Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 699: Concealed in the dark, revenge!

"Hey, do you want to go all at once?" Uesugi Qianjing looked at the pool with a blank expression before the shaking, and the pile of chips in front of her.

"Of course, we will lose or lose in one game!" Chi Lin Anna has the help of a ghost girl, full of confidence.

"That started." Uesugi Qianjing handcuffed, swaying two or three times at random, then stopped, and the easy action was like this is not a few hundred million bets, but a few insignificant.

Pool Diana was slightly discolored, and the people around her looked at her together because they also wanted to bet and wait for the follow-up. Although there is a big man who looks like a big man, no big man cares about it any more than winning.

"Hey, let's go." Uesugi Chiaki made a gesture of asking.

Pool Diana took a look at the ghost girl. I don't know when the babysitter of Uesugi Chiaki had already walked to her side, and then... a hand was placed on her shoulder.


Pool Diana couldn't help but widen her eyes. No one can see her in the ghost girl. Why can the nanny see her and even touch her?

This kind of thing can't even be done by her, why... For a moment, Chi Lin Anna reacted, the nanny, is a Yin Yang master!

Her heart suddenly tightened, and she glanced at the ghost girl again. Her whole body was stiff, her face was angry and panic, and it seemed that she could not move, as if she was controlled.

Obviously, she could not tell her the size of her.

At this time, where is that guy?

Chi Anna looked around subconsciously, but did not see the familiar figure. She knew that she would not be allowed to gamble alone. If she is now with her, she can deal with the other’s Yin and Yang division. .

How to do?

Pool Diana no longer has to calm down before, if this loses, not only will all the winning chips lose a light, even the ghost girl will be taken away by the other party's Yin Yang master.

"Hey, why not?" Seeing the ugly expression of Chi Mina, Uesugi Chiaki knew that her Yin Yang master had shot, although she could not see it, but the expression of Chi Lin Anna is the best proof.

Chi Yan slammed her, but she was helpless. She used to be cheating to win money. This kind of thing couldn’t be said at all. The ghost girl who can help her cheating is caught. Is it still open? Asking for mercy to let the other party let her go?

"Don't dare to go down?" Uesugi Chiaki faint smile, faceless face, seems to be trying to squeeze out the ridicule or disdain.

Chih Nana bites her teeth. She is not a person who can't stand the excitement, but now the ghost girl is caught, and the guy doesn't know where it is. In this case, there is only one fight, and there are still half chances.

Just as she wanted to bet, a dull cough sounded softly.

For ordinary people, it may not feel anything, but as the only Yin and Yang division on the scene, the housewife and Yin Yang, who stood by the body of Shangshang Qianjing, looked like a change, and looked at the source of the sound.

The cough sound that contains the "divine power" makes her dare not have the slightest wish, there are other Yin Yang masters in this casino!

Then she saw the teenager who still thinks she still feels terrified. Although the face of the other party has changed, it seems to be a few years old, but his breath can not be wrong.

Yes, it is him, what he met on the train was him!

At the beginning of the train, she could see clearly from beginning to end. Takeuchi Takeuchi easily abolished the practice by the teenager. Even his god, the dog ghost was killed by the juvenile.

But why is this horrible teenager appearing here? He... what purpose?

As the mind panicked, the movements on his hands were also stiff, and he could no longer control the ghost girl. The latter found that after moving, it turned into a light smoke from her hand.

When I re-appeared, I had already stood behind someone because she felt that only this person who is also a Yin and Yang teacher can protect her.

The housewife and the Yin and Yang masters looked so different. When I saw this situation, I immediately misunderstood. The ghost is actually his god.

In my mind, I remembered that Takeuchi Shoichi, who was abolished by practice, is a punishment that is even worse than death. She definitely does not want to reproduce in her own body.

Because it was too frightening, the whole person was still in the same place.

She is so fascinated that she has been ignoring her, and she has focused most of her attention on Chi Anna.

Pool Diana was just about to make a bet, but when she saw the ghost girl escape from the other party's Yin Yang master, the betting action immediately stopped.

And she can see the light smoke that the ghost girl turned into. When she reappears, I have finally seen someone in the pool, and my heart suddenly feels good.

If he is there, even if the other party also has a Yin and Yang division, then there is no need to worry. Her heart is surprisingly confident about someone.

"Big, I am all big!" Chi Yan Anna suddenly pushed the chips in front of her, although some scattered out, but most of them were pushed to the top.

The reason why this decision was made so suddenly was because the ghost girl told her the size of the point, so she dared to go down without hesitation.

A lot of chips fell on the big, but this time the gamblers around began to hesitate, not rushing to follow the wind as before.

Because this time the female "gambling god" was hesitated for a long time before betting, it seems that it feels very unreliable, not so happy before, they do not dare to follow the bet.

Only a few daring followers were on the big.

Uesugi Chiaki did not put the person who followed the bet in her eyes. In her eyes, there was only an opponent of Chi Lin Anna. She looked at the housewife and Yin Yang master around her. The latter seemed to be in a daze? She frowned slightly, didn't bother her, and her hands were revealed.

Six six five, seventeen, big.

When I saw that it was big, Uesugi’s face was a stiff face, and the mechanical expression also brought a shock that could not be concealed. Why, why not?

Looking over at the housewife and Yin Yang teacher around, why did she not help?

"Qianjing, you lost." Chi Lin Anna is very proud, she has a reason to have to be proud, she won more than 300 million in this game, and also "shame" the Missy of the Uesugi group This is a "great" victory.

The people who followed the bet together could not help but be grateful, but those who did not follow were upset and regretted.

Uesugi Chiaki is not a big lady of the violent group. Although some things can't be solved for a while, they don't rely on it. They take a deep breath and sigh at the cold sweat that is on the forehead. "Zhengmu, go get the chips." ""

"Yes!" Masaki said with a respectful respect, there is Missy here, his leader is basically the role of errands.

Just before he turned and left, the ghost girl who had long been unable to wait had already rushed up, stretched out his hands and slammed his neck.

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