Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1818: A farce, Wang Jianwang

"I warn you, don't come over, or I will cut a knife on her face." Although he couldn't kill the hostages in his hands, Xiaoyewu couldn't help but threaten him. He took a knife and plotted on the face of Princess Yangzi.

"Yeah--" Princess Yang was so scared that she closed her eyes and screamed like a little girl. The voice was sharp and harsh, and there was no dignified manner of the royal princess she had seen before.

Li Xuehao is ridiculous, but not because of the scream of Yokoko Princess. To tell the truth, the scene in front of him is more like a farce, three kidnappers, two guilts, and one is stubborn.

He was too lazy to talk nonsense, his body flashed, and when he reappeared, he was already at the side of Xiaoyewu, his fingers slightly on his wrist.

"Ah!" Ono Takeshi screamed and slammed his wrist back. His two companions, Sakuji and Matsumura, also frightened a lot. The other party did not see it at all, as if they were in front of them. Only the Princess Yang, who had closed his eyes, did not see this scene.

"You, don't come over!" Ono, who had to endure the pain in his hand at the door, looked horrified at the boy who rescued Yoko Princess from his hand.

"Relieve, I am not interested in you." Li Xuehao looked at him faintly, the other side almost indecent princess, this does not have to worry about him, the party Yoko Princess is around.

Sure enough, the Princess Yang, who had opened her eyes, hated and stared at Ono Takeshi. She had already saved her heart and never allowed her body to be tarnished. Now is the time for revenge: "Zhen Zhongjun, give me a slap Learn from him!"

"His Royal Highness, I am not your beating." Li Xuehao was indifferent, and the royal princess could not order him.

Princess Yoko’s tone was stagnation, and he was angrily stunned. He probably knew that the commander did not move the high school student. He eventually turned all hate to the body of the three people: "You... I will not let you go." "It is estimated that I want to say something swearing, but I have estimated that there is no precedent for arrogance in the royal courtesy received from childhood, only a threat to the evil."

"Sorry, His Royal Highness, all the things that Ono has told us to do..." Seeing that the situation has changed, Sakuma and Matsumura did not hesitate to sell their companions.

"You..." Xiaoye Wu hated to die, but did not swear, suddenly in the eyes of a few people horrified, opened the door, screaming out his wrists.

"The bastard, actually fled first." Sakuji and Matsumura reacted, and the two yelled at one another and also ran away.

"Zhen Zhongjun, go chasing, they have to run..." Princess Yang was sober, and quickly cried.

It is certainly impossible for Li Xuehao to chase after it. Since the plan of the three people has been revealed, there will definitely be no chance to continue in the future. He has just seen their faces, and all three have been jailed. In fact, he did not know how the three people would give birth to a plan to kidnap the indecent princess, thinking that they could marry a royal princess? It’s ridiculous.

As for the princess Yoko, the disaster on her face has been solved, and her eyebrows have gradually returned to ruddy. This seems to be a sign of the Grand Canal. Just take off the tiger's mouth and immediately be lucky. This is a real disaster, and there must be a blessing.

"His Royal Highness, if there is nothing, go back." In my heart, Li Xuehao said to the princess Yang, who was still indignant because of the escape of Xiaoyewu.

"Zhen Zhongjun, why not chase them? With your strength, you can leave them completely." Looking at his face with a pale face, Princess Yangzi stared at him, his tone was very unwilling.

"His Royal Highness, you are a royal princess, really looking for them, are you afraid that they will run away and hide?" Li Xuehao reminded.

Princess Yoko has also come back, yes, I know that they are three guys, it is too easy to find them.

Li Xuehao looked at her expression and knew that she wanted to understand. She first walked out of the house.

Princess Yangzi stunned and hurriedly went out. At this time, I still felt a little scared. Fortunately, Zhen Zhongjun appeared in time, otherwise she could not imagine how terrible things would happen.

"Zhen Zhongjun, thank you for doing this for me, thank you very much!" Princess Yang put down the dignity of the royal princess and bowed deeply to him. He added, "Please rest assured, I will return to the tea girl now. I will not come out before 0 o'clock in the evening." She is making up for her own mistakes.

