A group of people quickly followed Conan to Qian Jingdongshu’s room

“”Fuyuki-kun! Xiao Huiyuan-chan! Are you there?”

Just after knocking on the door, Xiao Ai opened it.


An extremely subtle sound.

It was as if some tight silk thread suddenly broke.

Conan moved his ears and looked inside in confusion.

He saw Xiao Ai yawning and glancing at everyone.

“Looking for Qian Jingdongshu? He’s not here. He’s on a date with the beautiful girl upstairs.”

“Ms. Kamijou Hideko?”

“Did they form an alliance? Sure enough, they are cunning.”

Everyone was shocked, but as adults, they all ran to find Jiang Yuan Shi Nan.

Conan took a step back and took another look at Xiao Ai standing at the door, but didn’t think much about it.

Maybe the boss knew that Shirley was left alone in the room, so he was worried about taking multiple anti-theft measures.

But just as he ran to Jiang Yuan Shi Nan’s room with everyone, a huge scream broke out downstairs.


Conan slammed on the brakes.

“What happened down there?!”

The elevator opened, and a panicked waiter came up and ran in the same direction with them.

“Everyone, are you also here to confirm with Mr. Jiang Yuan Shinan?”

“What’s going on? What are you sure about?”

Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

“Mr. Jiang Yuan, just now, wearing a strange outfit, fell from the building and died!!”


Everyone in the tour group was shocked!

They ran to Jiang Yuanshi’s men’s room in disbelief, and waited for the waiter to swipe the card to open the door.

The windows were wide open, and the room was empty!

There was only a Dark Night Duke’s cane that seemed to have not been equipped yet, and a rope hanging from the corner of the table to the balcony outside, but it was broken!

“Jiang Yuan-san!!”

“Sure enough, the person fell from his room!”

Sayama Akiko’s pretty face turned pale and she stepped back in disbelief.

“How could this happen…he just died like this?”

Seeing everyone looking over, Sayama Akiko suddenly shouted excitedly:

“Isn’t it said that we should solve the mystery and catch the murderer? The organizer hasn’t even shown up yet and one person has already died. Isn’t this too absurd?”

“Why did that email ask us to wear the Duke of Darkness suit? They wouldn’t randomly pick their victims, would they?”

The already tense atmosphere became even more tense because of her words!

“No matter what, call the police first!”.

“Jiang Yuan Shinan, 32 years old, currently unemployed”

“He also heard that this Izu reasoning trip would have a disk containing the legendary Dark Duke virus as a reward, so he joined in the hope of making a fortune.”

The police soon arrived. This is Shizuoka Prefecture, and the officer in charge is Officer Yokomizo Sango of Coral Head.

This man admires Maori Kogoro very much.

“So you guys are the only ones in the tour group?”

“And me and Miss Kamijou Hideko.”

Qian Jingfuyuki embraced Kamijou Hideko, whose face was flushed and whose feet were floating.

Kamijou Hideko had already put on his coat, and her mind and soul were floating in the sky.

Fuyuki-kun, he is really as strong as the rumors say… She was convinced.

“Ah, who is this?” Yokogami Chanwu asked in confusion.

“Officer, let me introduce myself. I am Qian Jing Dongshu, the landlord of Mihua Street.”

“He is also a member of the Izu mystery tour group and is also interested in the legendary virus disk.”

When Yokomizo Sango heard this familiar name, he immediately realized what was going on.

“Ah! I remember you! You’re the guy who always makes Mr. Maori feel bad!”

“What Kyoto police savior……”He pursed his eyes,”I won’t let you underestimate our Shizuoka police this time!”

Qian Jingfuyu raised his eyebrows. Sayama

Akiko and others could no longer hold back their eagerness and said to Yokomizo:

“Officer, is this the right time to say this? Let’s catch the criminal quickly, otherwise we will all be in danger!”

“Yes, who knows if this heinous crime will continue to happen to us!”

Everyone is in danger.

Anyway, no one dares to touch the dark night duke suit that seems to portend bad luck.

Yokomizo Sango is still leading the forensic police to investigate and collect evidence. Conan has quickly checked the condition of the deceased and came to Qian Jingfuyu in a bad mood.

“Boss, you haven’t explained yet, why do you play pranks and scare people when you’re just picking up a girl?”

“What did I scare you about?”

Qian Jingfuyu asked lazily, playing with Kamijou Hideko’s beautiful hands.

“That dummy that fell earlier! And that incident of pushing me!”

“I’m telling you, if you don’t stop playing around, the police here will treat you as the number one suspect!”

Conan was afraid of being talked about by many people, so he whispered behind everyone’s back.

“What if I am the culprit in this incident?

Qian Jingdongshu said frankly

“You?” Conan said with a half-moon eye,”Stop it! Do you have a sufficient alibi?””

