Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 854: The role of the blessings of the gods, the real inner feelings!

"Yes, 'sneaky' is a reward! And, as a manifestation of sincerity, I can give you the 'ghosts' first." Sawai said, while he has handed out the cloth that has been wrapped out. Long sword.

"Why?" Li Xuehao did not reach out to pick it up. Although he also wanted to help Chiba Sayuri to return the sword belonging to the Chiba Shrine, he still did not understand the intention of Sakai Green.

A sword that can "devil and demon" is definitely higher than the reward value of winning the "skill ratio". After all, the winner's reward is just two more invitation tickets and the school's virtual position ranking, but when the original is well Green immediately gave him the invitation voucher for the yin and yang teacher's blessings to let him handle it. Obviously she didn't care so much about the invitation voucher, but now she is willing to take her weapon to pay for it, in order to win the game in exchange for those two invitations. Voucher, this is simply contradictory.

It seems that he has seen through his thoughts. Zejing Green explained: "The sneaky sorrow is powerful, but it belongs to the Chiba Shrine. It requires the people of the Chiba family to exert the greatest power."

Li Xuehao's explanation for her is irresponsible, because even if it is not a person of the Chiba family, she can also use the "sneaky scorpion". At first she used this sword, but even the spider-like grievance did not dare to approach her easily. The power, now said that can not play the strongest power to return to the original owner, how to listen is not like the truth.

"Why is this sword in your hand?" Since it is the heirloom of Chiba Shrine, it is worth exploring in the hands of others.

Sakai Green did not conceal, bluntly said: "Probably a few decades ago, the Chiba family had a traitor. He sold the "ghost" to a person, and that person is my master, I believe these It has been recorded in the Chiba Shrine. For a long time, people in the Chiba family may not have recovered this 'sneaky' for this reason, so they have been collected by my master. Recently, she handed the 'ghost' to me. On the hand."

"So, will your Master agree that you will give the ‘Ghosts’ as a reward?” Li Xuehao continued to ask.

Sawai Green replied calmly: "When she handed the ‘Ghosts’ to my hand, I told me that if I could return to the Chiba Shrine, it would be her wish to return to the original owner.”

Li Xuehao looked at her carefully. It didn't sound like a lie. Of course, he didn't have to use the means to test whether she lied or not. He nodded. "I can help you ask Sayuri, but she will promise, just look. Her own will."

"I believe she will." Zejing Green is very confident about this, and does not know where this confidence comes from. At the same time, he can't help but say that he has put "sneaky" into his hands.

Li Xuehao did not refuse this time. He held the "sneaky scorpion" and saw that he was coming to Zejing's house. He stopped at a timely time and stopped going forward: "It is very late, I have to go back."

Zejing Green did not stop him this time, but he said another when he turned around: "On June 18, the Yin and Yang divisions gather together, let's go to Tokyo together."

"...if there is time." Li Xuehao replied ambiguously. In fact, even if he had a ten-vote invitation to him, he did not want to go to that yin and yang.

It seems that it is getting tired again. Zejing Green exchanged her suitcase for another hand and looked at him deliberately: "Fushen gathers not only to get to know the yin and yang masters from all over the country and even abroad, but also to exchange each other's needs. The thing, although the strength is strong, but there is something that is needed? I believe that you will definitely be worthwhile after you have been there."

In this way, Li Xuehao mentioned a little interest. There is a kind of spiritual species in his family. Although it can be directly used as medicine, it is too wasteful. It is better to find some spiritual plants, so that you can get rich in spirits. Something, and if you can change to the spiritual planting in the Yin and Yang division of the gods and gods, it is really "not worth the trip" to go down.

Moreover, it is not only a spiritual planting, but Li Xuehao even wants to exchange some refining materials. In recent days, he has a faint hunch. His realm seems to break through again. As long as he breaks through this layer, he will build on the foundation. .

By the time of the foundation period, the Yujian flight is no longer a dream. Therefore, he needs some high-quality materials to refine a flying sword with a low quality.

"How, really, when I call you, we go to Tokyo." Zejing Green saw that he was somewhat moved, and his mouth twitched a good-looking arc.

"...Yes." After thinking about it, Li Xuehao finally agreed to it. Anyway, it was also a weekend weekend. It is not far from Tokyo. It doesn't take much time to go back and forth.

"That's it." Zejing Green's mood seems to be very good, and the weight of the suitcase carried on his hand is ignored.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded. When he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered one thing and stopped Saijing Green who was happy and walked in a light footstep. "Miss Zejing, don't you know that you don't know a person?"

"Who is it?" Zejing Green stopped, his face showing doubt and curiosity.

"Teak is early, do you know?" Li Xuehao looked at her with a strange look. He did not want to talk to Zejing Green in the case of such gossip, but now they have agreed to go to the Yin and Yang divisions. Then it is also a "companion", reminding her that it should be.

"Do you know teak teacher?" The expression of Sawaji Green changed instantly and became somewhat difficult to look at.

"She is a colleague of my friend...my friend." Looking at her abnormal face, Li Xuehao couldn't help but wonder, is it really like Teak Wood said, Zejing Green grabbed her boyfriend? When is the third party?

"Hey!" Hearing that he said, Sakai Green was completely cold-faced, apparently guessing something. "Is that woman saying that I have robbed her man? She is the biggest victim, right?" Not called, obviously she is not so jealous of the teacher's identity as teak.

Then, after waiting for what Li Xuehao said, he continued to say coldly: "The man actually didn't like her at all, but it was a poor worm controlled by a ghost. I received the ghost from him and returned to normal after the god. I broke up, so the stupid woman said everywhere that I seduce her man. If I knew it, I wouldn’t save her!"

It turned out to be the case! Li Xuehao’s heart is inexplicably loose. He just thought that Saijin Green was really “starving to eat” to the boyfriend who grabbed people.

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