"Hmm~~Xiao, I'm thirsty~~" Xili is like a salted fish that is about to be dried, and the appearance of me dying of collapse hangs directly on Xiao's delicate body, and he is weak.

"Me too... I ran too fast just now, Xiao, didn't the Admiral put all our pocket money where you wanted?Why don't we go and have a cold drink~~" Lei's eyes stared directly at the small shop with a simple sign with the word ice, and he swallowed his saliva unconsciously, but this seemed to cause more thirst in his throat.

"Eh~~?We just set off not long ago!You're tired and thirsty so soon?!Hold on to me a little longer!"Xiao wiped her sweat, although she said so, but in fact, on this hot day, she had to look for someone aimlessly outside, and it was a joke to say that she was not hot or thirsty.

"Eh~~ Then, then I can't do it either. Lei said that the whole person also hung on Xiao's body, but the pair of cunning eyes winked at Xi Li, who seemed to be a salted fish, obviously, these two people are in the same group.

"Hey, let's not press it down, let's go, okay~!I'm still not able to promise?!Really, let's say okay first! There is only a limit of 50T coins per person, and you can pay for it yourself! Don't think I don't know that you secretly asked the Admiral for pocket money before you left!" Xiao crossed his waist and said angrily.

"Hey~~Xiao, let's go~!I feel that those cold drinks are already calling me~~~" Lei didn't want to worry about these details at this time, the key was to drink those cold drinks on his stomach first!

As for Yutachi, he sat on the footstool in the humble shop early, and it seemed that this was already a slightly more decent chair here.

"Welcome~ Do you need any cold drinks?" A coolly dressed woman greeted her, and when she saw that the guests were these little ones, her face seemed to be relieved.

"Uh-huh~I want mango ice~!"

"I want watermelon ice~!"

"Please give me a glass of strawberry ice, thank you for the increase. Also, do you have a taller stool?"

Xiao sat on the lowest stool, and only her blue hair could be seen on the humble but not low dining table.

"Hmm~~ I remember that I seemed to have received such a spare piece before, please wait a while, I will move it for you immediately. "The blonde Da Ou ~ sent the women's clothes wu to answer, and then immediately ran to the back kitchen, but, the trembling up ~ up and down the 'heavy object', Xi Li's eyebrows jumped, these two things really won't fall to the ground?!

"Xiao~ Let's eat and eat later~" Lei also wants to eat the chilled strawberries, but eating too much ice will hurt his stomach, but if you share it together, then it's no problem.

"Okay, let's eat together later, I want to eat yours too." Xiao Yi nodded contentedly and said.

"Na Na ~ Xiao, Lei, have you ever appeared, that big sister just now seems to be the person in the photo that the Admiral gave us?" Xi Li was very impressed, basically as long as she was better than her ship, she could basically recognize it, because these people were her competitors!

"Hmm, really?!Xiao, take it out!Let's confirm one, if it's true, then the Admiral will definitely praise us!" Lei urged excitedly, she had imagined the happiness when she was praised by the Admiral~~!

"Lexington, did you find anything over there?"

"No, but I did see a few crime scenes..... Tsk, why are bear children itching like this now?"

Lexington snorted with a nonchalant face, just now, her plane was directly shot down by a group of bear children, although this is not her fighter plane, but it can be regarded as a temporary reconnaissance plane! It was actually shot down by a group of bear children?

"Sister, you were also beaten down by those bear children?"

"It's not me! it's a toy airplane!"

Lexington retorted angrily, but, what's the deal with that inexplicable frustration?!

"Basically, they only need to pay attention to the coastal dwellings, and some of the small houses or shops in the city, and they have no money to wander around these places at best. I think the search process should take more than one or two days to minimize the loss of the plane. Xianghe raised his head and reminded softly.

"Understood. "


One morning is over.,On the map of a town guard.,It's been divided into XX parts.1/4.There are also a lot of suspicious points.But because there is no one.,At present, I can only draw a mark on the map temporarily.,After the whole map is searched,Xianghe They plan to focus on finding those suspicious points.。


It's the Admiral's full-range radio!!?!

Xianghe and the others immediately turned on the radio, and then a message immediately made them fall into a dead silence, you look at me, I look at yours, everyone has an incredible look on their faces.


Xianghe couldn't help laughing at first, there is such a coincidence in this world? They were tired all morning, and the result was not as good as the luck of a few elementary school students who were tired of shopping and skipped to drink ice!

"Hmm~~ It's true, I lost to them. "

"But that's fine, at least we don't have to do any more useless work. "

"No, it's not necessarily useless, haven't you noticed? The island we are on now is the Sailfish Island where we were teleported before, as long as this information is used, I think the Admiral will definitely be able to find more secret realms like this. "

Xianghe shook his head, negating Saratoga's negative thoughts, testing whether an aircraft carrier mother is passing, to a large extent, is to see if she can analyze useful things through the information she comes back from reconnaissance, even if it is an aircraft carrier that specializes in bombers, it will generally have its own hand for information collection, this Saratoga, is still far behind.

"Let's go, it's time for us to join the Admirals. Xianghe moved slightly, stood up, and said with a slight lazy hint in his tone.

On the other hand, Ryu Ren had successfully spoken to the three dressed slightly cooler ship girls, and had gained their initial trust, and at the same time, the content of the side quest of [Save Dina's Companions] in Ryu Ren's quest bar had also changed, becoming to protect them and bring them back to Dina.

It turned out that the Admiral liked this, such a swimsuit. The Prince of Wales glanced at the cool dress with very little fabric, his face was boiling ~ hot, and his heartbeat was even more wild. If the Admiral asked her to wear this, she, would she refuse?_

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