Akagi Quantum knew that such a lie could not fool Qian Jingdongshu himself.

She blushed with embarrassment.

“Dongshu-kun, can it be just the two of us?……”

Xiaolan and Yukiko exchanged glances.

Xiaoai raised her eyebrows and jumped off the sofa with her short legs.

“I’m going to the basement, you guys chat”

“Ai-chan? We’ll go with you!”

Xiaolan and Yukiko followed her downstairs without hesitation.

Seeing Qian Jingdongshu’s huge arsenal and the newly opened underground laboratory, they were naturally amazed. Qian

Jingdongshu sat leisurely on the sofa, looking up from below at Akagi’s white and slender legs under the quantum short skirt.

The neon beautiful girl’s sailor suit is really the light of the right way.

“Tell me, what do you want from me?”

I don’t bother to ask the system about this kind of daily plot, the beautiful girl will tell me anyway.

Akagi Quantum calmed down and whispered:

“Actually, I am the younger sister of Akagi Hero, the main player of Kyoto Soul Team, Akagi Quantum”

“I had promised my brother to stay at home to take care of my younger brother Xiao Shou, but when I was participating in the club activities today, I found that Xiao Shou was suddenly missing.”

“Also received this……”

800 Akagi Quantum took a strange fax from his pocket and showed it to Qian Jing Dongshu.

Qian Jing Dongshu took it calmly and looked at her white face.

“Although I am the landlord of Mihua Street, there is a price to pay for asking me to do things for you.”

“You don’t think you can take advantage of me just because you say you are my girlfriend, do you?”

Akagi Quantum’s pretty face turned red.

Even at her age, many classmates had done original intercourse, but she had always heard that they never dared to taste the forbidden fruit.

But if it was the landlord…

Akagi Quantum bit her cherry lips, and a firm look flashed in her soft eyes.

“It was my fault. I shouldn’t have ruined the landlord’s reputation first. So let me compensate the landlord first!”.

Wait until Akagi Quantum drags his limp body away from Qian Jing Dongshu

【Sign in to Akagi Quantum and get the reward of Extreme Softness! The test overlaps with”Flexibility Full Level” and has been merged!

Qian Jingdongshu finished eating the fresh fruit and raised his eyebrows with reluctant satisfaction.

“Tell me who your brother Xiaoshou has been in contact with in the past two days, any suspicious behavior, even what he said.”

While speaking, Qian Jing Dongshu took out his handheld notebook.

While Akagi Quantum was recalling and providing information, he simply tapped twice.

The surveillance of the Akagi family was already displayed on the screen, showing everything clearly.

Akagi Quantum looked at it and his pale face could not hide his excitement.

“Yes, this is Mamoru! The limping man… looks like……”

“Uemura Naoki!”

Akagi Quantum’s body suddenly tensed up, and he almost sprained his waist which had just been overused.

“How could it be him?”

“Why don’t we go and take a look?”

Qian Jingdongshu took Akagi Quantum and went straight to the home of Uemura Naoki.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Akagi Shou who looked surprised.

“Sister Quantum? Why are you here? Didn’t I ask Brother Zhishu to help me through the game?”

“You kid, who knows what your vague message says!”

Akagi Quantum was both relieved and reproachful. He turned around with a blushing face and kept bowing to Qian Jing Dongshu to thank him.

“Thank you so much, Landlord! I don’t know what I would do without you!”

“It’s just a small matter. Do you mind if I go in and take a look?”

Qian Jing Dongshu remembered that Akagi Hero appeared this time, and Uemura Naoki also had a role in the later Science.

Since it’s about football, he has a very good understanding and can see if he can trigger it.

It’s not possible that only Conan can play football and show off, right?

“Hello, you guys……”

Naoki Uemura saw Akagi Quantum and the tall and handsome Qian Jing Dongshu beside her, whose red eyes glanced casually and had an imposing manner.

The tone of questioning just now suddenly became timid.

“It seems that you have discovered it. It was my selfish desire to kidnap Xiao Shou to teach that hero a lesson!”

“Call the police.”

“Why call the police? It’s just a small matter. Do you want to make the public security of Mihua Street look bad?”

Qian Jing Dongshu scolded him rudely, dodged the slap, and stared at the live football game on TV.

“Akagi Hero scores another goal!!”

“The second half was exceptional, this is indeed the super strength of our Kyoto Soul Team’s main players!”

The comprehension is against the sky, triggered!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, watching the Science Potential Seeds Ball Game and mastering the full-level ball skills on your own!】

【Free rewards, flushed complexion for a day!

Qian Jingdongshu was just happy because of his new skills, but when he saw the rewards behind, his brows frowned.

“Flushed complexion for a day? What does it mean?”

“Ah! Landlord! Your face is so red! Did you suddenly have a fever?”

Akagi Quantum and Kamimura Naoki performed the forgiveness scene according to the plot.

When he turned around, he was shocked by Qian Jing Dongshu.

Qian Jing Dongshu himself didn’t feel anything, so he found a mirror.

“Is it really red? Wow! It’s just like a boiled shrimp!”

“I’ll take you home right away! You’re such a fool! I’m bothering you when you’re not feeling well!!”

Akagi Quantum quickly asked Naoki Kamimura to look after the child, and he ran all the way to take Qian Jing Dongshu home.

As soon as he entered the door, two adults and one child were sitting on the sofa. Qian Jing Dongshu was also stunned when he saw the abnormally flushed skin.

The next second, Xiaolan and Yukiko were horrified.

“Fuyuki! What’s wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?”

“Medicine box, where is the medicine box at home! ?”

The two girls immediately searched like headless flies.

Xiao Ai didn’t have time to interrupt, and Xiao Lan was concerned and searched in vain, so she simply stomped her feet.

“I’ll go back to the office to get the first aid kit!”

“I, I’m going to the clinic to buy medicine too!”

Yukiko grabbed her hat and hurried out. The door slammed shut

, leaving Qian Jingfuyu and Xiao Ai staring at each other.

“”You are a sick man who doesn’t even know he is sick. Don’t you worry about us even though you are so old?”

Xiao Ai pulled Qian Jing Dongshu to sit down, and went to find a thermometer and a cooling handkerchief.

Qian Jing Dongshu was about to open his mouth when the thermometer was put in first, followed by a small hand gently covering his head.

Xiao Ai touched his forehead with his other small hand and felt it carefully for a while.

“It’s not hot, that’s strange, why does the skin color become like this?”

“Or is it that once a person who is as strong as an ox gets sick, the symptoms will be slower than those of ordinary people?”

Xiao Ai talked to herself for a while, and suddenly thought of a possibility!

“Sack, you won’t……”

Her eyes suddenly and strangely fell on Qian Jingdongshu’s lower abdomen.

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