Li Xuehao shook his head and said: "Your son Yoko, now you don't have to do that."

"What?" Princess Yangzi thought that he was still angry. "Zhen Zhongjun, I can assure you that I will never leave the Ochanette again, no matter what happens..."

"Your son Yoko, you didn't understand what I meant. After this incident, your destiny has changed. You don't have to stay in the Ochanomia." Li Xuehao said.

"...What are you talking about?" The Princess Yangzi reacted. Some could not believe that her fate had changed. In other words, can you marry before the age of 35?

"Yes." Li Xuehao nodded.

"Great, great..." Princess Yang was happy like a little girl. After she was excited, she gradually calmed down. "So your divination before is divination. I will be kidnapped before telling me not to go out of school." Is it?"

"No, it's just 'divination'. It's dangerous to go out of school." Li Xuehao shook his head, and he didn't expect anything to happen. As for the former Princess Yangzi would be disfigured or disabled, the bigger possibility might be because Her process of rebellion against indecentness was too intense, causing Xiaoyewu to do something more crazy to her, or when Ono’s knife threatened her, she accidentally scratched her face.

"Zhen Zhongjun, how do you know that I was kidnapped by Ono?" Princess Yang is also very curious about this. What is even more amazing is that someone actually appeared in the kidnapped house beforehand.

"At the time, I just returned to the Royal Tea Women and saw that you were caught in the car." Li Xuehao explained faintly.

Although there are still doubts that have not been solved, but the Princess Yangzi no longer asked, in short, she was saved by him, this is a fact, once again thanked: "Thank you, Zhen Zhongjun, as a life-saving grace, I will repay you well. of."

"You're welcome." Li Xuehao euphemistically refused her resignation, and he did not need any reciprocation.

"If there is no report, then it is not worthy of being a royal princess." Princess Yang said seriously.

Li Xuehao glanced at her and suddenly felt a move: "Do you really want to repay me?"

"Yes." Princess Yangzi thought he had to ask for something, solemnly nodded, she did not like to owe humanity.

"If you really want to repay me, don't appear in front of me in the future." Li Xuehao said his request.

Princess Yoko heard it and then became ashamed and angry: "Zhen Zhongjun, what do you mean? Do I hate you so much?" She was the first to be attacked by such a "virulent" language, but she was A royal princess, many people want to meet her can not do.

"No, this is not annoying, I just don't want to bother." Li Xuehao certainly can't talk about hating her. After knowing what may be involved with her, he thought, as long as the two no longer meet, what will be involved will not be there. Let's go.

"You... rest assured, I won't bother you in the future!" Princess Yoko was angry, a high school student who didn't know how to be polite at all, and she decided not to see it anymore.

Looking at the angry Yang Zi Princess, Li Xuehao shook his head and turned back to the Royal Tea Women's University.


One day, I spent a lot of time in the Ochanomizu Women's Day. At dinner, everyone finally gathered at the restaurant of "Jintianyi" B&B, but today, in addition to the group of Sakurano High School, there is one more guest.

She sat with Fu Yuanjun, and it seems that she has already indicated in front of her that she has a relationship with Fu Yuanjun.

Everyone eats while watching her from time to time.

"I seem to be very popular." I felt everyone's gaze. Akasaka Kiyoshi smiled a little and didn't have any embarrassment or unnaturalness. Instead, it seemed to be generous.

"Director Akasaki, are you really in contact with Fuyuan coach?" asked Seto Yoko in the room, although he had already known the news before, but he was curious when he saw the two together. Her relationship with Akasaka is relatively close, because she was a student of Yanghai Academy. Before she transferred to school, Akasaka was her kendo teacher.

"Yes." Akasaki Kiyoshi nodded and admitted.

"Oh---" The boys in the room began to squat, and Akasaki Kiyoshi used to be the teacher of the "hostile" school, but everyone is not really hostile to her, can see the original "hostile" teacher and his teacher make up one. Yes, everyone is really happy to see it.

