"You're here too?"

"Well, the scale of this 'Admiral Exhibition' is good, besides, such a generous invitation is not taken in vain. "

"Well~ I want to see what kind of success the Admiral will be sold by the Navy this time. "

"Hmph~ What else can change? Isn't it a defective product that is slightly better than mortals, and is piled up with simple resources. "


It is the height of summer, and October 10 is a memorable day for the Navy every year, because it is the day of the birth of the Navy.

Under normal circumstances, every day, the Navy Headquarters will allocate a large number of materials and resources to the various sea areas to prepare for the event, and this event will last for a full week. If it happens to be the quadrennial 'Admiral Exhibition', the corresponding area of this event will be even more grand than ever, because the participants are not only those Admirals and their ship wives, but also those super combat ship wives who have not yet had a master!

Admiral Division, Southern District.

"You all give me some heart! If you do it well this time, all of you can at least be promoted to the next level! If you mess up, you don't need me to say more, find a stone and throw it into the sea to feed the deep sea!"

"Ministry, Minister, that Admiral Liu is here!"

"Hmm~ One of the goals of this time is here?! Okay, after you confirm the rest of the details for me, send it to me immediately!"

The head of the sub-division who had changed the badge of the major general at some point immediately showed a respectful smile on his face, and in the face of the big man designated by the headquarters to participate, he didn't dare to put on a show with his military rank, otherwise if it affected the plan of the headquarters, even if he was a general, he would have to be cut off from this official skin!

"Admiral, we're in Benhan Harbor, will we go ashore in a normal port or take a special waterway this time?" Nagato controlled the hull of the ship, but she clearly saw the end of the special waterway, where a large group of useless people were standing, she frowned, she usually didn't have a good face for the guy who had once pit a large ore of her own Admiral.

"The normal port is okay, I want to see which wandering ship girls will participate in this 'Admiral Exhibition' this time. Liu Ren has never glanced at the special waterway out of the corner of his eye, and he still has to take the special waterway at this time? He is not an idiot, he is stupid to choose to miss the special waterway that meets those wandering ship girls!

"Okay Admiral. The corners of Nagato's mouth curled slightly, and then a thought instantly turned the direction of the ship's travel slightly to the west, and sailed directly to the normal port.

"Eh, how did that Admiral Liu go to the normal port?

"I guess I'm going to try my luck, right? After all, there are a lot of stores dedicated to ship mothers recently in the normal port. "

A bunch of fools! Didn't anyone see that guy was deliberately slapping me in the face?! The smile on his face had long since faded, and that dark appearance was almost missing the word bad mood on his face.

However, he obviously didn't expect that his subordinates sometimes spoke their hearts, who knew if he would be angry and send him directly to the frontier island. Looking at people's faces and talking, he is not alone.

"Honk, it's time for us to go ashore. "



Two short and one long whistles, in this world, mean that I am going to dock, and the ships preparing to leave the port are paying attention.

Of course, there is also a certain meaning to attract the attention of the ship's mother, after all, the whistle sound emitted by Nagato's hull is not comparable to ordinary ships.

"Interesting people are coming, why don't you go and take a look?"

"It's the admiral who is famous all over the world? No, it's not that you don't know the fate I pursue, no matter how powerful the admiral is, if he doesn't have a fate with me, it has nothing to do with me. A pink-haired girl with two ponytails sat quietly in the cool dessert shop, flipping through the books in her hand and responding indifferently.

"I hope the shipwrecks there can be friendly, and the environment will be better. The silver-white haired, also double ponytail, supported one side of her face, and her eyes looked at the port with a hint of longing, but her face was still blank, as if the words just now did not come from her mouth.

"You look like this, if I don't know you, I won't give you a good look, go and change it, and then find a good 'mother-in-law to marry'." The pink-haired ponytail closed the book, picked up the glass of melted smoothie, and said angrily as he sipped it.

"Hey~ Poor sister-in-law, are you looking for fault?!"

"That Sa, the bald eagle next to you, can I roast and eat it?"

"What, what?!This is a handsome bald eagle!Will the bald head grow with such beautiful feathers?!"

"Oh, it seems that there is no objection to being roasted and eaten by me~"

"Hmm~ Eagle sauce is a partner, you can't eat it. "

"...... "Sister paper, you just now, shouldn't you really think about whether I can eat it?"

"Admiral?" Nagato looked at his own Admiral in a daze with some confusion, but there was a small newly built shop, did the Admiral see any good ship girls?

"Hmm~ can you get off the boat? Liu Ren walked off the ship with Nagato in his arms, and this time he only took Nagato out with a shipwive. Because in this multiplayer dungeon, only one ship girl is allowed for each admiral, try to be fair to each other, and it is also to let those wandering ship girls see the performance of the admirals more intuitively and clearly, and then determine their own choice.

Of course, there is also a key reason why Liu Ren's ship wives refused to come, the town guard mansion has inhabited three deep-sea inhabitants for no reason, they can't trust these former enemies with all their hearts like the admiral!

After a battle that Liu Ren didn't know, Nagato, who was the secretary ship, finally won the right to follow this time, and I'm afraid that only she knew the hardships of this.

"Hmm~ It seems that there are quite a lot of wandering ship girls who have been invited to this 'Admiral Exhibition'. Liu Ren swept over at a glance, nine out of ten of these neighborhoods are wandering ship girls, although this place has been converted into a special shop pedestrian street for ship girls, but this density is still a little beyond his imagination, there are so many ship girls wandering around in this world?

"Admiral, the ship girl here will increase with the increase of time, it is said that at the peak ~ peak, the wandering ship girl in the 'Admiral Exhibition' has reached hundreds of thousands, of which the epic ship girl has also appeared close to the position, now, at most it is just a beginning. Nagato explained softly, after all, it was the first time that his own admiral had participated in this kind of activity in the form of a ship's mother.

"This is just the beginning?Hundreds of thousands of wandering ship girls, it is estimated that this is not all, it seems that the water in this world is still deep~" Liu Renjun's eyebrows jumped slightly, this amount of huge combat power is still no match for the deep sea habitat Ji? Is it the rule of this world? Or does the deep sea also have a corresponding, or even surpassing the killer of this force?_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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