Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 368: Do you kiss each other? No, just go to the dance party!

When the club activities ended, Li Xuehao returned home.

Chiba Sayuri, Melon Mai, and Yuma are also home, and the three are watching TV in the living room.

It may have just arrived home, so the school uniforms have not been replaced.

The island is the same uniform as the melon and melon. It is a full set of dark blue, suit and skirt. The two are just sitting opposite each other. One left and one right "arched" the Chiba Sayuri sitting in the middle of the top.

The school uniform of Chiba Sayuri is also a suit and skirt, but the top is a blue suit, the short skirt is dark gray, and there are black stripes.

When Li Xuehao entered the living room, the greetings of the three people were different.

"Pure sauce, you are back." Melon and linen are very casual.

"Hao Erjun, hard work." Chiba Sayuri is still like a wife of Xianshu, stood up and took a ritual.

The island is too expensive to look at him: "Really, come back." This is much better than when I first came, and even there was no greeting at the time - because I didn't dare, not rude.

"Wait a minute, Sayuri, there is something I want to announce." Seeing Chiba Sayuri preparing to enter the kitchen for dinner, Li Xuehao busy calling her.

Chiba Sayuri nodded lightly and stopped.

Melon and raw linen are like chicken blood: "What, what? Is the greasy sauce finally going to bed? Sayuri is the first one, then I am the second one, by the third..."

The opposite side of the island was flushed by your face, and it seemed that you wanted to find a hole to hide.

"Cough~" Li Xuehao coughed, and did not hear someone's crazy words. "Because I don't have dinner at home tonight, I may have to come back very late."

"...is the invitation of the cousin's family?" He was invited to go to the house for two consecutive days. Although he was used to it, his brow was still wrinkled.

"No, this is a teacher's blind date dance, invited me to participate." Li Xuehao shook his head and said.

"Dating match?" The eyes of melon and smudges suddenly lit up and raised their hands. "I have to go, I have to go... greasy sauce, take me there."

Li Xuehao glanced at her: "Miss sister, you don't know people at all, and I can't take you there."

"Hey - greasy sauce is really stingy!" Guasheng Ma Yi swelled his cheeks and looked very dissatisfied.

"Well, I will go to the bath first, then change clothes and I am ready to go out." Li Xuehao looked at a few people, turned and left, and when he was halfway, he turned back. "Sonyli, there is a suit in my room. In the closet, you can help me to iron out." The suit was bought by the parents when the middle school graduated, and did not pass through once. It was just to go to the ball tonight, and it would come in handy.

"Okay, Hao Erjun." Although Chiba Sayuri is cold, she does not hesitate to work for such a "personal wife" and is very happy.

The reason why Li Xuehao called her was not called melon, because he didn't want to be bargained, called melon to make things, but it was a price. And after a period of time, he gradually became a member of the family. Not the identity of a wife, but a pure family identity.


After the shower, the suit was also ironed, and a white shirt and a black tie were ironed together. It is estimated that the careful Chiba Sayuri is easy to do.

Li Xuehao was dressed neatly and took photos in front of the mirror. The suit is very fit and the whole person looks mature when he puts on a tie.

Although the face is tender, but the effect of wearing a formal dress is not the same, finally there is a man's look.

"Ah, the greasy sauce now looks like a daddy." Gua Mai was on the side of his heart, his hands licking his cheeks, his eyes full of light.

Chiba Sayuri looked cold and nodded, although she did not speak, but the meaning was self-evident.

The island is somewhat red and tweaked, and it seems that he does not dare to look at him.

"Then I am going out." Can't stand the three eyes like a monkey, Li Xuehao decided to leave early.

"Okay, go all the way!" The three sent him to the door and watched him go.


The home of Shuiqiao Ryoko is not in Tsurumi Ward, but in Aoba Ward, which is the northernmost part of Yokohama City and is a district bordering Tokyo.

It’s so far away that it’s natural to walk on two legs and go to the intersection to take a taxi.

Just after Mrs. Sakai’s convenience store, Mrs. Hoso just got off work and took a small bag and walked out from inside.

The palm print on her face has disappeared, revealing a smooth, white skin, and the expression seems to be very pleasant, with a relaxed face.

Wearing a purple long-sleeved t-shirt on the upper body, the full upper body curve is exposed. The bottom is wearing a white skirt. The skirt is long and the knees are there. The fabric is light and thin, with bare and delicate calves.

Just a set of very ordinary home clothes, worn on her, but with amazing results.

The long hair on the head was tied with a strap and slanted to the side of the shoulder. On the foot is a pair of mid-heeled shoes, which makes the body look a little longer.

When she saw Li Xuehao in a suit, she looked very surprised. It seems that some people dare not recognize each other: "Zhen Zhongjun?"

"Hello, Mrs. Hosoya." Li Xuehao said hello politely.

"Is it true that this is going to be a blind date?" Hiroshi Miyuki finally returned to God, and his face was deliberately ridiculous.

Li Xuehao also made a joke and directly admitted: "Yes, how did you know the lady?"

“Ah?” Hiroshi Miki was immediately taken aback, licking his little mouth and his eyes wide open. It was just a casual statement. Was it really said by her?

Seeing her amazed expression, revealing the girllike lovable, Li Xuehao was pleasing at the same time, and explained: "In fact, it is not a blind date, just to attend a teacher's blind date, so it is so formal."

“Is this the case?” Hiroshi Miyuki patted his chest, as if he was “stunned” and then relieved. “But today’s Zhenzhong is very handsome!”

"Thank you, Mrs. Hoso is also very cute..." Li Xuehao said, but found that the word "cute" can't be used indiscriminately, especially if it can't be used by a woman like Ms. Jingu, who feels a bit contemptuous.

Sure enough, the face of Himeji Rikiko was red, and it seemed that some did not dare to look at him: "So I will not bother."

"Oh, ok, goodbye." Li Xuehao is also somewhat unnatural.

"Goodbye, go all the way, really Zhongjun!" Watching him leave, Hosoya Riko put his hand on him.

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