“What an infinitely beautiful day.~”

“Great master, you and this lady are a perfect match, a perfect match made in heaven, and I don’t need to do anything.”

In a black and gold off-road vehicle with a futuristic appearance and cool and domineering lines,

Qian Jingdongshu’s ears echoed with the chatterbox’s constant honking.

Fortunately, only he could hear it. Otherwise, if Xiao Ai in the passenger seat knew that the car was going to bump up and down suddenly, so that she could get into his arms and continue to nest dolls, she would be so scared that she would jump out of the car on the spot.

“I think with the shame speaker here, you don’t need to do anything extra for now.”

Qian Jing Dongshu warned the car, and his ears were finally quiet.

Looking at Xiao Ai again, when she just got in the car, her skirt was blown by the wind, and her inner voice was exposed. Now her mind is completely empty.

It seems that she is simply enjoying the scenery of Izu.

Suddenly, she reached out of the window with her little hand and felt it.

“Nai, don’t you think the wind here is a little strange?”

“I heard that there is a kind of princess style here, which is more spectacular at night and is considered their famous attraction.

Qian Jingdongshu smiled and rubbed her fluffy curls.

While talking, a big and a small arrived at the hotel.

“You don’t need to park the car, it’s fully intelligent.”

The doorman habitually wanted to take the key, but Qian Jingdongshu simply waved his hand.

He generally didn’t like people to touch his things, even if they helped him.

“Ah? Fully intelligent? There are cars like this in the world now?”

The people around me still looked unconvinced.

“You are just surprised by what you have seen. Except for the owner, everyone else is just a bunch of stupid oxen and horses!”

As everyone was stunned, the off-road vehicle sprayed exhaust gas and really sped away!

It even turned and slowed down on its own, avoiding obstacles and driving smoothly!

The group of people behind opened their mouths wide.

“I’ve really learned a lot.”

“This is the first time I have seen such a smart car!”

“It can drive to the parking lot without the owner’s instructions! I don’t know what built-in automatic driving system it uses!”

“But this kind of car is also easy to be infected with viruses. If it is hacked, the people in the car will be in great danger.……”

Because this fact was so shocking, the doorman and the people outside couldn’t help but talk louder.

Xiao Ai knew that Qian Jingdongshu had mastered technology that was far more advanced than the current one.

Just talking about his hacking skills that made the organization play with him, want to hack him? All the hacker organizations in all countries in the world combined can’t do it.

There is no need to worry at all, so she seems particularly calm.

The other people in the hotel lobby were instantly attracted to

“Ah~ Looks like a heavyweight has arrived.”

A woman in purple shirt and sunglasses, with hot legs wrapped in black stockings, and beautiful eyes like a sexy girl, curled her red lips with interest. Her smooth and elastic skin was exposed, tempting to be picked. She walked towards Qian Jing Dongshu step by step, her waist was as soft as a water snake, extremely charming

“Handsome guy, are you also here to participate in this Izu mystery tour?¨々 ?”

“Oh? A beautiful lady came so soon.

Qian Jingdongshu smiled and nodded.

“I am Qian Jing Dongshu, and I am a landlord who collects rent. Please give me your advice.”

“Landlord? I wonder if Fuyuki-san is the high-profile person I know~”

The purple-shirted beauty crossed her legs and made a seductive gesture towards Qian Jing Fuyuki.

Her eyes were extremely charming,”My name is Kamijou Hideko, and I live in room 2102~”

“”If you have any clues, please cooperate with me~”

Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and Kamijo Hideko’s knee-length skirt moved, and the high slit was directly opened to Qian Jing Fuyuki.


These straight and slender legs are good, and I didn’t expect them to be so smooth without pores and sweat hair, like a work of art.

From the details, it can be seen that this beauty deliberately behaves coquettishly, but in fact she is still a virgin.

Qian Jing Fuyuki raised his eyebrows and sighed again that Monroe’s skirt-lifting skills are a good skill.

Kamijo Hideko should have felt shy, but Qian Jing Fuyuki’s undisguised hot eyes, But it made her snowy skin turn red.

Because she had an unspeakable disease, her skin was hungry.

She used to control it very well, and others thought she was aloof.

In fact, she wanted to find a man who was handsome and fit enough to make her abandon her reserve and forget all rationality.

When she saw Qian Jing Dongshu, her heart seemed to be hit hard, and she knew that she had been waiting for it.

In addition to his unknown and proud identity and his terrifying strengths that made him unstoppable in this tour group.

Kamijou Hideko’s beautiful eyes were so charming that they could make all men in the world melt.

“Dongshu-san, what do you think~”

Her deliberate seduction had no effect on Qian Jing Dongshu.

He smiled teasingly,”It’s too early to form an alliance now. I haven’t met the other members of the tour group yet.”

