Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1824: Adult game

When I arrived at the University of Tokyo, I didn’t see Suzuki Fiyana. However, today’s Takeuchi Chie-wai stayed at the spiritual club base. Li Xuehao said a few words to her and left.

There is no place to go. I think that today is the last day to stay in Tokyo. He sent an email to Akira Hanako. After all, she came to find herself yesterday and didn’t see Pippi’s soul. It’s still bleeding, not the last. I left her 30,000 yuan to her, and she is estimated to die.

Soon, Kurosawa Hana had a reply, and the two agreed to meet at the cafe yesterday.

When Li Xuehao arrived, Kurosawa Hana had already arrived in the first step. He waited for him at the entrance of the cafe. He saw that he was alone, and he was relieved, but she asked half-jokingly: "Zhen Zhongjun, yours What about those lovers?"

"They went shopping." Li Xuehao did not feel any embarrassment, smiled lightly.

Kurosawa took a look at him with a look at the scum, pointing to the coffee shop: "Okay, let's go in."

Li Xuehao did not move: "Blackpool students, if you want to see Pippi, it is not a good place."

"It's also true." Blackpool Hanako reacted. The cafe is full of people. Although others can't see Pippi, she can't interact with Pippi.

"When I came over, I just saw a quiet place there." Li Xuehao pointed to the direction he was coming.

"Yeah." Kurosawa nodded and said that he went to the place he said.

Leading by Li Xuehao, the two came to the so-called quiet place, but it was just a remote alley where no one passed.

Under the eyes of Akazawa Hana, Li Xuehao put the soul of Pippi out.

When the little poodle saw his master, he immediately rushed up, and Kurosawa Hana also made a hug. Although they could not touch each other, one person and one dog simulated the way they could be contacted.

Li Xuehao stood there and did not speak, quietly watching the warm scene.

After almost twenty minutes, Kurazawa "released" Pippi and watched it retracted into the ring. She suddenly wanted to have a ring like that, but she also knew it was impossible, and even if she had it, I wouldn’t know how to use it.

"Zhen Zhongjun, this is what you "forgot" in my bag yesterday." Kurosawa took out three tens of thousands of banknotes from his carry bag and handed it to him.

Li Xuehao didn't know how she was sure that he left it. He didn't reach out and shook his head. "Blackpool, I should be my guest yesterday, so you don't have to worry about it."

"No, I am asking you." Kurosawa Hanako was also very stubborn, and the hand that was handed to him did not move.

"Do you remember that we met for the first time? I said, I don't need money, I think you need more than me." Li Xuehao shook his head, Blackpool Hanako looked very glamorous, but from her slightly rough fingers Judging from it, she obviously worked very often, and she didn't have to go to see her face. She also knew that she was a single-parent family. I am afraid that her tuition and pocket money were earned by her own.

"That is what I borrowed from you, and I will give it back to you after I earned money." Heizawa Hanzi hesitated and finally took the three banknotes back.

"Yes." Li Xuehao nodded and knew that it was out of her self-respect. If she did not agree, she would never accept the so-called gift. Just like the first time I met him and almost gave him 5,000 baht to "reward", if it was not finally stimulated, she would not accept the 5000 baht.

The two walked out of the alley, and Kurosawa said with some sentimentality: "Today's national competition is coming to an end, you have to go back to Yokohama?"

"No, maybe a rest, go back tomorrow morning." Li Xuehao said.

Kurosawa Hana is even more sentimental. Looking at the distance in front of him, he said faintly: "You can't see Pippi in the future."

Looking at her sad look, Li Xuehao also softened his heart: "Actually, if I am in Yokohama, you want to see Pippi can go to me." The last time Blackpool Hanako asked him, can he go to Yokohama to find him in the summer vacation? Seeing Pippi, he was euphemistically rejected, although in fact he did go abroad, but at the same time he did not want to cause extra trouble.

“Is this true?” Kurosawa Hana heard it and then became happy.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded gently.

"Thank you, Zhen Zhongjun, you are always so gentle, no wonder so many girls like you." Kurosawa was moved, couldn't help but grab his arm with excitement, but realized that the action was too close, I quickly blush loosened.

Li Xuehao did not care, the two continued to move forward, and the atmosphere was quiet.

After a few minutes of this, Kurosawa Hana suddenly "hhh" and said in a hurry: "Zhen Zhongjun, I still have things, I have to go first."

"Okay." Seeing Kurosawa Hana hurried away, Li Xuehao guessed that she estimated that there was really something to think about.

Next, Li Xuehao, who was doing nothing, felt that there was no place to go, and he returned to the Royal Tea Women's University.

Near noon at this time, almost all the people on the university campus were crowded into the food stalls. They were more lively than when they left. Almost every booth was filled before, and the people who arrived later could not get in.

Li Xuehao is not hungry, so he will not go to the fun. He is alone in the women's university. Apart from the main road, there are people in other places, but not so much.

The campus environment of Ochanomizu University is very good. There are various trees everywhere. The most common are pine trees, cherry trees and maple trees. It is said that spring can come here to see cherry blossoms, while in autumn, maple leaves are seen.

At this time, it is summer, the pink cherry blossoms and the red maple leaves have no chance, but the scenery of the campus is not inferior, and the female students wearing summer school uniforms, the unique vitality of the white legs and the young women can completely make up. I can't see the cherry blossoms and the maple leaves.

Li Xuehao has no wretched thoughts, but beautiful things are always pleasing to the eye.

However, not all things are so smooth. Li Xuehao was surrounded by several girls while passing by a lawn.

There are about seven or eight girls, headed by a girl with maroon hair. It looks good, plus makeup, barely able to describe it with beauty.

"Hey, do you still remember me?" The maroon-haired girl is obviously the leader of the group. Although the person is a little short, the look of the person is very sultry. It is the kind of "you finally fall into my hands." Proud expression.

