Everyone was shocked

“Maeda Satoshi? How could it be him?”

Maeda Satoshi’s pupils shrank, and he looked at Conan in shock.

“Because your last unnecessary action exposed your identity.”

Qian Jingdongshu took out his mobile phone, called up the surveillance video, and projected it directly on the TV screen.

“Hey, Qian Jingfuyuki!” Yokomizo Sango couldn’t sit still anymore.

Could you please not check the surveillance in front of the police? It’s too arrogant!

Qian Jingfuyuki ignored him,”Look, the evidence was very clear when Conan was chasing him.”.

Everyone looked closely and was shocked.

“What neat and nimble moves, and some of them are obvious dodging moves commonly used by karate masters!”

“Yes, Maeda Satoshi, you are the former national karate champion!”

Conan said calmly:”Can you tell me why you appeared in front of Miss Kamijou Hideko and Miss Sayama Akiko dressed as the Duke of Darkness at this critical juncture when a murder happened?”

“He definitely doesn’t have the guts to have any thoughts about my woman.”

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled disdainfully,”He probably showed up on purpose to cover up another accomplice to clean up the traces!”

“What other accomplice?……”

Maeda Satoshi was shocked.

Qian Jingfuyu continued to check the surveillance video.

“A woman…just as Fuyuki-kun said! She was dressed in black and had a strange bandage on her head!”

Yokomizo Sango said excitedly,”It turns out that we police officers were tricked into leaving the mountain and almost wrongly accused Fuyuki-kun!”

“This clears half of the suspicion on Brother Fuyuki. As for the fake……”

Conan looked at Qian Jing Dong Shu in embarrassment, Qian Jing Dong Shu raised his eyebrows and spread his hands

“There is nothing wrong with this. It is my new way of teasing this kid.”

“He even deliberately did a trick, Conan, I don’t know if you can see it.”

He admitted it! This boss with a bad taste.

Conan wanted to complain madly in his heart, and his mood fluctuated constantly.

But he said,”The dummy that fell with me at that time was blown to the statue by the princess wind, which was obviously calculated precisely.”

Speaking of precise calculations, Maeda Satoshi and Sayama Akiko’s faces changed slightly at the same time.

Qian Jingfuyu looked at the two of them and smiled without saying anything.

Conan continued to dialysis

“In fact, if you change your mindset and look at Brother Dongshu’s behavior, it’s very simple.”

“He just loves to play tricks on me and Uncle Maori. Otherwise, it’s hard to explain how someone could be so bored and do this.”

“Mr. Jiang Yuan’s fall can be traced in the same way, and his landing point can be traced from which room he fell.”

After speaking, Qian Jingdongshu clicked a few times with his mobile phone

“I have now used 3D animation simulation to import the princess style parameters and building models, so you can take a closer look.”

Sayama Akiko’s beautiful eyes trembled, and she subconsciously took a step back. She had completely believed what Qian Jing Dongshu had said. The so-called perfect crime, in the eyes of such a terrible person, is really no different from a sieve with loopholes!

It was her wishful thinking, which was too ridiculous.

“Ah! Sure enough, only the dummy that fell from the balcony of Ms. Sayama Akiko’s room would fall on the statue!!”

Konno Shiro pointed at the result of the fall at the bottom of the screen in shock.

There is a 3D animation simulation, which intuitively marks the wind direction, falling arc, and location of the dummy thrown from the balcony by each member of the tour group.

“The cunning criminal! Oh no, the scary Fuyuki-kun!”

“Who could have thought that the prank dummy would fall from Miss Akiko’s room!”

“If Mr. Jiang Yuan falls on the statue again, Miss Mingzi will be speechless!”

The old man with sunglasses said in amazement.

He was even more shocked by Qian Jingdongshu’s flexible thinking. He could simulate the crime in this way.

In the current Japanese, no, the criminal investigation world of the world is of groundbreaking and milestone significance!

It is extremely helpful in solving cases, and the effect is very explosive!

He is no longer a hacker.

If the top leaders of Japan knew about his flexible and powerful network architecture and innovative adaptability, they would definitely dig him into the Ministry of State Security!

“Also, you can clearly see that Mr. Jiang Yuan fell from Brother Fuyuki’s balcony.”

“Officer Yokomizo and I both discovered suspicious signs of broken ropes on the walls and balconies.”

“Officer Yokomizo believes this is evidence that Fuyuki’s brother committed the crime, but I don’t think so.”

“I thought it was the rope used by Dongshu brother’s dummy as a prank, but now I find that there is another possibility!”

Conan’s glasses flashed

“That’s framing someone!”

Zen Jing Dongshu looked at Conan who was going down the wrong path and was curious.

How did a famous high school detective fool himself ?

“How did you know?”

“First of all, Brother Fuyuki is dating Miss Kamijou and Miss Akiko, one after another, so how can he have the time to commit a crime?”

Conan said righteously.

Kamijou Hideko, who took the lead in making the invitation, blushed, and Sayama Akiko rubbed her waist unnaturally.

Kamijou Hideko nodded,”I can prove that Fuyuki did indeed fake the email sent by the organizer and let everyone play a role-playing game together”

“I was the one who suggested the guessing game. If you check the surveillance footage, you’ll know that Fuyuki-kun stayed in my room all that time and never went out.”

Conan gave Yokomizo Sango a”just watch” look on his face, and then grinned at Zenii Fuyuki to take credit.

Zenii Fuyuki didn’t look at him, but smiled at Kamijou Hideko who was testifying for him so cutely.

Conan pouted in dismay, preferring women over his younger brother.

He continued,”Habara-san is the only one in the room. You can’t expect a little girl to be your assistant in a crime, can you?”

