It's night.

The night was full of dark winds, and the smoke that lasted all day has not yet dissipated. Except for the shipwives in charge of patrolling, there are very few people who will stay in the harbor, let alone enjoy the cool on the barren sea.

Whether it is the admiral or the ship's mother, they have basically entered a deep sleep, today's battle is indeed very difficult, a little careless, every minute is the yin and yang, they are highly nervous and naturally sleep in their clothes early, as the main force of the entire battlefield, Yamato they will naturally be no exception.

It's just that on this quiet camp, an extremely light figure suddenly disappeared from the camp with a few silent vertical jumps. And the target of the owner of this figure seems to be the sea.


There should have been a good moonlight tonight, but the air was filled with gunsmoke that had not yet dissipated, and only faintly a trace of silver light sprinkled on this wreckage sea, and only at one time, the figure of running flat on the sea had to be revealed.

"Hmm?" A patrol lady seemed to hear something, and she turned suddenly, but there was nothing but a puddle of wreckage rippling with the waves.

"Delusion?" she shook her head and spat herself, it must have been that today's battle was too fierce, causing the overall senses to be too sensitive.

However, she felt right, a pitch-black figure had just jumped quickly behind her, the faint sound of the trampled wreckage.

"Whew~ It's finally safe, come out, I've seen both of you. The owner of the shadow had only then taken off his mask, and the pair of iconic pale golden eyes were staring at a rock wall somewhere.

This is a small hidden island at least a hundred nautical miles away from the port of Nangang, that is, it is possible for a pervert like Liu Ren to walk on the sea route as a flat land, so it is possible to reach this place in a short time.

"Woo hey hey~~ Borrow the nest ~~" A petite figure just jumped from the rock wall in the direction of Liu Ren! Under the full moonlight, a little north in a white dress was pounced on Liu Ren, but, as a short hand and short foot, this distance seemed to be a little far.

"Hey, hey~ Is it okay to watch the jump next time?What if I fall?" Liu Ren's figure was like a phantom, and he appeared in an instant under the direction where Xiao Bei was about to fall, and he hugged it with both hands, and just hugged Xiao Bei in his arms, and his tone was full of doting.

"Hehe~No~There is a sister who is talking to the human admiral~" Xiao Bei's little face showed a very witty and proud expression.

"Well, what is the purpose of looking for me this time?" Liu Ren hugged Xiao Bei with one hand, and took out a bag of fiery red aluminum strips stained with chili oil, shook it in front of Xiao Beibei's eyes, and asked.

"My my, my, my~~"

“..... There are some things I want to talk about. "

These two sisters, their personalities are really completely different, Liu Ren looked at Xiao Bei, who was reaching out to reach the bag of spicy aluminum strips that were always a few centimeters away from her, and then looked at the harbor Qiji who was slightly red and seemed to be a little embarrassed to speak, and felt very interesting in his heart.

"Little North ~ There are a lot of snacks you like to eat here ~ Stay.Just read the comics for a while and eat spicy, cough cough, aluminum strips, I have something to talk about with your sister, if you shout to me after eating" Liu Rengang sent the bag of aluminum strips directly into Xiao Bei's arms, and then gently put her on.

"Comics?(⊙o⊙) Oh!Is it a lot of villain's books in it?I also saw a lot of people in Sister Aodao~ But it's all a man and a woman chaun, you move me, I move you, it's so boring~" Xiaobei stuffed aluminum strips into her mouth, blinking her big innocent eyes, and said words that made people have to think deeply about her living environment.

“... Isn't that an island, that guy and I will always have to 'teach' her how to clean up her room one day!" Liu Ren took a deep breath, are they all so unreliable?

"Huh, how do you know that Sister Outlying Island's room is a mess? And she doesn't have a comfortable pillow on her, so she can't sleep comfortably at all, and she even makes me sick. Xiao Bei waved his little hand and said seriously.

"Poof~Pillow?hehe~ It's definitely not as easy to sleep as in the harbor~" Liu Ren glanced at the giant Ru of the harbor perch, and laughed directly, he could almost imagine that the outlying island ghost looked at the pair of oversized existences in the harbor, and his face was dark and pitiful.

"Well~Hmm~ It's not impossible to share the 'pillow' with the human admiral~ But I have to give Benbei one, two, and three packs..... Hmm~10 packs of aluminum strips?Will it be too much?" Xiaobei counted her little fingers, and ten packs happened to be ten little fingers, and in her opinion, the number of ten little fingers was already a lot.

"Okay~Okay~, this will give you enough aluminum strips, right?" Liu Ren said, but the movements in his hands were extremely neat, and more than a dozen packs of special aluminum strips were taken out by him along with a bundle of comic books and placed in front of Xiao Bei. The pillow of the harbor perched on the hey~I really haven't tried it~

"Woohoo~~!These are all from the north~~!" The empty bag in Xiao Beibei's hand was thrown directly, and with a happy smile on his face, he went straight to the many, many aluminum strips, and as for those comics, they became accessories.

"Let's go, let's talk over there. After Liu Ren settled Xiaobei, he casually pointed to a position, and said with a smile on his face.

"Hmm. "

Harbor Qiji glanced at Xiao Bei, who was immediately attracted by the comics, and a rare trace of curiosity appeared on her face, when she was at home, if this little guy had no one to accompany her, it would be very troublesome, and now it was quiet because of these villain books? It seems that it is necessary to find that guy to get some back.

Because this is not the location of the battlefield, the sea style here is refreshing, not like the smell of gunpowder smoke when you breathe casually like Nangang. Moreover, the moonlight here is noticeably brighter than that over there.


The waves are constantly crashing against the beach, making an inexplicable sound of tranquility, which was originally an excellent landscape painting of the waves under the moon, but at this time there are two more figures on the beach.

The two seemed to have a tacit understanding to maintain a distance of one person, Liu Ren before and after the harbor perch, but at this time, the harbor perched was a little entangled, and there were some words that she wanted to say, but she didn't know how to express it, after all, it was the first time that she could get along with humans for so long.

"That's... Today's thing..."

"Today's thing, it's not you who did it right, right? "

"Uh, how do you know?"

Minato Qihime was inexplicably happy in her heart, he really didn't misunderstand me! However, before she knew it, she didn't even notice that she herself had a happy smile on her face.

"Because..."As soon as Liu Ren turned around, he immediately saw this smile, and swallowed back the reason that just came to his lips, such a beautiful day, coupled with the beautiful scenery, coupled with the beautiful woman's eyes, did he still have to say "Because the strategy is too rough." 'Is it?'

"Because, the harbor Qiji I know is a good girl who keeps her promise~" Liu Ren's tone changed inexplicably, his voice was slightly affectionate, and the fire in his eyes~ heat was clearly visible.

"Uh, you, what are you talking about! I, I'm just, I'm not that human! Girl, girl or something....." Harbor Qihime, who didn't know anything about love, only felt that her heartbeat was abruptly intensified by the human in front of her, and her face was inexplicably hot~ hot, and she even wanted to escape from this place that made her heart numb immediately.

It's just that the harbor Qiji, whose hands have long been grasped by Liu Ren, can she still run away?


Harbor Qiji's eyes widened, she never expected that she would be attacked one day! It's just that her heart doesn't seem to reject this feeling, and she even wants to ask this man for ~ more!

On the beach, a man and a woman, witnessing the moon, hugged each other deeply. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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