The game was held at 3 pm, and after lunch, there was a long time.

Li Xuehao came to the hospital and was ready to invite Grace to go to the basketball game. He is a person, mainly Grace's gas field is too strong, as a sister of Veginia is very afraid of her, even Anna, it seems that she also has a mouse to see the cat's fear.

He has been in the hospital once, there is no explosion today, so there are not many patients.

Walking into the hospital, the front desk is a fat black aunt. Li Xuehao knows that she is similar to the guard and the receptionist. Everyone who comes in must register with her or pass her approval.

The last time I came because I was very busy, even the front desk went to help, so I was not questioned. This time it was different. I wanted to pass her.

Of course, he couldn’t talk about the tension. He went straight and asked: "Is Dr. Grace?"

"Who are you? Are you looking for Dr. Grace?" The black aunt stared blankly and stared at him with vigilance.

Li Xuehao frowned, feeling that the other party had an inexplicable hostility towards him, and his eyes were still as disgusting as watching a dead mouse on the roadside. He endured the coldness of his heart: "My mother is a friend of Dr. Grace. She let me come."

"You haven't said the purpose here." The black aunt was still staring at him as if he had not heard what he said.

"I have already said, look for Dr. Grace." Li Xuehao looked at the cold.

"I don't welcome you here." The black aunt suddenly blinked and his tone became rough. If she was in the counter, she might have to come out and beat.

This hostility is completely inexplicable, and Li Xuehao suddenly realizes: "Do you have racial discrimination?"

The black aunt would not admit this at all, and a man who was coming straight away was shouting: "Security!"

It was a tall man in a uniform, about thirty years old. He ran straight after hearing the scream: "What's the matter, Miss Beth?"

"I suspect he wants to steal something in the hospital." The black aunt pointed to someone in front of the counter.

Li Xuehao was almost laughed at, but it also confirmed one thing. This fat black woman really was a racist, because in addition to this, he could not think of another reason why the other party would target him.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Li Xuehao blinked at the other side, ignoring the security guard who came over.

"Catch him up." The black aunt ignored him and gave orders to the security guard.

The security guard did not give him the opportunity to explain it. He grabbed it and grabbed it.

Li Xuehao looked at him sideways, his golden light flashed through, the security body suddenly became stiff, and the action of keeping his hand was in place, like a photo fixed by pressing the shutter.

"Martin?" Seeing the security stop, the fat black woman urged a sentence.

"It's useless, he can't listen to you." Li Xuehao shook his head and his eyes were cold.

"Martin!" The fat black woman called again, but the security guard still did not respond, she yelled, "Damn, I told you to catch him -" The voice suddenly stopped here, like being held The duck on the neck was suddenly broken.

"He is like you, you will not respond to you any more." Li Xuehao looked at the same fat woman who could not move. Although it was just a small episode, it was extremely unpleasant to encounter inexplicable racial discrimination. .

The fat black woman was full of horror because she found that she could not move and could not speak. The same is true of the security guards on the side. Both of them are sober, but they are unable to move and talk, and this is what scares them most. Why is this happening? Is this the punishment of God?

"Your name is Beth? As a black man, you are usually the object of discrimination. Or do you think that discrimination will give you an extra sense of accomplishment? Then I regret to tell you that you have found the wrong object." Li Xuehao is true. The anger, if you change to an ordinary person, it is estimated that you have been defamed, and even may be sent to the police station.

"As a punishment, it is not too much to expose you as a racist." Li Xuehao said faintly, looked around and prepared to find a model of hapless, but it may have just ended at lunch time. No one passed by, but it was A blond female doctor wearing a white coat walked away from a distance and made his eyes brighter.

It is a female doctor in her early thirties. She is slender and has a delicate facial features. She is full of seductive taste and feminine. It is the kind of woman who thinks of the bed at first sight. She is not someone else. It is the object to be invited this time, Dr. Grace.

This is really a coincidence! In this case, she was chosen, and compared with the average hospital staff, her position should not be lower, the effect should be stronger.

Dr. Grace is in a hurry. It seems that there is something waiting for her to deal with it. She doesn't care much about everything around me. When she passed by, she didn't even find a boy in the hospital.

Li Xuehao certainly couldn’t watch her leave and yelled at her: “Doctor Grace.”