“Oh, the young man is not tempted by beauty at such a young age. He has a bright future. An old voice of praise sounded.

An old man with elegant clothes and small black glasses appeared with a serious middle-aged housekeeper.

“Yes, right, Jingjiang?”

“”Hi, Master.”

Hearing Jincheng Xuanyilang’s question, Lin Jingjiang pressed down her disobedient skirt and replied expressionlessly.

“Qian Jing Dongshu, his origin and age are unknown, but he is known to be the landlord of Mihua Street, and he is unfathomable.”

A man in a suit and glasses, with his hair covering half of his face, who looks a bit gloomy and neurotic, is typing away on his computer.

“There is no need to ask about reaction time. For someone like you who is better than a detective, it is a humiliation for you.

“He seems to be investigating you.

Qian Jingdongshu sneered and moved his fingers.

“How rude! Since we are meeting offline, greeting each other face to face is the way to make friends.”

After he finished speaking, the man with glasses screamed.

He looked at the laptop computer with sparks flashing wildly, the screen black and crashed, and it was scrapped on the spot.

“Rimi! My data! All gone! What did you do!”

Qian Jingdong said lazily:”Since you are only addicted to the world of the Internet, of course I have to be a good person and bring you back to reality.”

“”Shiro Konno.”

The man with glasses looked extremely horrified when his name was called!

Kamijou Hideko and the old housekeeper also looked at him in awe! He actually used a mobile phone to hack into a hacker in just a few seconds, destroying his computer and leaving him with nothing!

“What a terrifying hacking technique! It really opened my eyes!”

Another exclamation came.

A young man with honey-colored skin and bright eyes came with a girl in a green skirt.

“Mingzi said that I would definitely meet a master on this trip to Izu. I didn’t believe it, but I was really impressed.”

Then without waiting for Qian Jingdongshu to ask, the young man took the initiative to extend his hand enthusiastically.

“Hello, Qian Jing Dongshu, my name is Maeda Satoshi, and I am an amateur network technology enthusiast.”

“This is Akiko Sayama, my friend’s sister. Her family runs a software company, so she came to join in the fun. Akiko

Sayama has short hair and a pretty face, like a beautiful girl from a small family, but her round face is round, and her body is slender but not weak.

She looked at Qian Jingdongshu shyly, trying to pull the flying skirt, her eyes flashed, and her voice was as thin as a mosquito.

“.「 Hello, Fuyuki-kun.”

Qian Jingfuyuki shook hands with Maeda Satoshi, and then took the initiative to squeeze Sayama Akiko’s soft little hand.

“”Miss Akiko, please give me your guidance on this trip.”

He said meaningfully.

Akiko Sayama smelled her favorite sea breeze on him and her pretty face turned red.

But now she didn’t care about being shy, but was full of panic.

Why did he say that suddenly? Did he discover something from the beginning?

“”You’re so slow.”

After meeting all the people, Qian Jingdongshu felt that he had forgotten someone. When

Xiao Ai reminded him, he realized that Conan had fallen behind.

Qian Jingdongshu sighed.

“I have already arranged a dog for John. Pavlov’s hound can’t solve the case after such a reminder. Can he do it?”

This is the plot that suddenly appeared before departure.

There is no beauty. Qian Jingdongshu pointed at Conan and told him to go and brush up his mood value. He just happened to be on the road with Xiao Ai.

Who knew that he would take so long and the person still didn’t come.

“Ah! Simimasai!! Brother Fuyuki!! I’m late!”

As he was talking, Conan ran and panted and appeared (Nord’s).

However, he was so busy with Qian Jingfuyuki that he didn’t notice that someone in front of him suddenly stood up.

“”I’m stunned!”

His short legs collided head-on with a drunken uncle and he fell on his back.

“Boy, you were walking recklessly without even looking at the road. If you get hit, just think of it as a profound lesson for you.”

Jiang Yuan Shi Nan snorted disdainfully.

His face was flushed with excessive alcohol, and his small eyes and mustache made him look greasy at first glance.

“What? This uncle suddenly stood up.”

Conan glared at him and continued to meet Qian Jing Dongshu.

Qian Jing Dongshu looked around and took a special look at the drunk man.

“So, we are the only ones participating in this journey of reasoning?”

“To be precise, the organizer, the Dark Night Duke, is hiding among us. You have to guess his existence to win the game.”

Kamijo Hideko gave him an ambiguous smile, crossing her arms over her chest.

“If the Duke of Darkness escapes, our trip will be in vain.~”

“So from now on, we are both competitors and detectives working together to catch the Duke of Darkness.”

Only Conan was still looking at the people who were answering the riddles he didn’t know with a confused look on his face.

“Nene, I haven’t asked yet, what kind of virus is in the disk that the organizer said was the reward?”.

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