Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1820: Challenge, the so-called big event

In the morning, there were two games, Sakurano High School vs Tsukuba High School, and Chibamoto National High vs Mogi High School. The competition was held simultaneously.

The game between Sakurano High School and Tsukuba High School has not yet begun, because Tsukuba High School has abstained.

This caused an uproar on the scene. Last year, the second place in the country, even if there was no competition, admit defeat, so that the audience who were originally prepared to watch a "dragon fight" were puzzled and disappointed, and even shouted the shady, which is equivalent to directly Sakurano High School was sent to the final.

Compared to Tsukuba High School, Sakurano High School seems to be somewhat obscure. If it was not before the elimination of the seed team at the end of the temple, I am afraid that the argument will be even louder.

The opponent’s abstention is very unexpected for the people of Sakurano High School. Although everyone does not think that they will lose, they will not even play the game. This is too easy.

However, after everyone was shocked, they soon accepted it with pleasure. The opponents abstained. They did not need to compete. They could concentrate on watching the games of Qianmumu Gaogao and Maomu High School.

Only Li Xuehao probably knows why Tsukuba High School will abstain. Before he and the world’s first sword, Shinjiro, Ichiro’s fight, the beauty of the United States is known, and in the case of knowing that it is invincible, the smart people know how to choose. Abandoning the power quickly, but also retaining the mystery, it is even more humiliating if you are defeated.

When the talents of Sakurano High School appeared, they had to go back to the lounge. Everyone changed their sportswear and was ready to watch the excitement of another game.

Today, Fuyuan Junlang did not announce the dissolution. After all, there was an afternoon final that could not let the players go crazy, so he suggested that everyone go to see Qianmuguogao and Maomu High School. The winners of the two schools are their afternoons. Final opponent.

In fact, even if you don't have to look at it, you know that the winner will be the thousand high country. That was the last year's King High School. Everyone agrees with this.

From the lounge, but met a group of people blocked the way, they are abstaining from the Tsukuba high school and a group of people, headed by the United States and the United States, did not lead the team, in fact, from the national competition, Tsukuba High School did not lead the teacher The role of the United States and the United States can be said to be both a coach and a contestant.

"Sorry, Fu Yuan coach, I am bothered." The local beauty insurance first politely bowed to Fu Yuanjun.

"It's a classmate, what's the matter?" Fu Yuanjun knew the beauty of the city. He was puzzled by the fact that the other party had just abstained. Now they are blocking their lounges. I don't understand what it is.

"This is the case, Fu Yuan coach, I am looking for the real Zhonghao." This time Meibao looked at someone in the crowd.

In an instant, everyone’s eyes have also been concentrated together. Sakurano High School is even more surprised. Did he even know the beauty of the city? I saw that I was not too surprised, because I have seen someone and I am together.

Fu Yuanzhimei and Seto Yoko have frowned, because they don’t know about someone who knows the beauty of the city, and this year’s real high school student Juggernaut is a lovely girl. They have to be vigilant.

"Is it really looking for Hao Er?" Fu Yuan Jun Lang laughed, maybe the other party had just abstained from making his own side without playing. He looked very big on this matter. "Hao, then you will stay, we Go to the game first."

"..." Li Xuehao almost has no reason to refuse, and he can't refuse. After all, he is a coach. In front of so many people, there are people in Tsukuba High School who can't fall into his face.

Fu Yuanzhimei and Seto Yangzi frowned more tightly, but the two had no reason to stay, and left with Fuyuan Junlang. As for the doubts in their hearts, they could only stay and then "interrogate".

"Oh, really." Fu Yuan Junlang and his party left, the beauty of the United States has suddenly become easier, and even some ridiculously greeted.

"This time..." Li Xuehao is about to talk, but the US insurance has interrupted him. "It is a predecessor!"

"What's the matter?" Li Xuehao automatically ignored the name of his predecessors.

