Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1845: Clear hidden dangers, help!

The white bald head, whether it is reaction or speed, is the limit that ordinary people can reach. If the opponent is an ordinary person, he will definitely escape the first time.

However, just after leaving the room to the hallway and preparing to go downstairs, an Asian boy in front of him just waited for him.

He was shocked and went back. He turned and wanted to run. The Asian boy was waiting for him again in front of him.

Are there two identical people? He subconsciously thought about it, looking back, but sent down the entrance to the corridor, the Asian boy was gone, that is, there was only one person at the beginning, but it was like going through time and space, no matter which direction he ran. , will always wait for him in front.

Knowing that he couldn't run, the white bald head stopped, trying to keep himself calm, and the gun in his hand was collected. He knew that this kind of thing would not come in handy: "Maybe we can talk."

"I think so too." Li Xuehao looked at each other and nodded. This is a bald-headed man in his forties. He is thin and looks ordinary. He throws it into a pile of people. It is not conspicuous at all, but the blood in his body is as many as four or five times as many people, so he must not be an ordinary person. Look.

Hearing this, the white bald seems to be a little relaxed, pointing to the downstairs: "It is obviously not a place to talk, we can go to the living room below..."

"No, I think the room is good." Li Xuehao pointed out that he had just left the room, no need to go far.

The white bald face was slightly stiff, but he quickly showed his attitude with actual actions, opened the originally locked door, and walked in first.

Li Xuehao is already inside. He is standing by the window and playing with the telescope in his hand.

The white bald head saw him, his face was quiet, and he was shocked in his heart. The other party could obviously move through time and space regardless of the obstruction. With this ability, who can catch him.

On the ground, his two subordinates lay down silently, not knowing how.

"Reassure, they just fainted." Li Xuehao saw his frowning look, said faintly.

The white-haired bald head is loose, which is undoubtedly good news for him. He looks at this Asian boy who is suspected of being a superman or a mutant: "Matt Downs, what about you?"

"I think if you can find me, then you must already know what I am calling, even people in my family are clear." Li Xuehao said faintly, this is undoubted, one afternoon, It is enough for the other party to check with the family and this is the most intolerable.

The white man’s voice is stagnation, because this is a fact. Of course, he can’t do anything without preparation. But because he has checked the information, he is puzzled. It’s just a plain family, and his parents are even in their respective fields. They are all celebrities, but why did they have a superman son?

"Superman?" he asked tentatively.

Li Xuehao shook his head. Superman, of course, he knew that in fact, he felt incredible. With the powerful strength of Superman, he could drive the earth to rotate, but he was often forced to be on the verge of extinction by ordinary human beings. It was an insulting IQ.

He believes that there is no such powerful strength as Superman, but he will never be forced to the extent of ordinary people.

"Variank?" The white bald head asked again.

Li Xuehao simply said: "Humans are just some special abilities."

"Special to fly to the sky, but also to travel time and space?" The white bald head is estimated to want to vomit, can these special abilities not distinguish between humans and non-humans?

Li Xuehao did not answer him, but said meaningfully: "In fact, I don't like trouble."

"Me too." The white bald head recognized his statement, but he did not know what he meant. "I have a proposal. We have not seen each other. I will not come to you later, and you will not bother me." how about it?"

"What do you think?" Li Xuehao looked ridiculous in his eyes. This kind of remark that he seems to be a three-year-old child, will he believe it?

"It seems that you don't agree with my proposal." The white bald head knows from his ridiculous expression that his proposal will not be adopted, so he calms down. "So what are you going to do?"

"It's very simple." Li Xuehao held out a finger. "I will eliminate your memory."

"Oh..." The white-headed bald head was shocked. There was actually the ability to eliminate other people's memories. It sounded incredible, but he had no doubt that the other party could do this. At the same time, his heart was also sweating cold and was eliminated. It’s terrible. “Is there any other solution?”

"Not at all..." Li Xuehao looked at him with a playful taste. "It is okay to kill you."

"..." The white bald face changed. "Well, if I choose, I will choose to forget the memory."

"It's a wise choice." Li Xuehao is not a murderous madman. He won't kill people easily. The killing ring before him is because he saw the picture of his limbs flying in front of him.

"boy, have you heard a word? The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility." Perhaps it is felt that his killing is not so heavy, the white bald tries to teach him.

"Unfortunately, although I have seen Spider-Man, I don't believe in this." Li Xuehao shook his head.

"With your own powerful force, to bully the weak, it is not really powerful, really powerful, here." The white bald pointed to the part of his heart.

“Several people know my existence?” Li Xuehao was too lazy to take care of his preaching and asked.

"There are a lot, in fact, everyone in us knows, so boy, even if you eliminate the memory of the three of us, it will not play any role, because you are stronger, and definitely not a country. Opponents. Maybe we can cooperate, you join us, we give you a suitable identity, you will have a decent job, there will be a villa in the most prosperous area, there are many beautiful women..."

"Unfortunately, I refused." Li Xuehao did not wait until the other party finished speaking, he would not be a "hands-on" for anyone, even if there is an official identity, it is impossible.

"You have to know that the United States is the most powerful country in the world, boy, there is no benefit to doing it for you." The white bald temptation failed and began a "threat."

"Oh?" Li Xuehao smiled faintly. "Do you know? If I want to, I can kill your big real estate agent at any time. You think that when I use his life and the safety of his family to marry him, he will How to do it?"

