At this time, Xiaolan, Maori Kogoro and his group have come out to watch the fireworks display.

“mo~ It’s already this late, why haven’t Fuyuki and Yumi appeared yet?”.Angel

Xiaolan has a simple idea. It would be a pity to miss such a beautiful and gorgeous fireworks display.

“Oh Daosang, I’ll go back and call them!”

“Silly girl, why do you need to be so nosy!”

Mouri Kogoro shook his head at her back.

But he also knew that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to be beaten.

Conan’s eyelids twitched for no reason today, and he felt like something was going to happen.

“Uncle Maori, I want to go and take a look too!”

“Hey! What are you doing? Omura and I saved seats for you guys!”.

Qian Jingdongshu could hear Xiaolan’s running footsteps from a distance.

“Four, two, three.”

He smiled contentedly and looked behind him.

“Yumi, it looks like we have to hurry over there, Xiaolan is urging us”

“Ah, Fuyuki-kun is so mean~ You know my bathrobe is no longer wearable!”Yumi Horikoshi

‘s voice of small rebuke came to my ears.

Her voice was trembling, she was nervous.

It seemed that the double stimulation of soul trembling and sensitive hearing made her particularly afraid of others approaching.

Qian Jingfuyuki raised a wicked smile and threw his bathrobe to her.

“Put it on. I’ll cover for you. No one will find out.”

“I hope so.”

Yumi Horikoshi’s face, which was fair and rosy, and looked particularly moisturized, was now very hot.

She didn’t know how to face Xiaolan.

After all, if she wanted to apply for the position of Dongshu-kun’s assistant, she would have to meet Xiaolan every day.

She was also the elder of this child. What the hell was going on! It was enough for her to just have a casual relationship at the beginning, but why did she change her mind after seeing Dongshu-kun’s charming demeanor?

Ah~ It’s so embarrassing. Xiaolan is an experienced person. She must have noticed something was wrong when she saw that she was walking in an abnormal way.

Qian Jing Dongshu’s evil taste broke out, and he deliberately didn’t tell Yumi Horikoshi the real situation at home.

Let this freshly baked beautiful mature woman struggle for a while and find out for herself. Whoosh.

The sliding door opened, and Xiaolan’s pretty face, who seemed to be unaware of anything, poked her head in with a red face.

“Fuyuki-kun! Yumi-san! The fireworks display has begun! Come out and watch!”


Fireworks party, you can imagine that the streets are full of groups of women in bathrobes.

Once again, thank you for the open customs and culture of Japan.

Qian Jingdongshu’s smile curled up at the corners of his mouth, and he couldn’t calm down.

“Use, Monroe upskirt”

【Successfully used! 】

Xiaolan and Yumi Horikoshi took a step without noticing, and a strange wind suddenly blew over them diagonally.


The two women’s bathrobes trembled and opened, all facing Qian Jing Dongshu.


Qian Jing Dongshu’s eyes lit up.

It seems that Monroe would not lift the skirt of the object once.

When Qian Jing Dongshu took the two women out, he noticed that their bathrobes were still tightly covered.

However, wherever he walked next, the scene was so beautiful that people were thrown upside down, and shy Yingying and Yanyan kept screaming.

“Ah, where is the wind! My skirt!~”

“Oh~ I’m so embarrassed, how come the wind goes straight under my skirt!”

“My collar was blown open by the wind, ah~ It feels like something has touched me!”

All the women blushed and covered their skirts.

Even if they clearly found that Qian Jingfuyushu was in trouble wherever he went.

This guy is really handsome. It’s okay for a handsome guy to see them! There were also those with poor figures who hid themselves in inferiority, fearing that they would insult the handsome guy’s eyes.

Xiaolan and Yumi Horikoshi followed behind Qian Jingfuyushu, looking confused.

Because no matter how the strange wind blew, only Qian Jingfuyushu could see what was under the skirt.

“What happened to Mina? They all did Marilyn Monroe’s classic moves!”

“Are they all trying their best to attract Fuyuki-kun? Ah, they are so cunning!”

“How can women in Chiba County be like this!”

Xiaolan blushed and held back for a long time, stamping her feet and saying

“The influence is too bad!”

The people’s morals are too bad!

She will go back and tell everyone that they will definitely go around Chiba next time they go on a date!

Qian Jingfuyushu feasted his eyes.

While he was enthusiastically scoring the passers-by one by one, Maori Kogoro came with a sullen face………

“I’m talking to you guys! You’re so slow to watch the fireworks! The best view seats are already occupied by others!”

“Qian Jing Dongshu, Yumi is a woman, are you too?”

Qian Jing Dongshu glanced at him

“Don’t worry, even if Maori-san changes sex and goes to be with the mama-san in the nightclub, I won’t even look at her.”


Mouri Kogoro was hit in the most embarrassing sore spot, and his face turned red and his neck became thick with guilt. He could only glare at him with a non-threatening look.

Omura Jun was sweating on the side and didn’t know how to persuade him. He glanced at him casually.

“Wait, Xiaolan, where is Conan, the little boy who followed you?”

“Huh? Did he follow me?”

“Didn’t he go back to call for help? By the way, why haven’t Yukio Ayashiro and his wife and Nakamichi Kazushi come yet?”


Two broken screams suddenly sounded.

Maori Kogoro, Omura Jun and Horikoshi Yumi’s faces suddenly changed!

“It’s the direction of the hotel!”

“”The voices of Yukio and Noriko!!”

They hurried back.

Qian Jingfuyuki also received the news that the simulated prop man had all his rights revoked and turned into a dead rubber object.

Even if the forensic police came, he would still have to scratch his head at this thing.

Because no matter how he checked it, it was destined to be an inflatable fake 2.1 person, without any advanced features.


“”Yukio! Noriko! Daijiaofuga!?”

As this was about his old classmate, Maori Kogoro ran all the way to the terrified Ayashiro Yukio and his wife like a whirlwind.

Seeing that they were fine, he breathed a sigh of relief and then asked anxiously:

“What the hell is going on! What were you yelling about just now!”

“Middle, Middle Road……”

Noriko Ayashiro was so frightened that she couldn’t even speak a complete sentence.

She trembled and pointed, and Maori Kogoro looked closely and his blood pressure shot up!

Conan, the kid, was squatting beside Nakamichi Kazushi, who died with his eyes open after being shot in the middle of his eyebrows, and was pulling at the dead man’s hand inexplicably! He was muttering like a madman

“Impossible crime!? How is it possible! This is unscientific!”.

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