Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 886: Real big magic

After enjoying the enthusiasm of everyone, Natsume was straightforward and finally remembered that there was still a little ghost that didn't solve it. He turned back and asked with a smile: "How, like this little magic, didn't let you down. ?"

There is a little magic in his mouth, and he said that he did not let you down, and contradicted himself.

Li Xuehao smiled a little and skipped the curiosity and doubts that the girls around saw: "I think such a little magic, even the children of kindergartens, can you have some trouble?"

A word of no mercy and sarcasm, I heard the summer eyes straight down the face, the girls around me also looked changed, maybe they did not know what happened before, thinking that Natsume Naoki is performing magic to show the guests However, now that I hear this provocative word, it is clear that the atmosphere on both sides is not so good.

"I want to know, what magic is difficult in your eyes?" Next to a circle of fans, Natsume Naoki hides his anger very well and performs very well.

"For example, you can make a lot of money, not one or two like you just, but one hundred, one thousand, or even more. Can you do it?" Li Xuehao completely ignored the surrounding people. With a look of anger or disdain, he said in an understatement.

A lot of money... Natsume Naoki’s eyes are gloomy. If he gives him enough time to “prepare”, he can certainly do it, but now there is no “preparation” at all. If he can make a lot of money, then Still working hard as a magician to do, I have been lying on the bed piled up with money every day.

"I can't change this magic. Can you please perform it? I think since you can say it, it will definitely be this magic." Natsume Naoki kicked the ball to the other side. In his opinion, self-support It doesn't matter if it doesn't change, and the other party can't do it. If two people can't do it, it doesn't matter. Plus, because it was proposed by the other party, he said that the shameful face is only the devil who wants to embarrass him!

"Of course, this magic is very simple. It turns out that you really can't." Li Xuehao's disdainful expression showed clearly and unmistakably. He couldn't wait to catch him and bite him, but he resisted hard. Speaking out of my mouth, "Please ask us to show it to us. If you talk big, everyone will, can you really do it? Hey, look at your next performance."

"See clearly." Li Xuehao knew that the other side had blocked all his "regression", but he didn't mind at all. If he really couldn't show the magic, he would naturally be spurned and embarrassed by the girls around him. Unfortunately, there are The storage ring is a big killer, and there is no magic that can be difficult to pour him.

Then, in the case that everyone almost wants to pull out the eyes, Li Xuehao pressed one hand on the table and then lifted it up.

Stacks of banknotes piled up from the tabletop until the end of his hand in the air, and the piled up bills were at least one meter long.


Surrounded by a big bang, everyone was stunned by this incredible magic, and there was nothing in it. They actually piled up such a high amount of money under the eyelids, and the color of the banknotes was all five thousand. The big bill.

"This, this..." Natsume Naoki couldn't believe his eyes. As a magician, he knew more about the nature of the magic, but he looked at the bottom of the table and looked at the short sleeve. The devil, can't believe that such a "difficult" magic actually appeared under his own witness.

"Look clearly, this is not a fake." Li Xuehao took a few stacks of banknotes and took them apart. They were all five thousand bills. No one was fake or confused with paper of the same color. of.

A **** the side of the crowd dared to reach out and touch the banknotes, and then excitedly flushed: "Yes, it is true..."

"Of course it is true, there is probably more than 20 million yuan here." Li Xuehao is not showing off the amount of money, but is confirming to a magician that he has really changed "a lot of money". This is the real big magic.

"Two or more than 20 million baht?" The girls around me were shocked again. Although they knew that there was a lot of high money, but after all, the specific figures were not clear, so even if they felt more, there was no Intuitive feelings, now I hear this specific number, everyone shocked, looking at someone's eyes suddenly became hot, this is more than 20 million!

Although Fu Yuanzhimei was equally shocked, she was not as shocked as the girls around her. After all, the Chinese "wristness" that someone gave her before was worth 350 million yuan. More than 20 million yuan is not counted. What, she is even more curious is that how someone brought more than two million to the body, is this really magic?

"Mr. Natsume, you can check if the money is true or not..." Li Xuehao is not a reasonable person, but this Xiamu straight tree has just been stalked in front of Fuyuan Zhimei. Great attention, this can touch his reverse scale, so such a dog must be chased.

"No, no need..." Natsume Naoki’s stagnant expression was full of bitterness. At this time, the girls around them were shocked by the huge amount of cash of more than 20 million. The so-called fans all rebelled, and almost no sympathy for him.

He stiffened and was numbly ready to leave.

"Wait a minute." Li Xuehao stopped him in a timely manner. "Hands stick out."

Natsume Naoki subconsciously extended his hands.

"Return to you." Li Xuehao's right hand gently waved, his hand suddenly appeared a bunch of roses and a cup of steaming black tea, he just "magic" with the magic.

Natsume Naoki had no idea of ​​losing face, and he left with his "magic goods" in disappointment. The lessons of today will surely make him remember deeply.

No one catches up to comfort him, even the two women who were behind him have stayed. Everyone has focused on someone, especially the tall banknotes on the table. The eyes are full of sparkling light.

"Ho, let's go." Facing the women around them, they wanted to swallow someone's eyes, and Fu Yuanzhimei frowned.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded and put his hand back over the banknotes piled up in a straight line. Then he pressed down and saw the original high banknotes. He was easily pressed down until it was pressed on the table. When the hand was raised, all the banknotes disappeared.

The girls around me were amazed by the loss, so much money, so it was gone.

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