“Well?” Hearing someone calling himself, Dr. Grace stopped and looked back and finally found him, his brow wrinkled. “How are you here?”

"My mother asked me to come, give you this." Li Xuehao took out a ticket and handed it to him.

"The ticket?" Dr. Grace obviously went to see the ball often, so when he saw something in his hand, he didn't even look at it, he figured out what it was.

"Yes, the Knicks have a ticket against the Grizzlies," Li Xuehao said.

"Thank you for your mother." Grace naturally took the past, no humility, probably her relationship with her mother is really good, so even if I accept a ticket that is not cheap, there is nothing.

"I will." Li Xuehao answered.

Grace nodded and was about to leave. The fat black woman Beth behind the counter suddenly called her: "Gress."

"Bess?" Grace looked around again, her brows wrinkled, because in the other's tone, there was a feeling that she hated, and she didn't add the name of the doctor as usual, but called the name.

"You, this white ghost, don't call my name." Beth stared at her fiercely.

"What are you talking about?" Grace's expression suddenly froze. If she didn't get it wrong, she just married her in a racially discriminating language.

"I said that you are a white pig, a stupid white pig, didn't you hear it clearly? Let me say it a few times before you can hear it." Beth yelled, but her eyes were terrified, it was not what she wanted to say. However, I couldn’t help but say it.

"Bess, are you crazy?" Grace couldn't believe her ears. Under the crowd, she was slandered in racially discriminating language, and it was loud enough to be heard by people passing by.

Several people who passed by were surprised and coldly staring at Beth because they were all white.

"Look what you see, you are all a bunch of white pigs." Beth opened a powerful map cannon.

The people around him were irritated, and Grace was full of anger. She didn't know what madness Beth was doing, but she could be sure of one thing, coldly pointing to the security guard who kept the weird posture: "Martin, put the shell With the ribbon, she is not suitable for working here."

Beth heard a tremble, his eyes full of panic and pleading, but his mouth said the opposite: "I don't want to work for your white pigs at all."

"Martin!" Grace trembled, asking the security guard to take her away immediately, and was ready to sue this colleague who didn't know why it was so crazy.

Martin was shocked and finally regained control of the body. He looked at a terrible boy next to him in horror, walked into the counter and hurriedly left the ribbon. Just like that feeling of horror, he would never want to try again. The boy is not a person at all, it is a devil. He can actually direct Beth to say that. If he stays, he may be unlucky. That's him.

Looking at the two left, Li Xuehao did not feel too much, think about the scene of the black fat woman who just smashed him, which is why she took it.

Grace's anger has not subsided. She has something to do, and she forgot her side for a while, frowning at him: "Do you know what happened?" Beth did not show racist tendencies before, but today it has become so crazy. She wants to have a reason.

Li Xuehao shook his head and certainly didn't say anything to her.

There was no hope for Grace to get an answer from him. After this, her mood became very bad and her work didn't want to be done: "Are you going back now? Wait for me, I am with you."

"Okay," Li Xuehao said.

Grace first left, not long after, changed her uniform and came out again. Her facial features and Virginia were somewhat different, but they were completely different. If Viginia is pure and pleasing, then she is Synonymous with **** and enchanting, giving people the feeling that this is the real woman.

"Sit in my car." Grace opened the car and went to the parking lot to take the car. Li Xuehao sat in and sat next to her, in the passenger seat.

"You are with Vigie in the morning?" Grace asked as he started the car.

"Well, there is Anna." Li Xuehao naturally did not want her to misunderstand that he was with Verginia.

"Are you still a high school student?" Grace didn't want to, and asked again, but did not wait for him to answer, and continued to say, "Vigie is already a college student, although my relationship with your mother is very good, but I don't Will you be with your vigil, do you understand what I mean?"

"I know that I already have a girlfriend." Li Xuehao said that understanding.

"Very good, it seems that you are a good boy." Grace was very satisfied with his answer, especially listening to him bluntly saying that there was a girlfriend, the tone has changed a lot, not as cold as before. It is.

Li Xuehao certainly knows why, probably thinks that if he has a girlfriend, he will not have any thoughts about her sister, so he will be pleasing to the eye.

. . . Holding a pen m.

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