Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1881: third party

The holy angel floated in the air and could see that this is a female angel. Even though she wore a white robe, her figure was bumpy and the curve was tempting. Unfortunately, her face wore the same texture as the robe. The white cloth only reveals a pair of blue eyes like the sea, and can't see the truth.

The "Death Knight" underneath and his evil "Unicorn" mount stared at the angels in the sky for a moment, and the **** eyes were full of violent and bloodthirsty.

But neither of them has acted rashly and seems to be full of vigilance and alertness to each other.

Li Xuehao has gotten up, dressed, and did not disturb the bright moon knot, and went out from the window.

On the way, he used to monitor the confrontation between the angel and the "Death Knight" until he arrived at the Greenwood Cemetery.

Invisible to the two sides of the confrontation, they are more than ten meters away from each other, not far from close enough to see everything on the scene.

The female angel in the sky is about one meter seven or seven feet tall. The white robe is under the guise of the night wind, hunting and squeaking. Inside the robes are two slender thighs, and the inside is wearing a tight blue jeans. Just like two straight pencils, the top can't be seen, but from the ordinary clothes in her white robe, she should have a hidden identity in the real world. It is estimated that this is why she is covered with white cloth. I was afraid that I was accidentally exposed.

The "Death Knight" is nearly two meters high, and it is covered in the medieval knight. The evil "unicorn" around him rides on his chest. How to say it has a height of one meter, five or six. If you ride it, the height is at least There are two meters five.

The two sides are still squatting at the same time. Li Xuehao also has time to look at these legendary creatures. No, it should not be said to be a creature. At least the female angel is not. He can perceive that the body of the angel is **** and fleshy, unlike the one who is only like him. Like the little devil in the storage ring, the flesh and blood are all "simulated".

However, the pair of wings behind her is "simulated". This is certain, and the flesh and blood that the little demon "simulates" has the same effect. The naked eye looks like a living wing, and the wingspan is more than two meters.

"Death Knight" and evil "Unicorn" are different from angels. Their flesh and blood, like the little devil, are "simulated" and obviously not the same species as angels.

However, the two sides also have something in common. This is what Li Xuehao is most surprised. He actually feels a touch of aura in both the angel and the "death knight". This aura is not something they have touched, but They bring their own and integrate into their own bodies.

Why is this happening?

Aura is only found in the authentic practitioners. However, it is too strange to see the angels and "death knights" in Western mythology, but also cultivate the aura in the body.

The aura of the two sides is also different. The angel's aura is more pure and peaceful. The aura of the "death knight" is much more complicated and more violent, but in any case, this is indeed a mystery.

The discovery of this also reminds him of the Holy See's "Holy", which was actually a flying sword. Although it is more like the shape of a cross sword, it can't change it. It is a flying sword itself. .

Li Xuehao faintly realized that perhaps the practitioners had an unusual connection with the legends of these Western myths.

As time passed, the "Death Knight" began to become impatient, and the evil "unicorn" around him groaned uncomfortably.

The angel on the sky perceives the change, the golden light is suddenly radiated from the pupil of the blue, the hands are empty, and the palm is aimed at the "Death Knight" underneath. Suddenly, a white light column like a disc is shot straight. .

"Death Knight" roared, riding an evil "unicorn", the four-meter gun in his hand aimed at the angel in the sky, full of a thorn, a sharp red tip of the gunpoint, just in time The white beams of light are intertwined.

White light and red light entangled, two very different and mutually grammatic forces collided violently, and the surrounding airflow also became messy. Vaguely, the center of the intersection of white light and red light, the blue arc flashed.

Li Xuehao knew that this was caused by the disorder of heaven and earth. The angel and the "death knight", their offensive means actually used the strength of heaven and earth, which made him more curious, in the end How do two opposing races do it? This is obviously the means of the practitioners. Although the two sides only use some fur, but if no one teaches it, it is almost impossible to rely on their own understanding.

The white light and the red light began to spread with the horror of the horror. The turf debris fluttered around, and the stones and dust on the ground were rolled up like a tornado, quickly gathering at the center of the intersection of red and white light.

A horrible power has risen. If you let the red and white light, which are not suppressed and violently collided, develop, it may eventually pop up like a bomb. According to Li Xuehao, it will become a deep within a few tens of meters. pit.

Although the cemetery was destroyed and he has nothing to do with him, he is ready to stop. After all, the dead man buried in the ground is innocent, but when he wants to start, he feels that someone at the entrance to the cemetery is approaching quickly, and he stops.

The speed of coming is very fast. In the blink of an eye, I came to the scene of the battle. Between the silver long hair and flying, I saw that she quickly rushed to the center point where the red light and the white light were intertwined. The long and white fingers of the palms were bent like claws and fingertips. More than a inch of sharp nails, one claw caught the red and white light that was vacant.

"Call--" is like a gust of wind sweeping the leaves, the red and white light that originally had the horror of the horror, actually encountered the raging sun like ice and snow, and was easily caught.

Lost the center point of the interweaving, the red and white light also dispersed in an instant, and the dust, stones and grass clippings around it all fell back to the ground, and they were all over the ground.

The angels in the sky and the underground "death knight" are shocked by the powerful strength of the coming people, and they can actually attack their attacks. The two look at the silver-haired woman who landed.

"It seems that I am not very good. Are you partying here so late?" The silver-haired woman smiled slightly, looked at the angel and looked at the "Death Knight", and finally focused all of her attention on the obvious evil. One side of the "Death Knight".

She spoke in English. I don’t know if the angel and the "death knight" understood it, but neither of them relaxed. Because this person, for them, is an enemy and a friend, and they are not sure. This is whether the other party called the helper.

. . . Holding a pen m.

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