“And you and Jiang Yuan, at most you had an argument in the hotel lobby during the day, and he unilaterally mocked you, what kind of motive is that?”

With the boss’s temper, wouldn’t he retaliate in person when he’s unhappy?

Qian Jing Dongshu pondered,”You said that yourself”

“Humph, who are you looking down on? I will find evidence to prove it for you!”

Conan left the words and rushed out.

He didn’t believe that the old man would commit a crime.

Qian Jingdongshu and Xiao Ai exchanged a look, and Xiao Ai made an OK gesture.

“Everything has been handled, so it doesn’t matter how Conan investigates.”

“There are two fish that slipped through the net, how can we let them go?”

After taking the statement, Qian Jingfuyu sent Kamijou Hideko back to her room, and walked all the way to Sayama Akiko’s room.

Sayama Akiko was wandering anxiously.

After calling the police, they went downstairs and saw Jiang Yuan Shi’nan’s body that was smashed into pieces.

In addition, there was the suspicious dummy that fell at the same time as Conan.

Sayama Akiko was afraid of nothing else, that there was a mastermind behind the scenes who perfectly copied her plan of revenge, so that the dummy was blown by the princess wind to the statue and directly penetrated!

If the police follow the clues and investigate from the dummy… the special nature of her room will be revealed!

By then, how the Izu Reasoning Journey was born, and the rumors of the Dark Night Duke virus that were deliberately fueled, will become strong evidence to trap her to death!

“I can’t just sit there and give up. I’ve only carried out half of my plan and haven’t even had time to start!”

“Damn it, who ruined my perfect crime?”

“Jiang Yuan Shinan, it was a blessing for him not to die in my hands!”

At this time, a teasing voice sounded from behind her.

“Oh? Even though she was smashed to pieces, it was not enough to extinguish the flame of revenge in Miss Mingzi’s heart?”

· ·······Request flowers·· ·····

“”Who is it?!”

Sayama Akiko was so scared that she broke out in a cold sweat!

She clearly remembered to lock the door!

She turned around in shock and smelled the sea breeze that enchanted her.

“It’s you! Qian Jingfuyuki!!”

Sayama Akiko looked at the man in front of her in shock.

“How did you get in? No! What did you mean by what you just said! ?”

“When it comes to Kuroko No Shiro, the entire Izu mystery journey and the secret of the Dark Night Duke are transparent to me.”

“Although Ms. Sayama Akiko tried very hard to cover it up with hacking skills, I am still sorry that your skills are really not good enough.

Qian Jing Dongshu shook his phone

“A true professional can find everything with just a few clicks.”

“If they were police officers, someone would have pointed it out to them and they would have found out sooner or later.”

“Furthermore, if you use the method described in your private diary, let alone a perfect crime, locking the door with tape and deliberately creating a closed-room murder style is a big mistake on your part.”

“How can tape not leave traces when it touches something?”

………. 0

Sayama Akiko’s pretty face was tense with anger.

“You, are you here to mock me?”

“How could that be? I have always been kind to women.

Qian Jingdongshu’s red eyes flashed with ill intent.

He slowly walked towards her.

“I understand Miss Mingzi’s desire to avenge her brother, but I am not a philanthropist.”

“Jiang Yuan’s words offended me, so I gave him a lesson of death. Miss Mingzi also used me to take revenge in disguise, so I have to collect the benefits I deserve.”

“Miss Akiko could just shout out her dissatisfaction and stand on the balcony to invite everyone else. Then your secret will be lost~”

This wicked man!

It turns out that he planned everything!

Akiko Sayama was so angry that her breasts were surging. At this moment, her glands were blocked.

“sa~ What choice will Miss Akiko make?”

Qian Jingfushu’s tall figure enclosed her in his territory, and his smile was a sure win.

Akiko Sayama’s cheeks flushed.

Who made her handle in the hands of the man?

Since she was destined to be unable to resist, she might as well enjoy it!

This strong and lean body, the perfect face like a god, she still earned it

“Mr. Dongshu, you have to keep your word!”

“Of course.”

Qian Jingdongshu hugged her, looked down from the balcony, and smiled happily.

“I have to thank Miss Mingzi for helping me kill two birds with one stone.”

“Huh? Ah… you bad guy……”.


In the dark night, a mysterious woman in tight black clothes, moving as nimbly as a cat, with layers of bandages covering her face, was climbing over the eaves and walls, checking every trace.

“There is no mistake. This is a bold and subversive rope magic performed in the name of reasoning and the so-called ghost killing in the book!”

The phantom thief lady Kuroba Chikage touched the rope on the wall in an instant, carried the gravity object, and suddenly broke the traces on the wall and the edge of the balcony.

The cautious eyes seemed to penetrate the layers of balconies and looked at the position where Qian Jing Dongshu was.

“Kaito, you have indeed met a formidable opponent!”

This time I checked the place in advance, and it was the right time to come!”

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