"Your impatient tone is really unpleasant." Meibao gave him a look at it. "The Tsukuba High School abstained, I decided."

"So?" Li Xuehao looked at her. It was impossible to ask him to thank her. She was not like a childish person.

"My team members are very uncomfortable with my decision." The local beauty said, "So, I want to ask you to help me prove it."

"Prove what?" Li Xuehao vaguely knew her general purpose.

The United States and the United States smiled and looked at a girl around, the girl is taller than her, the body is very slim, the skin is fair, looks very cute, it is a little cold, I don’t know the habit of growing all the year round. Still in front of outsiders.

Li Xuehao recognized each other at a glance. Although she used to wear her face when she saw her, her body was very familiar. It was the time when he watched the match between Tsukuba High School and his opponent. The girl is also the second master of Tsukuba High School.

Because today's opponent is Tsukuba High School, Fu Yuanjun Lang announced the information of the participants of Tsukuba High School before, knowing that this girl is called Shinji Miyoko, and is also a first-year student.

"I want to challenge you." Out of the crowd, the true beauty of the generation stared straight at him.

"Why?" Li Xuehao looked at her, and as he guessed, the other party was really looking for trouble.

"The minister said that you are very good. I know that the minister will not deceive us, but I still want to try it. How powerful are you!" Shinji Miyoshi said with a close mouth.

"I don't accept the challenges of others." Li Xuehao shook his head faintly. He didn't have the time to do this kind of thing. Second, he couldn't afford any interest. The other party was not the first sword of the world like Shinichiro. In his eyes, it is just a little girl who knows nothing about power.

"True, don't be so ruthless, please, please." The beautiful hands of the United States and the United States, a pair of people let him promise.

Li Xuehao looked at her: "Do you not feel so naive?" The other party abstained, and wanted to prove through him that their abstention is justified. If this is the case, it is better not to abstain from it before.

"I know that it is very naive to you." Of course, the US-China security also knows, but I have no choice but to say that I have used the words of the beautiful son to challenge him. "In the real world, when I owe you a favor, then I will I will promise you one thing."

"If you want to challenge Master, you must defeat me first." A voice came from a distance, attracted everyone's attention, turned around and saw a beautiful girl wearing a Sakurano high school sportswear came over. .

“Seto Yoko?” For the girl who also has the title of “female sword saint” this year, it was a potential opponent before. Of course, it was impossible to study it. The people present were all aware, but the beauty and the true beauty of the place were noticed. Another key point, "Master?"

"Yes, I have to challenge Master's words, unless I beat me, I am not qualified." Seto Yoko came over and stood with someone.

Li Xuehao actually knew that she had "sneaked" back. It was estimated that Fu Yuanzhimei let her "inquire" the news. She kept hiding in the corner corner in front and heard that someone wanted to challenge him and could not help but run out.

"Okay, I want to challenge you!" The true beauty of the generation listened to her, and immediately challenged her.

"So, let's get started right now." Seto Yoko is also a bit too eager to wait. In fact, she is somewhat disappointed with the abstention of Tsukuba High School. She was prepared to challenge the national high school student Swordsman's National Security last year. The other party abstained. The second person she wants to challenge is the true beauty of the generation, because the other party's "legendary" experience is very similar to her, the same first-year students represent the school in the national competition, and its own strength is also very strong.

"Yes." The true beauty of the generation is eager to try. Seto Yoko is also one of her goals. She was still missing and had no chance to meet each other. Now she can win the game.

Of course, the location of the challenge is not likely to be placed in the stadium's playing field. The lounge becomes a temporary venue. When the door is closed, people outside can't know what's going on inside.

After the two sides wear the protective gear, the local beauty insurance acts as a referee.

Li Xuehao did not inform Fu Yuanzhimei and others to come to watch the battle. He is the only member of the "back-up group" of Seto Yoko. Unlike the true beauty of the opposite, her "back-up group" has more than a dozen.