"This is terrible, but you won't do that right?" The white bald can't help but be nervous. The other has the ability to shuttle time and space, fly and powerful power, and even the ability that has not been exposed. It really looks like What he said, I am afraid that the entire United States will be in great danger.

"The premise is that the United States you mentioned will not provoke me." Li Xuehao smiled faintly. "Well, I have wasted enough time. Since you are not going to tell the truth, then I will come by myself." The golden light in the depths of the eye flashed past.

"boy, don't be impulsive, calm, calm, I don't lie." The white bald thought he was going to do something to himself, and he was suddenly scared. He didn't want to become an idiot without memory. It would be terrible to think about it.

"At least you said that many people know that my existence is not honest." Li Xuehao said faintly, if it is really like the other party said, I am afraid that more than three of them will come. He even suspects that it is only them. Three people know his existence. This will be confirmed by him next.

"Tell me how many people know about my existence, and I mean to know my true identity."

"I, there are Billy and Williams, just three." The white bald glanced at the two subordinates on the ground, and then his eyes were full of horror and annoyance. This is not what he wants to say, but the brain directly said Come out.

As expected, only three of them knew that Li Xuehao asked: "So, how many people have seen the video, and how many copies have been copied?"

"Garcia, Roman, Collins..." The white-headed bald head said in a few words, but his face was full of horror and incredible. He didn't want to say that at all, but he couldn't control himself and said everything he knew.

"The last question, what is the blood of the devil, is it really the blood extracted from the demon?" Li Xuehao asked.

"I don't know, I only know that 'Devil's Blood' has a very powerful energy. It is said to be related to a 'gene plan'. The rest is not something that my authority can know." The white bald head is now numb. Although he didn't know what happened to him, he knew that it must be what the terrible Asian boy did to him. He couldn't control it and said it.

"Very good, then, you just have to take a nap." Li Xuehao pressed his hand on his neck and fainted him.


When it came out of the house, it was already a few minutes later. He eliminated the memory of three white-headed bald heads.

After he came out, he didn't go straight back. After all, there are still many people waiting for him to eliminate the memory, and the video that took him down, it is the top priority.

Fortunately, it was only copied one copy, just in the previous black computer, and the original was in the computer in the white-headed office.

Delete the two videos, and then remove the memory of the rest of the people, the subsequent troubles will not be there, although it is a bit cumbersome for him to do, but it is not a problem.

There are white bald memories of the three, and before 9 o'clock in the evening, Li Xuehao completely solved all the troubles.

Back home, my parents have not slept, and there is an unexpected guest in the living room.

"Good evening, Anna." Anna, who had already gone home before, actually came again, and was watching TV with her parents.

"Good evening." Anna smiled and said, her look was a little embarrassed. "It’s coming back so late, it seems to be very pleasant with Vigie."

"In fact, I came back when I sent her home, but I strolled outside, so I only go home now." Li Xuehao explained.

"Wikii didn't leave you a cup of coffee?" asked the real child in the sofa, and regretted that the son did not take the opportunity to seize the opportunity.

"At the door of her house, I met Dr. Grace." Li Xuehao said.

"You met Grace?" The flower is a little nervous.


"She saw you with Vigie?"

"Yeah." Li Xuehao knows why his mother is so nervous. After all, the former family, Gres, told her in front of her. The matter about her sister is still a problem. She also encourages her son to pursue others. It is really too bad. The words of Dr. Grace are in my heart.

"Well, what does Grace have to say?" Since the incident has already taken place, the real flower is only recognized.

Li Xuehao said a little back: "Just say, let Veginia not stay outside too late."

"I know..." In the middle of the game, Hanako smiled. This is a very obvious suggestion. It is not saying that you should not stay outside too late, but not to stay outside with someone.

"Dr. Grace doesn't like lee?" Anna heard something from the conversation and expression of the two.

"She said that lee's age is too small." The real son of Hanako is also used to the son's English name. He also used this name to speak to Anna. After all, calling the Japanese name is really a mouthful for Americans.

"I don't think at all." Anna didn't know if she was pleased or told the truth. "If it were me, I would like boys who are younger than me."

"Anna, has anyone said that you are very visionary?" Hanzhong Hanzi was very satisfied with her words.

"No." Anna shook her head.

"Then I am the first one." Hanzhong Hanzi said with a smile.

"This is my honor." Anna smiled happily, but the phone on her body suddenly rang and scared her.

She hurriedly took out her mobile phone. When she saw the name on the screen, she was slightly surprised: "It’s Viggi."

"Sorry, I will pick up the phone." She stood up from the couch and walked aside.

Although Li Xuehao didn't listen to it, the phone voice was passed into his ear. Anna just walked a few steps, even if it was a normal person's hearing.

"Anna, my sister was taken away, I want you to help find lee." Veginia on the phone hurriedly said.

"What do you say, Vigie, slower, Dr. Grace was taken away?" Anna raised her voice.

"Yes, it’s a group of black people. They took their sisters away." Virginia was crying over there. "Anna, go find lee, only he can help my sister." I probably saw someone during the day. The man is superb, so he is full of confidence in him.

"Okay, lee is by my side, where are you, we are going now." Anna knew that there was no time to delay, and she did not ask if someone agreed, and she already made her own claim.

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