“Zhu Lin-san? Brother Dongshu, do you know her?”

Conan asked casually.

Qian Jing Dongshu looked at Judy, who was full of panic, jokingly.

“Ah, the chef lady who was so bold in the restaurant is quite cute”


Conan’s eyes were half-mooned. He had learned from Miyano Akemi last time and would never get involved in this guy’s flirting again.

He went around investigating.

Qian Jingfuyuki asked Judy to come out.

“After all, this is a murder scene, so we shouldn’t hinder the police from investigating the case.”

“That’s true.” Judy forced a smile.

She thought frantically, what had attracted the attention of the target?

Was it good or bad? She was not afraid of just the love affair, but she was afraid…

She withdrew her fingers worriedly. Even if the assault was well maintained, the calluses from frequent gun use would be visible at a glance. Over there, recording the confession, besides the absent-minded son-in-law Long Nan, Ichiro Ryomoto was still making a lot of noise.

“There is something wrong with Qian Jingdongshu. He is also the boss of the black market, so he must be very skilled!”

“The fact that the murder weapon was not found means that he had disposed of it when he was dating Xia Jiang and Qiu Jiang! We will know if we check their room!!”

Inspector Megure was just a little persuaded.

“”Four, one, three” slap!

Mariko could no longer bear it and slapped her crazy son!

“I can indulge you in everything else, but you better stop it on this matter!”

“”Family disgrace should not be made public. Do you really want to make the police know about it?”

After saying this, Mariko looked at Qian Jing Dongshu with shyness and love.

Qian Jing Dongshu frowned when he was looked at. At this time, a ding sound came from his ear.

【Congratulations to the host for unlocking the hidden special property rights”Luo Ben Family”!】

【Conditions: 1. Conquer Hashimoto Natsue, Hashimoto Akie, and Hashimoto Mariko (one-sided psychological admiration also counts)

2. Go through the entire plot and solve the case in public after two dead bodies appear]

Is this possible?

Qian Jingfuyu thought that if he took down Natsue, the Hashimoto family would naturally be in control, but he didn’t expect that the property rights were hidden.

Then this old lady is still useful.

Qian Jingfuyu nodded to Mariko

“Ah, Fuyuki-kun looked at me.”

Mariko felt that she had done the right thing, and she covered her hot cheeks and made up her mind to keep an eye on her son.

Ichiro Tamoto noticed the change in his mother, and his eyes became more sinister.

“Damn woman, she was fooled around by a man like this!”

“Zeni Fuyuki!!”.

Long Nan felt that the current cruise ship was too depressing.

It seemed that everyone knew his secret, and he could not escape strange looks wherever he went.

He walked out irritably.

“I went to the deck to smoke.”

“Alas, I was planning to make some Japanese food to please my dad.”

Ryūmoto Shoji shook his head and sighed as he walked towards the restaurant.

“Policeman, please remember to call us if you find anything new.”

Mariko looked back reluctantly at Qian Jingdongshu every few steps, and was about to leave with her husband and son. Qian Jingdongshu put his hands in his pockets and looked at Conan,”Let’s go and find the decisive evidence?”

“That’s what I meant!”

Conan turned around and understood it.

The motive and time were right, but the key evidence to nail the murderer was missing – the murder weapon.

Inspector Megure and others came on the vast ocean. There were few clues for the forensic police to extract, and they had to dock at the pier.

In order to eliminate interference, the room where the crime scene was located was blocked by a rope, and Judy could not enter.

She could only look at Qian Jingfuyu.

“Why is he not panicking at all? Could it be that I was wrong, and the transaction was not near the deceased?”

She followed in small steps secretly.

But as long as Conan was smart, Xiao Hei could be found.


“This kid!? What’s going on?”

Judy was so scared that she hid herself in a hurry.

Qian Jingdongshu glanced at Judy, whose round ball was exposed.

“Maybe it’s a stray foreign horse.”

“”Boss, what are you kidding?” Conan was speechless.

Conan was dealing with what he thought was an all-male Black Organization, a lawless black force in Japan.

Itakura Takuya’s CD was taken away by Fuyuki, and Ai followed Fuyuki, so he didn’t know the tip of the iceberg of the transnational organization. During the

Twilight Villa incident, Sister Bayonetta never showed her face to him, and he didn’t think about it at all.

Not to mention that he suddenly found that there were more beautiful FBI agents around him, and he only thought they were suspicious people, who might be the murderer in this case.

“No matter what, be careful.”

Conan warned Qian Jingdongshu, fearing that the boss would be too arrogant. Even a tiger is afraid of being stabbed.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a snap!

The boat suddenly became dark.

“What’s going on? Power outage?”

Conan was shocked.

