“Maori-san, I know that you have premature ejaculation and kidney deficiency due to the last incident, and your habits have become special.”

“But this is a murder scene, you should at least restrain yourself.

Qian Jing Dongshu pretended to be shocked and laughed in his heart.

Maori Kogoro:!!

Kill me, right now!!

He hurriedly got up, ashamed and angry.

“It’s not what you think!”.

“We all saw it!” The village chief Kuroiwa shouted with a lack of heart.

Inspector Megure and other old acquaintances were also speechless.

“Mr. Maori, Mr. Kawashima is dead, so please let him go! You have ruined the scene.”

“I told you I didn’t do it!!”

Mouri Kogoro almost tore his clothes and screamed that it was unfair.

No one believed him.

Mouri was frustrated and started to attack indiscriminately.

“I see! What the kid just said does make sense. This bloody music score is saying,”This is just the beginning.”’!”

“This shows that a premeditated crime has already begun! First, Mr. Kawashima, then……”

Qian Jingfuyu asked,”Then what? Who will it be?”

Maori Kogoro was stuck

“”Eight hundred and zero”

How could he know? He had been autistic all afternoon, not daring to look anyone in the eye for fear of being laughed at, so he had no time to ask anything!

Everyone choked.

“The detective from Kyoto is just a weird uncle!”

“It could also be the hidden old G, who is so strong that he doesn’t even let go of corpses.”

Now Uncle Maori has become”famous”.

Qian Jingdongshu took out his mobile phone, glanced at the exploded network, and curled his lips.

Then he said directly to everyone:”The Moonlight Sonata has three movements in total.”

“There are still a few victims to be killed. It’s easy to guess that there are two more.”

“As long as we can find the common ground between Mr. Kawashima and the other two people, we can catch the murderer.”

As he said this, his eyes fell meaningfully on the panicked Hirata.

Hirata was so frightened that his whole body froze, not daring to look at him, and hurried away.

“Hey, Hirata?”Kuroiwa Reiko didn’t understand what was going on, so she hurried to follow.

Anyway, it was Kawashima who died, a strong opponent of her father, the current village chief, so she couldn’t wait to be happy.

The other thin and taciturn man, Murasawa Shuichi, was Kuroiwa Reiko’s fiancé.

He looked at Kuroiwa Reiko and her adulterer Hirata with a gloomy look, and said nothing. He slipped something in his hand and walked out

“Is that gentleman going to attack the two people in front of him?”

Conan mistook it for Hammer and chased after him out of fear.

“What? It turned out to be a piano tuner.

Qian Jingdongshu put one hand in his pocket and said,”Conan, you seem to have forgotten a suspicious person just now.”

“Ah, it’s that Nishimoto Ken!”

He hurriedly changed his target.

Qian Jingfuyu looked at the head of the Kuroiwa village.

“Regarding the property rights of Yueying Island, Village Chief Heiyan, I want to talk to you.”When

Village Chief Heiyan met Qian Jingdongshu’s red eyes, he didn’t know why his heart was beating wildly, and he had a bad feeling..

The Moonlight Sonata sounded again.

This time it came from the piano room.

Officer Megure heard it for the first time and rushed over with his men.

“Ah! It’s the village chief Heiyan!”

Everyone was shocked to see the village chief Heiyan collapsed beside the piano, holding the murderer’s mouth with his eyes open, and Qian Jingdongshu stood beside him with a puzzled look on his face.

“Qian Jing Fuyuki! There is no doubt that you are the murderer!”

Mouri Kogoro jumped up and down excitedly. He finally caught him!

The evidence is solid!

“Officer Megure, there is a surveillance camera in the piano room. It is confirmed that it is Qian Jing Dongshu. Arrest him immediately!”

Officer Megure frowned and looked at Qian Jing Dongshu

“Mr. Fuyuki, can I ask why you are alone in a room with the village chief Kuroiwa at this time?”

Conan has learned his lesson. He doesn’t think Qian Jing Fuyuki has any reason to harm the village chief Kuroiwa.

First, there is no need. Qian Jing Fuyuki has a gun in his hand, and there is Shirley at home who can make invisible poison.

People who are so smart that they will never use stupid methods to kill people in public.

Besides, he has used the same routine twice, when Miss Yoko was harassed and in the art museum incident. Conan has figured it out. He will definitely not bother to use it a third time and put himself in an unfavorable situation.

Second, Qian Jing Fuyuki has at most an intersection with Miss Asanami in the entire Moon Shadow Island. Why would he kill someone?

Let’s not talk about anything else. No matter how trivial his daily life is, he must have a standard for the important matters in his life.

Conan worked hard to find evidence to exonerate the boss.