“Looking at Mr. Jiang Yuan’s fall, it was clearly the fuse of the rope mechanism set on the door of Brother Fuyuki’s room!”

“That is, we went to find her and Brother Dongshu, the moment the door opened! This just happened to be a pre-existing alibi for the criminal! It was also very sinister to frame Brother Dongshu!”

At this moment, Xiao Ai couldn’t help but smile subtly.

She finally understood why Qian Jing Dongshu was so fearless to tease this high school detective.

It was so interesting.

He seemed to have really forgotten that she came from an organization and had killed people in the past for experiments.

“Ah, let’s say children……”

Henggou Chanwu was in a dilemma.

Xiaoai felt wronged when she heard this, and she was about to cry for a second.

“Do I, a kid who has to stand on tiptoe to open the door, have to be suspected? You adults are so annoying!”

“The prisoner is so scary! I want to go home! Who knows when he entered our room!”

She rushed to Qian Jingdongshu, grabbed his pants as if in panic, and hid behind him with shaking shoulders and refused to come out.

No, she was afraid that the disguise would not last for a few seconds and someone would see through her. She wanted to laugh

“Ah, little sister, that’s not what I meant!”

Yokogo Sango blamed himself!

What was he thinking? He shouldn’t suspect a primary school student no matter who he is!

This is not a horror movie!

Qian Jingfuyu looked at Conan,”Solve the case quickly, Xiao Ai is frightened and should have a good rest.”

“Well, that’s what I want to say!”

Conan quickly speeded up his reasoning.

“Who has the skills to bypass the surveillance, tie ropes everywhere on the platform, make arrangements in Dongshu’s brother’s room, tie Mr. Jiang Yuan under the balcony, and do so many dangerous things?……”

“Apart from the bandaged weirdo lady who is most obvious on the surveillance video, the next one is you, Maeda Satoshi!”

“Then there is the surveillance evidence that is set in stone. Why did you dress up as the Duke of Darkness and appear strangely to scare the two big sisters?

Everyone looked at Maeda Satoshi.

Qian Jingdongshu also waited for Maeda Satoshi’s answer.

Because this person chose the same as the original plot, the moment he wore the Duke of Darkness suit, he knew this person’s choice.

“I, I plead guilty! I was the one who killed Tokio Ehara!”

Maeda Satoshi stared at his fist and didn’t look at Sayama Akiko.

“My best friend committed suicide because his newly developed software was stolen and leaked by hackers!”

“What’s wrong with me avenging him? And Jiang Yuan Shinan, this guy, was not satisfied with just one success, and he even wanted to attack a more powerful virus!”

“At this point, there is nothing I cannot confess. The only thing I am sorry about is that I took advantage of Akiko.……”

Conan and Yokogami were stunned

“Are you taking advantage of Miss Akiko?”

“What’s the matter?”

“Akiko wanted to find the hacker who killed her brother, so she planned this Izu reasoning trip! I also helped her promote the Dark Duke virus!”

Maeda Satoshi has always remembered his friend’s suicide note and took care of Sayama Akiko as his own sister. How could he not know her plan!

Besides, she secretly practiced locking with tape in various occasions. He is not blind, of course he found out!

Maeda Satoshi looked at Qian Jingfuyu with complicated eyes.

They all understood that at this moment, the truth was not important.

“We successfully lured out Jiang Yuan Shinan. I hid it from Mingzi and changed her plan. I performed 150 magic tricks and let the Duke of Dark Night send him off!”

“Use his greed to make him fall into the abyss and be shattered to pieces!”

“Because I was worried that the police would find out Mingzi’s online plan through clues, I appeared in the Dark Night Duke’s suit to help her clear the suspicion!”

“I didn’t expect it to be discovered so quickly.……”

Maeda Satoshi became more and more excited as he spoke

“Anyway, please arrest me!”

“I don’t know the woman who ran away, but maybe she is someone my poor friend knows and came to help!”

The truth of the incident has been revealed at this point.

Yokogami Sango bowed to Qian Jing Fuyuki in shame.

“Fuyuki-kun! I’m so sorry! I actually misunderstood you and treated you like a criminal! You’re such a jerk!”

“It doesn’t matter, it’s the duty of a police officer.

Qian Jingdongshu waved his hand casually.

If you ask him what conscience is at this moment? It doesn’t exist.

Yokogami Sango looked at him with emotion.

“Mr. Fuyuki is so generous and magnanimous. It is really an honor for our Shizuoka Prefecture! Next time you come, I will host you.!”

“It’s the 3D crime simulation software… ahem, can you……”

Qian Jingdongshu smiled

“I don’t think your small Shizuoka Prefecture can afford this kind of copyright, so let the Neon Police Chief come to talk to me in person.”

Yokomizo Sango was stunned.

So arrogant, so domineering!

Kamijou Hideko and Sayama Akiko looked at the high-spirited Zeni Fuyuki, and the love in their beautiful eyes was about to burst out!

“Oh wow, it seems that the Duke of Darkness really only exists in books”

“It’s a rare trip to Izu, Fuyuki-kun, as colleagues, we should have a good exchange.”

The old man with sunglasses made a meaningful invitation to Qian Jing Fuyuki.

Qian Jing Fuyuki remembered that in the original plot, this old man was the original virus creator of Jiang Yuan Shinan’s theft, a strange existence who regarded 18x butter as his son.

Wait, butter?

A smile immediately spread.

He looked at the old man with a sharp gaze.

“How could I miss the invitation from Mr. Jincheng, the master who created the”High School Girls War”?”

Come on, I have a lot of ideas that I want to discuss with you!”.

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