Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 525: Another encounter, 7 shifts in two years?

After class in the afternoon, I went to the club activities time.

Yamamoto is too early to leave the classroom, it is estimated that he will see his pure predecessor, or he will go with him to the spiritual level activity room.

Li Xuehao came to the activity room alone, but just arrived at the door, but heard the bickering inside.

"Thousands, tell me, who is that guy, I am going to find him to fight now!" A man's voice said excitedly, and the words were accompanied by anger and tyranny.

"I won't do that kind of boring thing, so you can die." The girl's voice was very cold, and there was a bit of impatient impatientness in her tone.

The man is even more crazy: "Why don't you want to associate with me, we grow up together, and Aunt Lina also agrees to our relationship. She also hopes that we will get engaged after high school graduates, and then we will get married when we graduate from college..."

"That is my mother, not me!" The girls are still cold.

"Good! You don't want to associate with me, you will regret it..." The man said something, then there was a pull in it, then a "clam" sound, but the man's voice was even more embarrassing. "You dare to beat me, bastard-"

When the sound arrived here, Li Xuehao immediately opened the door.

The sound of the wooden door being pulled open also shocked the inside people in an instant, and the movements of the two men were also one of them.

Li Xuehao saw a scene in the room, which happened to be a tall boy who raised his right hand and was about to swing down the girl's face, while the girl was looking to avoid it.

The action stopped here, and Li Xuehao stepped in from the door.

The tall boys scolded the presence of others, hesitated to hang their hands, and the girls took the opportunity to break away from him, step back and keep a safe distance from him.

The two are not others. It is the tall boy who has designed the "Heroes to save the United States" yesterday. It was only finally revealed. I didn’t expect the other party to give up. It is a lot of hands and is.

"This is a spiritual society, please leave!" Li Xuehao did not have any good feelings for the pursuit of scum that did not achieve the use of violence, and looked at the tall boy coldly.

The tall boys were originally in a violent mood, and they even saw that the guy who came in was the guy who destroyed his plan yesterday, and his heart was even more upset: "The devil, yesterday is you..."

"Hey!", Li Xuehao waited for him to finish, dragging his collar directly down, and at the same time, his knees up.

"Ah!" The tall boy suddenly screamed and slammed his nose back.

"Don't let me see you next time, understand?" Looking at the red liquid revealed in the other's fingers, Li Xuehao said disgustingly.

The tall boys didn't think about it. The guy who didn't have him tall would dare to start first. He could clearly understand the severe pain on the bridge of the nose, and the wetness in his hand told him that he was bleeding.

For the time being, I can't take it back for revenge. The most important thing is to deal with the nose that is constantly bleeding. The tall boys said with awkward words: "You remember me!" He hurriedly slammed the door.

Looking at the other party after leaving the words to leave, said the word "you", Li Xuehao could not help but frown, and some regrets just did not give him a spiritual imprint. Then there may be follow-up troubles waiting for him, but he is not too concerned about it, an ordinary person, and it is not too late to wait for the other person to come to the door.

"You are fine, Jiuchuan predecessor." Li Xuehao regained his gaze and looked at the Jiuchuan Qianhe next to him.

"Yeah." Jiuchuan Qianhe gently sighed, looked calm, sat back to the seat to read the book, as if nothing had happened in the scene.

Li Xuehao didn't care too much. He wasn't a person who was a singer. Not only did he just solve a problem that came to the spiritual society, it was a category of "business."

Seeing that Jiuchuan Qianhe is already reading a book, he also went to the front of the bookshelf, ready to look for a book.

Just then, the phone on his body suddenly vibrated.

Li Xuehao pulled out his mobile phone and found that the person who called was an expensive island. He couldn’t help but be curious. According to the current time period, the island is already doing community activities, which is the training of women’s football club. Activities, you can call yourself, can you say that the call is not the timid and shy "is the island", but the proud and powerful women's football team captain?

With this in mind, he did not want to pick up the phone, but the phone has been shaking all the time, thinking about it, or turning the phone on.

"Really, are you there?" The island was passed by the voice of yours, but it was not strong, and it was his surname, which means that the island has not yet become a woman's football captain.

"Yes, by your sister, what's the matter?" Li Xuehao breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Jiuchuan Qianhe, and took a little to answer the phone.

"Can you come to Heyi with a high score now?" Inter-island asked by a little lack of confidence, apparently not sure that her request would receive a positive response.

"Yes." Li Xuehao did not ask why, and directly agreed. Presumably, the island will not be because of the boring call to him, looking for him in the past is definitely something. It is very likely that it is related to the issue of the women's football team. After all, he also serves as the assistant coach of the Heyi High Women's Football Team.

"Okay, I am waiting for you in the classroom, it is 7 classes in two years..." The island said from the low, the voice was deliberately depressed, and it seemed that he was afraid of being heard by someone on the side.

7 years in two years?

Li Xuehao was listening to it. Didn't he go to the football field, but went to her class? This made him wonder why it was. He had never been in the school building of Heyi and had only visited the playground and the playground. Now the island is letting him go to her class. What is it because of it?

After hanging up the phone, Li Xuehao did not want to think more. Anyway, it was clear afterwards. However, before leaving, "surface kungfu" still needs to be done. After all, he is now a member of the spiritual society, and he took the initiative to come to the activity room to participate in community activities. It is not always appropriate to leave without such a sound.

"Kyukawa predecessor, I have to take a vacation to go out." Jiuchuan Qianhe as the deputy minister of the spiritual society, Li Xuehao with her leave is also within her power.

"Well, I will tell the minister." Jiuchuan Qianhe looked up at him and nodded. He continued to look down at the book.

Li Xuehao didn't say anything anymore, let go of a book that had just been found and walked outside the classroom. When I walked to the door, I heard a "thank you" from behind, even though the voice was very light and almost inaudible.

But the six sensitive people, he listened very clearly, that is, Jiuchuan Qianhe is thanking him. Although he wouldn't mind if he didn't thank him, it sounded "thank you" and gave him a feeling of "not helping the wrong person." Unfortunately, the existence of Jiuchuan Qianhe has always been too low. If you don’t pay attention to it, you will not have this person.

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