Then he found a sheet of music next to the piano keys and deliberately asked loudly:

“Ah, what is this?! Brother Dongshu, did you put it there?

Qian Jing Dongshu raised his eyebrows and spread his hands.

“I can’t play the piano at all, and I know nothing about music except singing. It’s useless for you to show me the music score.”

“That means someone wants to deliberately frame Brother Fuyuki! Officer Megure, I also suggest checking the surveillance!”

After Conan finished speaking, everyone immediately moved to the monitoring room.

But they didn’t notice that someone in the dark was sweating profusely, his hands and feet were weak, and he quickly ran away.

“Well, the surveillance is very clear. Dongshu-kun is standing by the window and talking to the village chief. The village chief seems very nervous for some reason and keeps wiping his sweat.”

“Then he suddenly fell down, and Dongshu was also startled and went over to shake the village chief.”

“All actions were monitored throughout the process, and the first aid was carried out according to the normal order, and there was nothing wrong.”

After checking the surveillance, no one doubted Qian Jing Dongshu.

Under the same circumstances, they could not guarantee that they could do a better first aid than Qian Jing Dongshu.

“The only question now is, Fuyuki-kun, what did you say to the village chief?” Officer Megure asked.

Everyone looked over curiously, and Qian Jingfuyu’s eyes drifted

“This is a private matter about an acquaintance of mine, it’s not nice to talk about it.”

Conan immediately shouted:”Is it the shrine maiden sister? It’s Miss Asanami!”

“You are such a jerk, there is nothing I can do about you.”

Qian Jing Dongshu sighed helplessly,”Forget it, now that things have come to this, let the truth come out.”

He took out a small roll of banknotes from his pocket and handed it to Officer Megure………

“It was not a glorious thing. This was the music score information left by Chengmei’s father, Mr. Keiji Aso, in a safe before he set himself on fire.”

“Ah, this is it!”

Mouri Kogoro and Conan shouted at the same time.

Qian Jingfuyu said calmly

“Someone used Mr. Keiji Aso, who was touring piano performances overseas, to deliver the unique”

“Mr. Aso refused, so an accident was deliberately created, and all three members of his family died.”

“Aso, the only remaining orphan of the Aso family, returned to Japan many years later after growing up. He was determined to find out the truth, and found this in the warehouse at home.”

“She went online for help, and I was surfing the Internet at the time. I felt sympathy for her, so I brought Xiaolan, Maori-san and Conan to the island, hoping to reveal the truth at the right time.”

So that’s it!”

Conan suddenly realized.

“I want to tell the truth like this during the election of their village chief. If the village chief Heiyan doesn’t cooperate, I will buy the property rights of Yueying Island.

Qian Jing Dongshu said it very obscurely, but adults know that this is a threat.

Using Heiyan’s shameful deeds to force the purchase of Yueying Island.

Of course, the village chief Heiyan must be not clean if he is so nervous. Maybe he is one of the culprits who killed the Aso family many years ago!

“Therefore, the village chief Kuroiwa was stimulated to have a stroke or something like that!”

After Officer Megure finished speaking, Qian Jingfuyu shook his head.

“Not really. I took his pulse just now when I was saving him. His blood circulation was abnormal, which caused a sudden local thrombosis, so his brain was deprived of oxygen.”

“If it was caused by verbal stimulation and there was no medical history, the death would still be a bit strange.”You can tell this by feeling the pulse?!

Everyone was shocked. Qian Jing Dongshu said that he couldn’t read music scores, but isn’t his medical skills amazing?

The murderer probably never expected that he would hit upon someone who knows the business!

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled.

He knows medicine, didn’t he learn this from the pseudo-girl doctor in the original drama 4.8? He took advantage of people’s inertia.

Who said that doctors can’t kill people?

What’s more, he has the skill of slowing down… It’s easy to make a person suddenly have blood clots due to blood circulation problems.

The little white rabbit with black sesame heart should have succeeded completely by now.

“Wait, since the dead are all related to what happened back then, where is Miss Asagi Mimi now?”

Conan couldn’t help but ask

“Yes, I almost forgot about her.”

Everyone looked at each other.

A witch who was forgotten by everyone in the mountains, the orphan of the most tragic victim back then, was not even allowed to attend the ceremony for the next village chief because she was called unlucky.

Qian Jing Dongshu coughed.

“Cheng Mei was so upset because she mentioned something that happened many years ago that she was already asleep after I comforted her.”

“Comfort?”Inspector Megure was still at a loss, and Conan had already choked on his saliva.

This Qin beast, he coaxed people onto the tatami while comforting them!

?With Xiaolan’s fighting power, it seems that she can’t walk properly for two days. Can the witch get up now?.

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