Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1854: Albert family

After passing the biggest tombstone, Li Xuehao went to the graveyard like the pyramid. He had just checked the cemetery of the dead because of the collision of the passenger plane, and found no abnormalities, so if there is any weirdness, this pyramid cemetery is more likely.

Anne Dracula always followed, knowing that he was not disturbing him in the key to solving the puzzle.

Li Xuehao looked at the pyramid cemetery in front of him. There was an introduction next to it. This is a fanatic of crazy Egyptian culture. After his death, his grave also made people shape the pyramid.

There are two sculptures on either side of the tomb, which are incompatible with the pyramid itself, because the sculpture is neither a pharaoh nor a **** of ancient Egypt, but a statue of **** and the Virgin Mary.

If the owner of the cemetery is a fanatic who is obsessed with Egyptian culture, why do you erect **** and the statue of the Virgin Mary on both sides of the tomb? It stands to reason that at least it should be the Sphinx.

Li Xuehao focused his attention on the statues of **** and the Virgin Mary. **** had a lamb on his chest and a baby in his arms. This is nothing special.

The only thing that is special is that the lambs and the baby's eyes use special paints that look like real eyes, watching every move of the people in front of the tomb.

"Eyes..." Anne Dracula, who has been with her side, also found this, pointing to the eyes of the lamb and the baby.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao said with a light voice, saying that he also noticed, but unlike Anne Dracula's focus, he is more concerned about the grave. Because there are no corpses or ashes in the cemetery, it is empty, it is an empty grave.


So where did its owner go? Was it not buried here, or was it moved by someone, or when the grave was originally designed, it was not a sleep, but another effect, such as - as a medium to start the entrance to **** or Array method.

However, he has checked both the gods and the eyes of the law. The pyramid tomb has no other anomalies except for some inconsistencies in appearance.

The lavender mist that connects the two cemeteries is only connected, and there is no further change.

Li Xuehao guessed that it might be necessary to wait until the "Hell's Gate" really started, to be aware of the secrets.

"Hey, what are you doing!" The two were observing in front of the cemetery, a voice coming from a distance, containing anger and questioning.

Although there is no direct name, Li Xuehao and Anne Dracula know who the other person is talking about. The two turned their heads and saw that a group of seven or eight people came over.

Among them are men and women, adults, teenagers and children.

At the forefront is a white man of forty years old. At this time, he is looking angry and it is estimated that he is just talking. Next to him, is a woman of almost the same age. From the arm she is holding, it seems to be his wife.

The other five or six are teenagers and children. The three are a little older, ranging from seventeen to eighty-four, five years old, two teenagers, the youngest of them.

The remaining three are small children, the small is only three or four years old, the big one is seven or eight years old, holding hands with each other, it seems to be brothers and sisters.

This seems to be a big family, follow the parents out to play.

Both Li Xuehao and Anne Dracula had their own judgments. I saw the white man who was suspected of being the father of the big family coming over and staring at the two people and asking: "Who are you? Why..." Suddenly saw Anne De Gura's glamorous and exquisite appearance, the tone could not help but a word can not be said later.

Not only was he confused by the charm of Anne Dracula, the oldest teenager stared at Anne Dracula, his eyes were motionless.

"Cough!" Seeing that her husband and son were fascinated by the beautiful woman opposite, the middle-aged woman who was suspected of having a wife coughed heavily.

The white man reacted and didn't dare to be stupid again. He continued without asking before: "Who are you, here is the private cemetery of the Albert family, the outsiders can't get too close, don't you know?" But the tone is much milder, and the words reveal a lot of information, such as the name of the owner of the cemetery. For example, their family is Albert. No wonder it would be so angry before. After all, although the Greenwood Cemetery is of a tourist nature, But not every grave welcomes others to visit, but also prohibits outsiders from approaching, just like this pyramid tomb.

"Sorry, we are tourists here, because I feel that this cemetery is very special, so stay and see more." Anne Dracula stepped forward and said with apologetic.

"No, there is nothing. I thought that you heard the rumor." In the face of a apology of a super beauty, the white man quickly explained, but he was staring at his wife.

"Rumors?" Anne Dracula was surprised and curious.

"Yes, a very unbelievable rumor that my grandfather, Albert's graveyard, contained a painting of Van Gogh, worth hundreds of millions of dollars. How is this possible?" The white man said exaggeratedly.

"So you worry that we are robbers?" Anne Dracula asked with a smile, and finally understood why the other party was just so angry.

"No, no, no, I don't have that kind of idea. With the elegant temperament of a woman, it's impossible to be those dirty hamsters." The white man said good things, his son nodded beside him, indicating that he was very I agree with what he said.

"How do you know that she is not?" His wife finally couldn't help it, and gave him a look, then said to Anne Dracula with a blank expression. "This is a private place. If nothing happens, please leave. Well, of course, it’s okay to go a little farther.” She is probably not the kind of overbearing person, but her husband’s performance makes her feel guilty and she will say such direct words.

"Excuse me." Anne Dracula smiled a little and didn't seem to care about her attitude at all. "lee, let's go over there." She took the arm of someone around me and walked over to the original one. The huge tombstone pointed to the finger.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded and left with her, but before he left, he glanced at the wife carelessly, of course not because she was eager to catch the two, but because of the familiarity of her body. With a faint evil, the smell of the blood of the demon in his storage ring is exactly the same, in other words, she has at least touched the female demon.

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