Li Xuehao certainly recognized the other party, although now she is wearing a school uniform, completely different from the fashion dress she saw before, but how could he forget it.

The girl with chestnut hair in front of her eyes, when she came to Tokyo on the first day, went out with a few people, and went to the south gate of the Ochanomizu Women’s University, and the four girls she met when she was going to climb the iron gate. One, at that time, was mainly based on this girl, but I did not expect to encounter it again.

At that time, she also let herself go to pursue Kuroda, one of the "four Ji", but was rejected, and finally sneered a "damn little devil."

"I didn't expect to meet me here, your companions? You are a person today." Seeing him not talking, Li Fu girl looked at him slyly, thinking he was afraid.

“Is there anything?” Li Xuehao asked faintly, and several girls showed him a circle of encirclement, apparently preventing him from running away. Of course, this is a joke in his opinion, he can easily leave at any time if he wants to go.

"Exactly we are very bored, want to play a game, high school students, you will accompany us to play it, haha." Lifa girl laughed haha.

A few girls on the side also laughed and talked about it: "The little devil is very handsome, is there a lover who has no relationship?"

"How do you like me? A lot of handsome guys want to pursue me, but I refused." A girl who is fat like a ball said.

"Naito, you will crush him..."

"Ha ha ha..."

A group of girls laughing and joking, it is like catching an interesting "prey."

"How? High school students, we have these big sisters to play with you, don't you feel honored?" Lifa girl proudly said.

"I don't know what game you want to play?" Li Xuehao couldn't talk about being angry. Since several female satyrs wanted to play with him, he would "play" it, just right now.

The girl with a chestnut thought about it: "Hey, how about playing the ball, we throw the ball, you hide alone, this is fair, isn't it? After all, you only have one person, haha."

It is indeed fair, a group of people single-handedly one person.

Li Xuehao did not hesitate, nodded and said: "Yes."

The girl with the chestnut hair had some accidents. She thought that he would at least oppose it. Then she was forced to agree with the pressure of so many people. She was ready to threaten, but she did not expect that he would promise so much, but she immediately I thought of another idea: "However, if you get the ball, you have to take off one dress at a time, until you get rid of it."

"If it didn't happen once?" Li Xuehao asked, trying to get rid of his clothes and see him ugly, it would have to pay a corresponding price.

The girl with a chestnut hair said: "With a limit of fifteen minutes, if we don't see you at all, we all undress."

It seems that the other party thinks that he should eat him, otherwise he would not dare to say such a thing, then the dodgeball should not be a regular dodgeball game, at least there are "rules" that they think won.

Of course, no matter what the "rules", they are all lost.

However, Li Xuehao is not prepared to accept such a big "bet". After all, not everyone is as beautiful as a girl, and there are a few ugly, especially the girl who is just like a fat ball. If she strips her clothes and reveals a fat body, it is estimated that the eyes of the people who see it will be directly smashed.

"You don't need to take off the light. If you lose, wear underwear, how about running around in the school?" Li Xuehao suggested that today is the national competition, the campus is full of people, even if it is not naked, a group of girls wearing underwear Running is also enough to attract people's attention.

"No problem." Lifa girls agreed directly, which is much simpler than stripping clothes, and they don't think they will lose. You know, they are eight people, four on each side, and throwing the ball at the same time, I believe there is no People can avoid such a dense "offensive". As for the rules of the game, only one person can throw it at a time. What is it? They have not said that only one person is allowed to throw it.

"Naito, go get the ball." A good "bet", the girl with a chestnut blinked at the girl who was fat like a ball, which seemed to imply something. The latter received her suggestion, laughing and obsessively moving obesity. The body left.

Not long after, she came back, and pushed something like a supermarket trolley, but it was much bigger, and it contained all the palm-sized balls. It is roughly estimated that there may be more than twenty.

Seeing this scene, Li Xuehao immediately knew the other party's idea. Obviously, they are not prepared to throw a ball every time as usual, because if a person throws it, as long as one ball is enough, instead of pulling it all the way. A "car".

The site is located on the lawn, and it is really pitiful to draw a rectangle with a length of about 10*4 meters.

In the middle of Li Xuehao's station, the distance between the front and the back is about five meters, and almost two major steps can be reached. This is definitely not a formal venue. It is really pitiful, and if eight people throw the ball at the same time, even the ordinary people who are more powerful, It is impossible to hide, so this is where they are confident that they can say the "de-coating" bet.

Unfortunately, they are not ordinary people, even if the venue is doubled, they are not likely to win.

"Hey, high school student, are you ready?" Several women of Lifa have been divided into two groups, each standing on both sides of the field. Everyone is holding a ball.

"Yes." Li Xuehao swept the ball in everyone's hands. Of course, he wouldn't say that you fouled like this. It is estimated that only the girls who are willing to succumb to the fact that they are more proud of their dodge "rules."

"Very good, then we are here." Lifa girl expressed satisfaction with his "disbelief" who did not raise objections. He looked at the people around him and glanced at the four girls across the street, suddenly yelling. One sound, first hit the ball to the middle of the high school students.

Eight girls, although not at the same time, but the effect is still amazing, eight **** almost fly together, like falling rain.

Li Xuehao looked indifferent, left and right, and easily avoided eight rounds.

This made the eight girls who were originally optimistic about the show all surprised. Eight balls, no one actually hit him. Is his luck so good?

Of course, they are not discouraged, because there are fifteen minutes, once, not twice, they do not believe that he is so lucky every time.

"Come on again!" Lifa girls went to the "cart" and grabbed a ball, announcing the start of the second round.

In the distance, a girl with a long red hair in her school uniform saw this scene, her brows could not help but wrinkle and came over here.

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