However, many people are not necessarily useful. Although the strength of the beautiful generation is similar to that of the Setou Yoko, it is almost not exactly the same. The small gap is the key to determining the outcome.

Li Xuehao confirmed early that Seto Yoko will win the final victory.


Outside the stadium, on the main road of the Royal Tea Women's University, the food stalls on both sides seem to be more lively, but today is the last day. After the national competition, there is no outsider to pay attention, these food stalls can not be opened.

Two hot girls sat in front of a food stall selling udon noodles and ate a fragrant udon noodles. However, they were very weird when they ate, because they all wore sunglasses and masks, and when they ate, they exposed their mouths under the mask, and they covered them.

This led to the female students in the snack bar frequently looking at the two people, probably suspecting that the two are not popular idols, so this mysterious dress.

To be honest, the two girls are very good, the **** the left is wearing a short-sleeved white t-shirt, a pair of black shorts, and the combination of white and black is extremely strong. It has bare arms and legs, a black and beautiful Hair falls down like a waterfall, and the body is more plump than the **** the right, and the age should be larger.

The **** the right is also a short-sleeved t-shirt and hot pants, but her pink t-shirt and blue jeans look more youthful.

"Sister, the udon noodles here are better than the ones at home." The **** the right said.

"Yeah." The **** the left tapped her head and didn't know what she was thinking. It seemed to be absent-minded.

"Sister, you are not stunned, this is not the very energetic sister I know. In fact, even if you said that, as long as we don't meet him, it doesn't matter, and in our present way, it appears in In front of him, he must not recognize us." The **** the right seems to know what she is thinking, comforting.

"I am not worried about this." The **** the left said, I don't know if it is hard, or really like she said.

"Then we went to the gym after we finished eating. Today is the final day of the final day. It is a pity to not look at it." The **** the right said.

The **** the left didn't take care of her. She used chopsticks to pick the noodles in the bowl. She still couldn't let go. The guy told her not to appear in front of him. Who did he think he was?

"Li Xiang, Li Xiang..." A series of rushing shouts from far and near, I saw a plain-looking female student rushing over, holding a newspaper in his hand, running while rushing to the udon noodle stall. The female student shouted.

"What's wrong? Huijinzi?" The food stall female student looked at her with some dissatisfaction. After all, there were guests here, and it was not good to disturb the guests.

"Do you know? It’s a big deal." Hui Jinzi shook his newspaper.

"What big thing?" Li Xiang asked.

"Onobu was remarried by the royal family!" Hui Jinzi said loudly, as if he was afraid that the people around him could not hear the same.

"What!" Li Xiang suddenly looked shocked. "You said that Ono Takeshi, is the fiancé of His Royal Highness?"

"Yes, but now it is not the fiancé of Yosuke Yosuke." Hui Jinzi nodded and spread the newspaper in his hand. "That guy is a personal scum. He even has a woman outside with Yosuke Yoko. There is more than one. Do you know how many?"

"How many?" Li Xiang asked, and forgot the current occasion.

"It’s 11, this guy, how dare he..." Hui Jinzi’s face was full of anger. The original hope was to become the first civilian man of the Sissi, but it was a scum of a heart, she had a kind of deception. The anger.

"11? Will it be scribbled in the newspaper?" Li Xiang probably couldn't believe such exaggeration.

"The royal family has already stated." Hui Jinzi handed the newspaper in her hand to her.

After Li Xiang had seen it, the expression on her face was equally angry: "That guy, he is not worthy of His Royal Highness. I can't believe it, but at the same time, I have to marry several women... Why didn't he die?"

"The kind of scum should die a thousand times." Hui Jinzi agreed to nod.

"His Royal Highness must be very sad now. We should go to support her and jointly attack the scum of Ono Takeshi."

"Yes, support the Highness of Yoko..."

The two female students are discussing how to carry out the activities of solidarity. The two girls who are eating udon noodles seem to have never heard what they said. They continue to eat noodles. Everything in the outside world has nothing to do with them.

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