to take photos of her beloved Fuyuki-sama from every angle.

Qian Jing Fuyuki also cooperated well. He was a top fashionista, a top photographer, and a god-level designer.

His current fashion aesthetics were also far beyond that of ordinary people.

As long as he was attentive, he could pose casually and smile, and it would be a photo that would drive thousands of girls crazy.

“Ahhh! Fuyuki-sama is so handsome! This angle also makes my nose bleed!”

“Look here~ Ahhh, Fuyuki-sama’s half-smile and half-smile look is also very beautiful~~”

Yuanzi completely turned into a screaming chicken, and she only knew how to surround Qian Jingdongshu, slapping him crazily and licking his face and muscles.

It was getting dark, and she didn’t notice that a dark shadow in the bushes a little further away looked back vigilantly.

“Flash! Who is it!”

Xiao Hei threw the body in the pool of blood and approached that side fiercely.

At this moment, Qian Jing Dongshu looked over.

Although there was a smile on his face, the indifferent and cold eyes made Xiao Hei feel the danger and his hair stood up!

Scary, that person was simply a terrifying existence!

Xiao Hei turned around and ran away in fear

“”What a coward.”

Qian Jingdongshu sneered

“”Hey, Fuyuki-sama, what are you talking about?”

Sonoko asked in surprise.

“It’s nothing. Yuanzi, the film in your camera is almost gone. Let’s go wash it nearby.”

“Oh! Yes! Of course I want to be the first to see the heroic figure of Fuyuki-sama~”

At this time, the plot was in the early stage, and the Polaroid image was not so clear.

Sonoko would certainly not allow such an eye-catching flaw to be placed on Fuyuki-sama!

She was shyly about to ask Qian Jing Fuyuki to wait for her, come back soon, and go to the hotel together.

Qian Jing Fuyuki walked over and naturally took her hand,”Let’s go, there is a Sea House Hotel in front.”

“Before I brought Xiao Ai here, I read a lot of travel guides. This place provides film cleaning services.”

“The seafood dishes are also very good. I booked a table in advance.”

“”Okay, okay!”

Sonoko suddenly became excited, her pretty face flushed!

Fuyuki-sama was so considerate~ He actually paid attention to so many things just because she came over, and even ordered food.

Rounding it off, this is their candlelight dinner~!

At this moment, she seemed to have forgotten the two children on the side.

And what Sonoko was most excited about was not only these, but Fuyuki-sama was strong and gentle and held her fingers.

“Ahhh~ Dongshu-sama loves you so much~”

A voice in his heart couldn’t help but blurt out.

Qian Jing Dongshu’s mouth corners raised slightly, his eyes burning as he looked at her

“Are you not moved enough by just this level?”

“Lovely Sonoko, more important things are still to come.”

I am really looking forward to it more and more!!

Sonoko’s beautiful eyes are full of pink hearts.

I don’t know if Fuyuki-sama is going to perform magic this time, or give her a subversive surprise!!

The four of them came to the hotel, and Qian Jing Fuyuki took Sonoko straight to the table by the window.

Conan wanted to follow, but was pulled by Xiao Ai behind him and dragged to the other side by his hat.

“Hello, what are you doing?”

“If you disturb someone’s love, you will be struck by lightning. Didn’t your mother teach you that?”

Xiao Ai would not eat with this guy. She had already ordered a package and was just helping Qian Jingdongshu to control this nosy detective.

“I don’t have a mother.”Conan muttered unconvinced.

If the eldest brother was afraid of disturbing others, he should have said it earlier. If he didn’t come out, it would be over. He knew that he had low emotional intelligence.

When the two children walked away, Qian Jingdongshu asked Yuanzi to sit by the window and he sat next to her.

Yuanzi noticed this detail. The little woman who was blind in love was also touched for once.

She pulled her jeans shyly.

“Fuyuki-sama, do you not like women wearing revealing clothes?”

“In theory, it is your freedom to wear whatever you want, but……”

Qian Jing Fuyuki looked into her eyes domineeringly and said seriously:”The woman I like, of course, can only show her body to me.”

Wow!! Jealous and domineering Fuyuki-sama is also very charming!!

·· ········Request flowers· ······

·· ········Request flowers· ······

At this moment, the hormones are simply overflowing!!


Yuanzi stared at him blankly, smelling the indescribable but intoxicating scent on Qian Jing Dongshu’s body, and her slender white legs softened instantly.

Her cheeks were also burning, and her brain seemed to be overloaded, constantly spewing hot air, and her thinking was completely stopped!


A large tray was suddenly put up.

A dark-skinned man with glasses put all the dishes up with an expressionless face. The veins on his hand holding the plate were bulging, and all the muscles in his body seemed to be tense.

“Please enjoy your meal, my two guests.”

What a strong aura, master!

Kyogoku Makoto turned around and felt the tremor from his heart.

……. 0

……. 0

It turned out that the girl he liked came to the hotel, and he couldn’t help but pay more attention to her.

Unexpectedly, he ran into her and someone else’s love scene, which was very painful. But when he got closer, he found that Sonoko’s boyfriend was not an easy person to deal with!

The warlike blood in his body instantly overwhelmed the emotional sway, and his blood became boiling!

【Sign in with Kyogoku Makoto and be rewarded with the title of King of Kicks! It overlaps with the”Invincible Taijutsu” and has been merged!

Qian Jingfuyuki also withdrew his gaze from the top master of science.

The strongest?

I wonder who will be the real invincible king of this world after today.

“How rude! How can such a cute lady listen to such low-brow speech and not show her beauty openly?

Suddenly, a slick voice came from the next table.

A man who looked decent and handsome came over and threw a wink at Yuanzi.

“My name is Michiwaki Masahiko, and I noticed the super cool and charming Ms. Sonoko as soon as I entered the door.”

“You don’t have to care about what anyone thinks, your outfit today is just right……”

Before he could finish his words, Qian Jing Dongshu looked at him as if he were a lunatic and interrupted him without any hesitation:

“If you like showing the women around you exposed to others so much, why don’t you let your mother show it to me first?”


Michiwaki Masahiko’s face immediately turned from blue to red and then purple, and he was so angry that he was about to die!(゜-゜)tsu

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