Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1847: Little devil, bold misunderstanding

There are a lot of rooms on the 50th floor of the top floor, and at the end of the corridor, there is a room that is very unique.

This room is very empty, almost nothing, just a cylindrical glass cage in the middle, about two meters wide, through the glass, you can see a monster inside.

It is a monster because it does not match any of the species known to the world.

It is about 70 to 80 centimeters in length. It has hands and feet, similar to human figures. However, the skin on the body is purple-red. There is no clothes on the body. Only a skin "skirt" with unknown materials is placed around the waist - at least Looks like a skirt.

The face is the same as humans, but it is closer to the baby. It looks like a five-year-old child, but the body is very thin and can see the ribs on the chest. It seems that there has been no eating for a long time.

There is a pair of bat-like wings behind it, and a tail behind it. The tip of the tail is a triangle-like arrow. It has exactly the same image as the legendary **** demon in the West, except that there is no long horn on the forehead.

However, its situation looked very bad. The life of the body was very weak. He sat on his head with his head open, and the wings behind him occasionally opened and closed, and soon they went silent.

When Li Xuehao entered the room invisibly, he was not close. The little demon who was almost as big as the three or four-year-old baby suddenly stood up and seemed to notice something close.

It tried to look around and sniffed with the nose, with doubts in his eyes, and sat down on the ground.

For his sensitive sense of smell, Li Xuehao was a little surprised. He knew that he was in a state of stealth, and even the atmosphere was hidden. But this weak little demon could still detect him and didn't know how it was done.

Of course, he was even more surprised that he saw a living demon. This is not a TV and a real mythological creature. Just like a mermaid, it is something that humans have never touched.

And one thing he can be sure of, the tube of the "Devil's Blood" that was obtained before, although it is very close to the little demon in front of the eyes, it definitely does not belong to this little demon, that is, there are at least two The devil is present. The other demon should have a blood relationship with this little demon, otherwise the breath of the two will not be so close, perhaps the other demon is the father or mother of this little demon.

Li Xuehao can even conceive a story bridge. The father of the devil (female) appeared in the human world with the little devil for some reason. After being discovered, he was arrested by humans. The big demon was secretly seized by the official forces and launched research. The tube of "Devil's Blood" is a testimony, and the little devil escaped, but was arrested by civil forces and was locked up here.

Since he was met, of course, he would not sit idly by, not to mention the rare species of the devil. He also intends to study it, but he will not slice it like a mad scientist. He only studies its power attributes and living habits.

Although the cylindrical glass cage is not ordinary glass, it is a special glass that can prevent the devil from escaping. Like the material of the glass bottle, it is estimated that it is useless to use machine gun and bomb blasting.

But for him, it is no different from paper.

Under the circumstances of monitoring around, Li Xuehao naturally does not show his body shape, directly press it on the glass cylinder and gently shake it.

"咔嚓, 咔嚓..." I saw cracks one after another on the special glass. As the cracks were connected in series, the glass on the whole surface became fragmented.

"Hey!" A muffled sound.

The cylindrical glass cage showed a gap as large as the door. The little devil inside was noticed when there was a crack in the glass. At this time, I saw that my cage was closed and I struggled. Swinging the bat wings behind it and smashing it out from the inside.

However, it may be too weak, flying out of the glass cage less than two meters and exhausted to the ground, Li Xuehao gently caught it, shrouded it into the stealth array.

The sound of the "呜呜" sounded sharply as the glass cage broke open, and it also alerted the men and women who were intimate in the house.

The two of them couldn't even pick up their clothes and rushed into the surveillance room. The LCD screen on the entire wall was the view of the room with the glass cage, from all angles.

When the two saw a large hole in the middle of the cylindrical glass cage, and the little devil inside had disappeared, the two instantly changed color and rushed to the room together.

When I arrived at the door of the room, I found that the door did not open. The two men calmed down. Since the door requiring fingerprint lock is closed, it means that the little devil inside is still there. If it rushes in, it is likely to be affected by the little devil. The attack, although the little devil looked at a lot of tranquilizers, but could not guarantee that it was absolutely safe, and that the little devil had the ability to break the special glass, it was even more dangerous.

The two looked at each other and returned to the surveillance room again, ready to look for the little demon from the screen.

However, on the sixteen-sided LCD screen, the shadow of the little demon was not found. There is no place in the room where you can hide. Where did the little devil go?

"Return the time." The feminine man said in a deep voice, as long as he looked at the picture he had recorded before, he knew where the little devil had gone.

A woman like a vampire quickly came to the console and dialed back the time on the screen.

Soon, before the cylindrical glass cage in the middle of the room was not broken, the two looked patiently for a moment.

When the little devil suddenly stood up and tried to sniff with his nose, the two looked at each other and realized what they were vaguely aware of.

Then, the cylindrical glass cage suddenly broke open, and the cracks were more and more, only a huge hole was cracked. The little devil flew out from the inside, but when it flew halfway, it fell down, but it has not waited. Falling on the ground, suddenly disappeared.

Yes, it disappeared from the picture, as if it had fallen into a different space that they could not see.

"The picture time is slowing down, look again." The feminine man does not believe in evil, and said evilly.

The vampire woman operated according to his meaning, and the result was still the same. Even if the time was slowed down several times, and the frame was seen one frame at a time, the little devil disappeared like that.

However, the two did not get nothing. After reading it several times, they came to the conclusion that there was something that could be invisible and saved the little demon, perhaps its demon companion.