Fu Yuanjun was blushing and squinted at these "unfriendly" students. Although they did not speak, they warned them with a look. Everyone was just right.

"Kawasaki coach, coach Fu Yuan said, as long as you are in contact, you will come to our Sakurino High School as a coach?" Xiaoji Kawataro did not seem to feel the "death of death" of Fu Yuanjun, and asked awkwardly .

"Oh?" Akasaka Kiyoshi looked at Fu Yuanjun with great interest.

Fu Yuanjun was awkward. Although he had said such a thing before, it was more exaggerated. He found a better excuse for his association with Akasaka, and he did not expect it to be revealed on the spot.

"Eating, eating, everyone is not welcome..." He quickly shifted the subject, and even dared not use his evil eyes to see Kotaro Kawata, because Akasaka is alone.

"Junlang, have you said that?" Although he wanted to shift the topic, Akasaki did not intend to let him go, and asked meaningfully.

"Coughing cough..." Fu Yuanjun Lang did not know how to explain it, but Akasaki Kiyoshi was not prepared to listen to his explanation. He said with a smile, "If you want, I am willing to quit the work of Yanghai Academy."

Fu Yuan Junlang was a glimpse first, and then reacted, his face showed ecstasy: "Is this true, Qing Luo?"

"Yeah." Chisaki Qingluo gently nodded.

"Ha ha ha..." Fu Yuanjun laughed loudly and looked at the students who were full of enthusiasm. It was like saying that what I said was not deceiving everyone.

Of course, everyone knows that he is dead and face to face. Fortunately, he met a good woman like Akasaki, and he did not let him face ugly.

After the jokes of the two coaches, the atmosphere seemed to be relaxed. Everyone did not look at Chisaki Qinglu from time to time, and chatted in twos and threes.

"Hao, I have already seen Yuko." Fu Yuanzhimei sat next to someone and said nothing to him with a chopstick dish.

And everyone seems to have not seen this intimate scene, only Akasaka’s face is slightly surprised.

"Have you met?" Li Xuehao was taken aback. In the morning, Yuki Yuki also said that he wanted to see him with Fu Yuan. Obviously, before that, the two sides had never met each other. It is estimated that he was not there. When they met, they met.

Sure enough, I only listened to Fu Yuanzhimei: "We met on the street. At that time, Yoko and Yuko had her sister together."

"Yes, it’s really clever to meet the predecessors and long-term teachers who are on the street," said Seto Yoko, who is on the other side.

"The idiot thought that it was safe for her sister to call me ‘Fuyuan Great Devil’?” Fu Yuanzhimei snorted and looked at his right hand, wondering what was going on.

Li Xuehao’s forehead’s cold sweat suddenly came out. He knew very well about Fuyuan Zhimei. If there was no accident, it was her right hand and the head of Yuki Yuki’s head that had “intimate contact”. This is the most dangerous. At that time, Zejing Green was around. Will she watch her sister being bullied?

"Youzi's sister is unexpectedly kind, she also said that I have a good lesson." Fu Yuanzhimei added another sentence.

Li Xuehao’s heart was suddenly put down, as long as Sakai Green did not have a good time with Fu Yuanzhi, he was really afraid that the two people would have a “world war” in conflict, and he really didn’t know which one to help. .

"That idiot, I really should learn a lesson." Li Xuehao also insisted on political correctness, and shouted for the sake of the "big devil" in the face of the blessing, it was simply looking for 揍, although Fu Yuanzhimei would not really be angry, but a small lesson It is inevitable.

"You have arrived the day before yesterday, you didn't tell me." Fu Yuanzhimei suddenly said carelessly.

Li Xuehao couldn’t help but jump. He couldn’t hear the meaning of Fu Yuanzhimei. If there is any other meaning in the words of Sakai Yuko, he did not talk to her, mainly because there is still Zee. Well green, he subconsciously worried about what would happen if they met.

"I have asked Zejing's predecessors. After the game is over tomorrow morning, we will go shopping together." Fu Yuanzhimei continued, his eyes fixed on his face.

Li Xuehao’s heart was raised again. He had a hunch that she seemed to know something.

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