In the middle of the night, there was an unexpected cloudless sky, a bright moon hung high in the sky, and the stars dotted around the sky were very beautiful.

It's just that if you want to do that invasion in such clear weather, the difficulty is more than doubled.

"Hey, do you really want to sneak in alone? What if you're in danger? I don't want to be scolded by Nagato!" Mutsu was wearing a night robe that was close to the night, and although his voice was very small, he could still hear the hesitation and worry in it. Although this man is a competitor, no matter how to say it, his identity is now her admiral! A ship girl who can't even protect the admiral she identifies with is not qualified to be a ship girl!

"In this weather, do you think you can hide from the guards? Besides, the Admiral's strength has been tested by Musashi. Don't worry, this is just a small trip to the lair of the Deep Sea Fallen at night~" Liu Ren patted Mutsu's thin shoulder with a grin, as if the lair of the Deep Sea Fallen with unknown strength was a small amusement park, allowing him to come and go at will.

"Hey~ I won't worry about you! However, if there is a real accident, remember to sound the signal flare! Although I don't like you very much, but for the sake of you being my admiral, I will still save you~ Hey! Did you hear it? Hmm? What about people?!" Mutsu hugged Xiong with both hands, looking very atmospheric, just turned his head and wanted to train Liu Ren a few more words, but he was dumbfounded, what about people?

"I didn't expect that Mutsu was also tired, but if I had time, I could tease him. Liu Ren couldn't help but smile, but his steps were still swift and silent, and as for the guards guarding the eaves, they were very loyal, but they didn't notice the slightest movement.

This pitch-black night robe has a great advantage, it can absorb a certain amount of noise, such as when you are walking and running, this small noise can definitely help you to silence the sound completely, Liu Ren has tested, as long as the speed does not exceed 150 kilometers per hour, then this thing can help you sneak into any place quietly.

In other words, if Liu Ren has a whim, he can stage a ghost hunting car drama in minutes by driving a supercar.

Under Liu Ren's omniscient eyes, the traces of those deep sea degenerates were instantly incorporated into his mind, 48.49, 50 people! All of them happened to be together, although I don't know why they would gather together, but this did not prevent Liu Ren from giving them a pot.

Before that can happen, though, Yooin has to solve a problem.

The security inside the house is much tighter than the outside of the house! There are people standing guard basically every 3 meters, and there are 360-degree cameras without dead ends, so it is obviously not ordinary to let the people inside sneak in without knowing it.

However, this is obviously difficult for Liu Ren, who has a mall system, a bottle of colorless and odorless liquid ti was taken out by him in an instant, even if this thing is held by Liu Ren himself, it is a burst of scalp numbness, and extremely dangerous alarms are constantly issued from his brain, obviously, this thing can already pose a great threat to his life.

"呲呲~~" A very faint sound came from the place where the liquid he poured out touched it, and the night clothes that had the noise absorption could still make a sound, it is not difficult to imagine how powerful this thing is.

In less than 5 seconds, the original steel-plated roof was immediately corroded with a large hole!

"Hey~ This thing is definitely the enemy of the ship mother and the deep sea! Even if it is a large kind of thick armor, it is estimated that it will not be able to withstand it for 1 minute. Liu Ren's eyes were extremely solemn, no, none of the things produced by the system were analyzable, that is to say, even if these things were occasionally discovered by others, it was absolutely impossible to analyze the ingredients and recreate this big kill!

"Hey, Rogin, you've been called back too?"

"Well, I haven't been told why, but I can't really think of anything else that we need to be all of us on the line. "

"So, this bustling city will soon be our paradise?"

"No, no~ This should be said, it's our deep-sea habitat-sama's paradise, we're just taking it over for the time being~"

"Haha~~Yes, yes, it's still An Jin Shisan, you guy can talk~"


It is rare to gather together, and this large conference room has become a street market, you say yours, I say mine, there is basically no discipline at all.

Until someone appeared, there was only a light cough, and all the sounds on the field suddenly stopped as if they had been forcibly terminated, and a group of people opened their mouths, stunned and unable to say half a word.

"Very well, I still like that you don't talk now. "

A silver hair, pale skin, and a very bewitching face, said to be female, but can be seen to be male, said to be male, but feels like a woman, if it weren't for the pupils that are still the cloudy gray color, it is estimated that even if it is said that it is the side of the deep-sea roosting Ji, there are people who believe it!

"Anyway, you are also obedient, this time, you just stand and listen to me. The bewitching silver-haired man casually picked a place and sat down, slightly squeezing his long hair that blocked his view, and his tone was extremely flat, but since he entered this conference room, he had not looked at this group of people.

The concept of hierarchy in the deep sea is extremely heavy, and the subordinates obey the superiors, which is a matter of course in their brains, as the degenerates of the deep sea who have been transformed into the deep sea, they will naturally follow this nature, and it is obvious that the silver-haired demon man is the terrifying existence above them.

"Tonight, let's start to let those little babies evolve quickly, tomorrow this time, what I want to see is the ruins of the deep sea everywhere, does anyone object? Oh yes, I forgot for a while, you can't talk at all, I ....."

"Boom !!"

A boulder from the ceiling slammed down, hitting the silver-haired strange man who was sitting and pretending.

"Yo~ Everyone is happy in the evening~ Hmm? Why don't you talk anymore? Are you stunned by my handsome appearance? It's okay, I'll go down and wake you up. Liu Ren didn't know where to pull out a cold long sword, and he still had a bright smile on his face, but in the next second, he suddenly slammed into a certain position under his feet~ into it!

The hard stone wall seemed to be made of tofu, and the long sword went straight into most of it, and a trace of slightly black blood slowly overflowed from the entrance of the cha.

Hiss~~ Where did this ruthless man come from? Without saying a word, he directly drew his sword and inserted it into that adult?!

"Actually, I don't really want to deal with you people who don't look like people, and the deep sea doesn't look like the deep sea, but who asked you to take the initiative to come to the door and touch the tip of my sword directly~ You say, don't you? Mr. Steve?"

Liu Ren jumped off the boulder with a smile, and magically pulled out another long sword from his sleeve, the tip of which happened to be against Steve's slightly trembling chest. _

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