The window above them was opened by Officer Megure and his men.

“What’s going on, Butler Suzuki? What’s the situation with your ship!?”

“There is a backup power supply, so there is no power shortage? I will go to the bottom warehouse to check!”

“We’re coming too!” Maori Kogoro said seriously.

Conan followed them without hesitation. It was safest to follow the crowd at this time.

“Boss, hurry up! We……”

He turned around and tried to pull Qian Jing Dong Shu.

Unexpectedly, Qian Jing Dong Shu stood there motionless.

Conan ran and pulled an adult, but unfortunately it was Judy who was shocked by the sudden change and had no time to react.

Men’s clothes and women’s clothes are easy to distinguish. Conan was stunned when he pulled

“Female? Who is it?”

The tracking was still discovered!!

The target is a person in the black market, and there is also a great lover named Vermouth. If they are discovered, the FBI’s next series of plans will be passive!

Can’t take any risks!

Sorry, BOY!

Judy’s eyes were fierce, and she was about to chop the kid unconscious with a knife.

Suddenly, a man’s breath sprayed in her ear.

Judy’s pupils contracted, and her body was faster than anything else. She alertly changed her moves and made a deadly scissor kick!!


In the dark, someone was caught on the head by a long beautiful leg, but he was not panicked at all, and he shouted to Conan calmly:

“It’s none of your business, go play with the kids first.”

What’s the point of letting the FBI notice Conan in advance?

“Oh…oh! Brother Dongshu, be careful!”

Does the boss’s leisurely voice sound familiar?

Conan was full of doubts, but it was more important to solve the case and catch the murderer, so he ran away in a hurry………


Judy hesitated and made a sound. Just as she was about to let go, she heard another crazy running sound.

Not far in front of them on the deck, Long Nan saw someone and let out a startled roar.

“Hey, Mai La! What are you doing?”


There was a dull sound.

It was as if something hit his skull hard, and the dragon man fell down.


Judy was startled, and she took a long step to chase after him.

This was a good opportunity to get rid of the target’s suspicion and confirm the character of the reckless foreign chef.

“”Wait, Zhu Lin-san, it’s dangerous over there!”

Qian Jing Dongshu suddenly shouted, grabbing her and dragging her back.

His eyes could see things even in the dark. He could see the flash of red on Teacher Judy’s face just now, and the fragrance of virginity on her body was making him salivate.

The fresh steak was right in front of his mouth, how could he let her run away.

Judy screamed, and her figure hit the wall uncontrollably.

Then the most incredible scene appeared in front of her.

【Confirm the target, Judy Stellin, activate the”Wall Card Technique””!】

Judy’s half body, as if blending into the softened wall, was gently pushed in by Qian Jingdongshu.

The structure of the cruise ship was all in his mind before coming.

There happened to be an empty room behind the wall, which was convenient for them to have a deep communication.

Round and white legs, perfectly shaped peach buttocks, slender but powerful waist, and the hot front slid past one by one.

It seemed that only the last step was left, and the whole person entered!

The pitfall of the wall-stuck technique appeared

【Beep, beep, beep! The wall-stuck technique failed when it passed through the neck! The target’s head was stuck!】

“Huh?”Qian Jing Dongshu was stunned for a moment.

Then it happened so fast.

Judy screamed repeatedly, and the black murderer who was fleeing in panic found her.

On the dark boat, the moon was half covered by dark clouds, and a head was stuck outside the wall in the dim light.

Qian Jing Dongshu stood in the shadow and he couldn’t see it.

The guilty person was scared.!!!

He screamed silently on the spot, raised the iron rod that was just stained with Long Nan’s blood, and hit Judy’s head heavily!!!!

Qian Jing Dongshu’s hand blocked it in time.

Even so, the huge recoil force caused by excessive shock also hit Judy to groan and faint on the spot

“You really pissed me off a bit.”

Qian Jing Dongshu’s unfriendly voice sounded in the darkness.

Feeling the danger approaching, Xiao Hei was so scared that he threw the iron rod into the sea and ran away without looking back.

Judy’s head was stuck in the wall, and her neck was restricted and she was having difficulty breathing.

Qian Jing Dongshu frowned.

Anyway, the murderer couldn’t run away. He pressed the wall with one hand, and the wall was hit by the powerful force and shattered into powder silently.

He squatted down to check Judy’s pulse.

“Concussion plus brain hypoxia, congestion in some parts of the body, and blocked meridians?”

“There’s no other way. We have to get over it as soon as possible.”

“Teacher Judy, I am doing this to save you, do you understand?”

The dark clouds dispersed, and the moonlight shone down.

Qian Jingdongshu smiled maliciously, picked up the unconscious Judy and walked towards…….

This is my first time: Early

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