Conan went back with a sad face.

From now on, he had to think carefully about how to be a mischievous bad boy.

(Mouri Kogoro: A-choo! Why did I suddenly feel a chill on my back? I feel like I’m going to suffer a lot).

Qian Jingfuyu took Xiao Ai home, and without bothering to talk to her about her first experience of going to school today, he went into the room alone to ask the system

“What happened to Conan’s protagonist being put in custody? Didn’t they say that the main characters in the plot couldn’t be put in?”

“Didn’t Yuantai and Mitsuhiko have no reaction at all?”

【It was detected that the protagonist of the science school wanted to submit to the host too sincerely, which was beyond the control of the world consciousness, so he acted illogically.

Qian Jing Dongshu was speechless.

In other words, Conan was the protagonist who wanted to lie down and take this shortcut to pass the level quickly and painlessly?

Are you kidding!

Would he create such a big loophole for this kid to avoid the key plot?

“System, hosting system details values I can change myself!”

【Ding! According to the host’s needs, one change costs 20,000 emotion points.】

“Then change 17!”

Qian Jing Dongshu waved his hand. He lacked everything now, but not emotional points. He deducted 100,000 and returned it for use next time. With the recent addition, he had exactly 80,000 emotional points.

Even if he changed it once, he still had 60,000 left, which was more than enough to draw the optional supreme blind box!

【Ding, the attachment panel has been opened.


Under Qian Jing Dongshu’s attribute panel, a large row of lists immediately appeared.

Not only the black market’s men, but also all the hardworking cattle and horses affiliated with the real estate.

They are also ranked according to the priority and intimacy level of daily contact with Qian Jing Dongshu.

Xiaolan and other beauties are at the front, and Conan is the second.

As for the ordinary people at the end, Qian Jing Dongshu has the control over the attachments, and they have no right to refuse life and death. Apart from that, they are normal people and do not have much authority.

“Adjust the values, increase Conan’s pain, remove the automatic counter-kill when encountering a crisis, remove the self-healing enhancement, and remove the landlord’s accessory deterrence buff!”

Qian Jing Dongshu ticked off a lot of them, and finally Conan’s panel was left with nothing.

The name of Qian Jing Dongshu’s younger brother, as well as the loyalty that was pulled to the top and the inability to backstab

“Even if the consciousness of the scientific world is at work, that kid won’t be like a puppet and really obey sincerely, but as long as he doesn’t backstab me, that’s enough.”

“I need him to run the plot, and then pull other main characters into the group, and provide a steady stream of emotional value.

Qian Jing Dongshu snapped his fingers and bound Conan with an additional setting that anyone who dared to go against his will would be pierced through the heart by an electric current.

After a while, this kid should know what he can and cannot do.


【The changes are complete. Congratulations to the host for changing the values of the subordinate characters for the first time!】

【The Supreme Blind Box is available for a limited time and can be redeemed once with 10,000 emotion points. Would you like to redeem it?】

“System, have you also learned bad things from the scientific consciousness?”

As soon as he thought of this optional supreme blind box, he wanted to drain his savings.

【Ding! To meet the needs of the host, this time you can choose the Supreme Blind Box with an additional bonus pool, special property fragments! There is a high probability that universal special property fragments will be revealed! 】

Universal property fragments?

This thing is difficult to get. You have to rely on ordinary blind boxes and rare blind boxes to get it. The key is that it is still very practical!

Qian Jing Dongshu did not hesitate this time and immediately made the decision!

“Exchange, six supreme blind boxes to choose from!”

Swish, swish, swish— the familiar golden light again.

Qian Jing Dongshu hoped that the prize pool would not have too many good things this time, just enough for him to pick six.

Otherwise, the remaining prize pool would not be repeated in the future and would be forced to be scrapped.

Perhaps it was his good luck again. Qian Jing Dongshu looked up again and saw that most of the golden card equipment rewards were junk.

“Okay, now it’s time to test your eyesight.”

Full-level concentration and information collection all come in handy at this time!

Qian Jingdongshu spent less than a minute this time to accurately pick out six rewards with super cost-effectiveness.

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining 2″Universal Special Building Property Rights” unlocking fragments!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special property”Moon Shadow Island” fragment*1!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the SS-level skill”Mind Control”. Use it on designated targets to manipulate the other party’s thoughts for 5 seconds. It is not available to the red and black characters in the main storyline. There is one chance per day!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the conceptual item”Secret Document Crusher”, which can destroy secret documents discovered by spies from a distance. It is powerful and can easily cause accidental injuries, so use with caution!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining unlimited”Three Flavors Water”. No matter how big the event is, people who are touched by this water will be calm, and people who have lost their minds will immediately regain their composure! 】

Except that the Three Flavors Water is a little unsatisfactory, it is quite practical in solving cases in daily life. Sometimes when Conan is too excited and he is too lazy to talk nonsense, he can force him to pour cold water.

The other few are all what Qian Jing Dongshu wants.

“View Moonshadow Island unlock conditions”

【Ownership of Moon Shadow Island:

Conditions 1. Full piano skill

2. Get an invitation from a character on the island to trigger the plot

3. Reveal the truth about the tragic death of Keiji Aso’s family and gain a good impression of Aso】

【Are fragments used now?】

“Who is Asanami?”


If Qian Jingfuyushu remembers correctly, Asanami who invited Maori Kogoro is actually a transvestite

【The plot is like a butterfly. Keiji Aso died tragically along with his wife and children. His frail daughter Aso Nami was adopted by a foreign philanthropist in her early years.】

“So that’s it, my sister survived.”

“Use the fragments to unlock condition 1.”

He hasn’t reached the highest level of piano skills yet, and he’s too lazy to find someone to learn from him now.

【Ding! Unlocked successfully]

Qian Jingfuyushu then called Conan

“Look for a letter from someone named Keiji Aso in Kogoro Mori’s commission.”

“Aso Keiji?”

Conan’s curiosity was piqued, and he ran to the mailbox entrusted by Maori Kogoro.

At this time, Xiaolan came out from upstairs with a suitcase.

He looked at her deeply and asked in a cute way:

“Ranai-chan, are you going to live at Brother Fuyuki’s house?”

“Not yet!” Xiaolan was in a good mood and said a few words casually.”I will wear conservative clothes for Fuyuki-kun in the future.”

“It would be a pity to throw away some of my old clothes, so I’d better leave them with him and let him wear them alone!” Conan


Thousands of arrows pierced my heart, and my blood tank was emptied instantly.

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