And the other party is powerful, even the special glass cages that have tried to turn off the devil can be easily destroyed. With that kind of power, if they have just sneaked on them, they are likely to have died without precaution.

Both of them have a lingering fear, and at the same time they are very reluctant to spend such a big price. They do not hesitate to start with their loved ones, but they have not got anything.

"Wait a minute, will he still not leave?" The feminine man suddenly thought with amazement, and if the demon companion who could be invisible had not left and was by their side, it would be dangerous.

"Fast, enter the 'refuge'." The vampire woman was also scared and turned white, first to the other side of the corridor.

The feminine man also rushed to catch up, even faster than she ran.

The two quickly entered a special room. Unlike other rooms, this room was filled with all kinds of dry food and water. It was used as an emergency refuge. The surrounding walls were three meters thick. Also used a variety of super-strong metals, even if they were hit by tanks, they also left a shallow mark.


Li Xuehao did not know the follow-up of the two, he had left with the little devil.

Because she was too weak, she fainted after struggling to fly out of the glass cage. Li Xuehao did not wake it up. After all, he would go to meet Anna and Virginia, and let it remain unconscious, but The stealth array on it has not been removed, so it will not be seen.

Arriving at the home of Virginia, I found that Dr. Grace was in addition to Virginia and Anna standing at the door.

"lee, you are finally back." Anna and Virginia were both greeted, and only Grace did not move. Before that, she had already understood what was going on, and her brows wrinkled slightly.

"Sorry, I seem to be lost." Li Xuehao had long thought of an excuse. Although it sounded like some pockets, he couldn’t say that he was hiding in front of protecting Grace. It’s more unbelievable, and he doesn’t have to Several people demonstrated their ability to "stealth" in front of them.

"It doesn't matter, my sister is back." Veginia didn't mind at all, as long as her sister came back safely.

Anna also did not care, even jokingly said: "If you don't come back, I will go to you with Vigie."

"Sorry, I am worried about you." Li Xuehao said apologetically.

What Virginia and Anna want to say, Grace suddenly interjected: "New York is very big, it is not unimaginable to get lost, boy, time is not too late, you should go back, I think amy will worry."

"Okay." Li Xuehao knew that Grace was squatting, and he couldn't talk about anger, and he greeted Anna to leave.

"Goodbye, lee." Veginia was a bit sad.

"Goodbye." Li Xuehao waved his hand and left with Anna.

Behind him, there was also a dialogue between the two sisters.

"Sister, you shouldn't say that." Verginia complained.

"Vigi, I didn't make a mistake. It's already late. I heard that the Japanese are sleeping earlier. Now, this time, it is already resting."

"But we should at least ask lee to have a cup of coffee at home? Isn't it? He invited me to help."

"I don't feel sleepy when I drink coffee, it's just a good thing to do bad things." Grace said, adding, "Although he is your help, I have not seen him, I am alone." ”

"Lee got lost." Virginian argued

"Maybe, I will accept this statement." Accepting it in the mouth, but in reality it is full of unbelief.

"I am telling the truth, lee is not the kind of person who dare not go because of fear." Veginia knew that her sister was misunderstood, but she knew through a short period of time that he was not such a person.

The dialogue between the two sisters gradually weakened, until they could not hear, Li Xuehao did not listen, and Anna went further and further.

First sent Anna back home, Li Xuehao entered his home.

There was no light in the living room, only the subtle breathing sounds in the parents' bedroom, and the two had already slept early.

Li Xuehao went upstairs with the invisible little demon. When the room was closed in the moonlight, her door was not closed. There was a gap, and there was a bright light inside.

Probably heard the footsteps of the upstairs, the bright moon knots opened the door and came out: "Hao, are you back?"

"Yes. Jiehua sister, have you not slept yet?" Li Xuehao hand-held the little devil, from the surface, there is no abnormal place.

"Just just showered." Mingyue said, the hair is still a little moist, it is indeed a shower, the body is also very simple and cool, short-sleeved t-shirt, soft shorts, a pair of amazing long legs Exhibited.

The scent of the body is more intense, perhaps because of the reason for the bath, in addition to the unique smell of flowers and flowers, as well as the fragrance of shower gel.

"Aunt Ping and Uncle Lihua have already slept?" The moonlight was standing in front of the door. It seemed that he did not plan to go in and prepared to say a few words to him.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded.

"In a strange bed, it seems that it is not so easy to fall asleep." Mingyue Hanhua looked back at the huge bed in the room. She didn't have the habit of sleeping in bed. It was just because of the daytime, it was very spiritual. Of course I can't sleep.

Li Xuehao also thought of the reason why she couldn't sleep. He was carrying a little demon in his hand. He just wanted to go back to the room as soon as possible and study it.

"Jiehua sister, if you can't sleep, just count the sheep." He made a casual suggestion.

"That didn't work, I tried it before." Mingyue Hanhua shook his head. "You shouldn't sleep too much. We can talk here."

"Jiehua sister..." Li Xuehao was about to say it. Suddenly, he stretched forward without warning. His body was pressed forward, and the knot of the moon was pressed against the wall.

The two are close at hand, their chests are attached together, and each other can feel the temperature of both sides.

Li Xuehao clung tightly to the little demon in his hand. He didn't know when he woke up. He just wanted to escape. His strength was amazing. Even he accidentally fled. This is mainly because the little devil only cares about fleeing without being slightly malicious to him, otherwise he will definitely be detected for the first time.

"Hao, Hao Er, go, go, go to the room..." The moonlight flower obviously misunderstood something, probably did not expect him to be so bold, shyly bowed his head and did not dare to look at him.

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