"Hey~ Xiao Lin, are you going to that battlefield? My ship's mother can definitely protect you!"

"Oh, yes? Let's go to Southport. "

"Uh... I think the Pulin Line further forward on Benhan Island may be more suitable for you~"

"Hmph, it's only a small reward to go to the Purin Line, so I might as well find someone else to take me!"

"Uh... However, there are only a few battlefields I can choose from at the moment..."

"Hah, I might as well find a fat man! He can at least take me to Donggang, what about you?!


Countless players need to choose different battlefields, and some weak ones can only go to the nearest defense line to garrison, and every day they probably compete with others for a little deep-sea sinking power, or simply mix up their feats. Naturally, there will be no good rewards for these low-level defensive lines, and they often only have less than 2.3 merit points per day, and it is impossible to get promoted to the rank by relying on this.

But this time, the mastermind Gaia is much more enlightened, and wants to go to the Great Battlefield to fight the melee? Yes, but you have to have a player with these battlefield options to take you there, otherwise you won't have a chance to get in touch with those reward-rich battlefields.

In each harbor defense camp, there is also a huge screen, there is no time countdown on it, some are only the number of sunks of different players, at this time, the leader, is a strange player named the old driver of Qiu Mingshan, behind his name, there is a mark of [Donggang], obviously what he is guarding is the defense line of Donggang. At the moment, he is in the top spot with 35 sunks, and that number continues to increase!

In a sense, this is also a kind of honor list, and all the players who can be on the list are players who have mixed quite well in the ship girl OL, but they just lack a chance to show their faces.

For a while, the major forces of the players saw the role of this tablet, and sent people to record the name on the huge screen at any time. As long as they can rank in the top 1 million, they are worth recruiting, because these are the players who stand out from more than 3 billion players! There is no doubt that some of these players will definitely become the mainstay of the real world in the future, and it is necessary to win over them now!

"Shh~! Look at the top of the list!"

Who doesn't know Luo Jun and Luo Dashao? Why don't you try to win him over?"

"No, no, now Luo Dashao has also been squeezed down, and he has been replaced by my goddess Su Xue~~"

"I'm rubbing! Their data has suddenly grown so fast! Sure enough, they are elites from big families, and other casual players may not even be able to see their dust. "

"But what about the Great God Liu, why haven't you seen him come up yet?"


Liu Ren said, why don't you come to Nangang to have a visit and try it! The first cannon fodder in the Mader row is all deep-sea habitat ships of the Sakura 12-petal class, and the rest are basically all high-level deep-sea habitat ships with 16 petals of Sakura! Ren has such a powerful fleet, and it is absolutely possible to obtain large-scale results at one time.

The high-level deep-sea perching ship already has quite good intelligence, but it will not be flexible, and it is just a little rigid. However, once the group is formed, even without the command of Fukasu Ji, they can finally reach a relatively complete strategic plan through simple communication, but the efficiency and plan are not as perfect as those considered by Fukami Qihime.

However, in the face of the opponent's lineup that is obviously inferior to its own strength, it is obvious that this is enough.

However, just as the deep-sea habitat ships were preparing to capture the already precarious enemy airspace in one go, a small group of fighters who didn't know where they came from suddenly intervened into the field and forcibly suppressed their frantic offensive!

There seems to be some confusion on the side of the deep-sea habitat ship, after all, in their plans, there is no way to deal with such an unexpected situation.

After a few more minutes, the ship's forces have already snatched back the airspace that was lost just now, and there is a faint tendency to suppress the past.

At this time, they decided that since the airspace could not be completely relied on, then they would take the initiative to attack! As long as they destroyed those damn aircraft carrier-class ships, then the rest would be all scum!

"Admiral, they're starting to attack on all fronts!" Akagi hurriedly reported to his own Admiral, taking advantage of the gap he had just suppressed back.

"Well, in that case, then Yamato doesn't need to be too far ahead. Yamato! Prepare for an ultra-long-distance bombardment!" In Liu Ren's pale golden eyes, the attack methods of those deep-sea habitat ships always gave him a very familiar feeling, as if he had fought somewhere before.


Yamato's decisive response interrupted his puzzled thoughts, but anyway, if it's an acquaintance, she'll always show up at the end, right?

There are still 3 nautical miles, and those flagships hiding behind cannon fodder still have 3 nautical miles before they can really enter the ultra-long-range shelling range of Yamato, however, those deep-sea cannon fodder have already begun to fire at the ship's defense line!

Liu Ren raised his eyebrows lightly, the quasi-head of this deep-sea habitat ship is still as touching as ever, if it wants to cause lethality within 27 nautical miles, unless it is the kind of ship mother of Yamato with ultra-long-distance shelling, it can only make a noise. After those deep-sea flagships enter the range of Yamato, it is estimated that Yamato will have nearly 20 minutes of artillery bombardment, but I don't know if they can cause enough damage before they react in the process.

"Bang bang bang~!!"

A sudden burst of artillery fire rang out from near Yooin.

Hmm? Those cannon fodder are just approaching 25 nautical miles, who is so irrational and wasting ammunition? Liu Ren subconsciously glanced at it, such a pig teammate, he must always be vigilant, who knows if that guy will be braindead in his back.


However, to Liu Ren's surprise, this shell, which could be regarded as an ultra-long firing range, actually hit the target! However, unfortunately, the distance was too far, and the penetration strength of the shells had long been exhausted to a certain extent, and it could only cause small damage to the deep-sea habitat ship that was cannon fodder.

However, as a good start, this has a lot of morale boosts.

"Hmm, the ship's mother who didn't have a commander?" Liu Ren clearly saw that there was no admiral near the ship's mother, and she seemed to know the limit of her ability, so she only fired this shot, and then didn't shoot again.

The appearance of this ship girl is a little familiar, Liu Ren touched her smooth chin, but for a while she couldn't remember who she was.

Hmm~ Forget it, let this thing go first, the most important thing now is to hurry up and let Yamato cause enough damage in a short time!

"Yamato! Countdown to 60 seconds! Prepare for ultra-long-range shelling!"

"Yes! Admiral!"

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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