
Liu Ren didn't pay so much attention to it this time, and he just shot it directly!

"Didi Dong~"

The construction warehouse still made all kinds of strange sounds, but this time it didn't shake again, and it directly revealed the time of the big construction.


When this number came up, Liu Ren finally breathed a sigh of relief, this is right! I must have been eaten by those two fish for 5 hours just now!

In the early 5 hours, this is more in line with the construction time of the eldest brother, the Prince of Wales, but it is not impossible to get out of Bismarck and Mutsu.

Thinking so, Liu Ren walked directly to another construction warehouse, he planned to take advantage of this hot luck to make a second shot immediately!

"More than 5 hours?Nagato, who do you say the Admiral's ship mother will be this time?" Xianghe asked with his hands in his hands, looking at the number that was still counting.

"More than 5 hours, the range is limited to the battle column, but there are only a few ship mothers who can reach more than 5 hours of construction time, that cat control, and that sloth, it is possible, and the Welsh guy also has a certain chance to appear, maybe ...... "My sister Mutsu will be among them, and Nagato's gentle but firm gaze is cast on the back of his own admiral, and he will always reunite the two sisters, for sure!

"Is that so... It seems that the Admiral really came up with a pure battle column this time, and the first two shots were purely a mistake, right? But it also just fills the loopholes of the previous fleet, after all, it is not a problem to always rely on the Admiral. Xianghe's eyes flashed with a hint of loss, I don't know what happened to that guy Ruihe, what if I sleep too long and don't want to get up?

Xianghe exhaled lightly, are you going to talk to the Admiral? I had heard Lexington say that the Admiral had made a bet with her when he left Saratoga, and as a result, she had lost with the Admiral's natural expression. Does this mean that as long as the Admiral wants to, he can build the goal he wants? It's just that the two submarines just now.....

Liu Ren didn't know that his ship's mother was playing with his idea, he had already invested enough resources, and it was another unthinking pat!

The luck has almost accumulated, and Liu Ren thinks that at this time, there is no need to wait for dozens of seconds before building a big building.

And the numbers on the screen of the construction warehouse also seem to tell Yoo Ren that you are right.


"Mutsu? Looks like he didn't run. Raising his eyebrows, he took out two more construction accelerators and said to himself.

"Hmm??Commander, you said this would be Ao?!" Nagato looked a little.Her face was full of joy and expectation, and her eyes were full of tenderness~ Meaning, the Admiral was sure of my heart!

"Hmm. The new construction warehouse is estimated to be the Prince of Wales, but this must be Mutsu!" Liu Ren nodded, his tone extremely categorical. Remembering that these big things are the knowledge that every big touch level admiral must have, for this ship girl world, Liu Ren is basically sure that most of the big construction time is exactly the same as what he has in his head, and even if there are some differences, it is only a matter of minutes.

As Ryu-in's words fell, the flames passed, and bursts of thick fog filled the brand-new construction room again.


The ups and downs are orderly, and every step seems to have stepped into the rhythm of everyone's heartbeat, giving people a sense of majesty and not to be underestimated.

"The battleship Prince of Wales, are you my Admiral? I don't hate this encounter, if you may, call me, Wales." The appearance of the Prince of Wales seemed to have frightened the two fish, and the fog seemed to be hiding from her. It's just that there is some indescribable tenderness in her only remaining brown eyes.

Is this the Admiral resonating with the Prince of Wales?! And it is also this kind of murderous cannon (milk) level! Except for those two fish, who are still ignorant and unclear about the situation, the other shipwives can't help but sound the alarm bell in their hearts!

"Hello Admiral, have you ever met my sister?" The smile on the corner of Mutsu's mouth seemed to be present all the time, and it made people feel good at first glance, and they couldn't bear to refuse her question.

"Nagato, your sister is here. Ryuren chuckled, and he stepped back so that Nagato could reunite with his sister. It just so happened that the position behind him was the Prince of Wales.

"Welcome home, Wales. "

"Yes, Admiral, in this life, please continue to let me be your spear!"

Resonance is a very magical thing, the shallow resonance can only make the ship mother and the admiral know each other, but the deep resonance can make the ship mother and the admiral experience countless battles together! Even if it is just a dream of Nan Ke, it is enough to leave a deep impression in each other's hearts.

The Prince of Wales seemed to be very familiar with Willow, and she smiled and nodded to the other ladies of the ship, and then simply followed her admiral, and after sleeping for so long, she felt the need to make up for the absence of the admiral.

"Alas~ This admiral of my family, if he was a little more honest, it would be great. Yamato couldn't see the pure emotion in the eyes of the Prince of Wales, maybe she was in the eyes of others, maybe she was like this. She sighed a little helplessly, the admiral is too good, and for the shipwreck who likes him, this is also an alternative burden~

"But sister, if it were an ordinary admiral, do you think you would stay, or even have a good impression of him? There is a saying in human beings that is very true, but it is also very true, how much power a man has depends on how many women he can attract. In Musashi's eyes, the Admiral is like a light source in the deep sea, and they are like those fish who yearn for this light source, and the better he is, the more light he emits, the more ship girls he attracts, which is an inevitable trend.

"Uh... Musashi, shouldn't you?"

"Yes~!Such an excellent admiral, who can resist his charm~My sister~" Musashi admitted his heart very easily, the sea is very big, but to find a suitable home, how easy is it? This is the biggest emotion in Musashi's heart, which has been wandering for many years.

"Hey~ That's easy, I was thinking about how to persuade you to cooperate with me~~" Yamato's face was happy, she hurriedly pulled Musashi to a remote corner, and discussed something in a very fine voice, judging from Musashi's surprised expression, Yamato's plan this time seemed to give her a considerable shock.

This admiral, it doesn't seem to be simple at all, Mutsu Ao took the arm of his own family, and glanced at Liu Ren with a scrutinizing gaze. There are always one or two sentences about his sister who are related to him, this man is the enemy!_

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