Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1815: Shura field and temptation

At the entrance of a coffee shop, Li Xuehao saw an appointment with Kurosawa.

Perhaps because she wants to meet, she deliberately dressed up today, wearing a red, blue and white square plaid skirt, sleeveless, bare white and crystal-clear arms, skirts to the knees slightly, a pair of calves slender and round, The face has a little light makeup, which looks both pure and charming, and the charm of the beautiful young girl is fully exposed.

"Blackpool classmates." When Li Xuehao walked over, the three tails behind him followed suit.

"Zhen Zhongjun..." Kurosawa Hanako was about to say hello, and he saw three beautiful women behind him, and his face could not help but stagnate.

"They are my friends..." Li Xuehao said some unnaturally. He knows what Blackpool Hanako is looking for. He promised her before, and when he wants to see Pippi's soul, he can find him, but he did not expect it. The timing was so accurate. When I was looking for him, a few people in Sakai Green were there, and the emails were seen by them. If they were not brought together, they would be embarrassed.

"Hello, I am Kurosawa, I will meet for the first time. Please take care of it." Akazawa Hana greeted the Sakai green three people, but intuitively, she thought it was not as simple as a friend.

Zejing Green, Seto Yoko, and Yuji Yuji are also looking at her. The three are fortunate. Fortunately, they are coming, otherwise someone has already dated a beautiful girl alone.

"Hello." Asai is the youngest person. He even grabbed the right to speak of Sakai Green and Seto Yoko, and the self-introduction of the opening is very strong. "We are the lovers of the two brothers." ""

"Hey?" Kurazawa took a trip, then his eyes widened. "You three are?"

"Yes." Yuji Yuji nodded.

Li Xuehao would like to pull this nonsense little girl to the side, but this way, even Lian Zejing Green and Seto Yoko denied it. If so, let her play freely.

Seeing someone not talking, it seems to be the default, Kurosawa Hana's eyes suddenly strange, it is to see the eyes of scum.

"Do you have anything to look for in your brother?" asked Yuji Yuji.

After a glimpse of Kurosawa, and then thought that the matter about Pippi's soul could not be exposed, she was confused and found an excuse: "I came to thank Zhen Zhongjun..."

"Oh?" Sakai Yuko looked at her suspiciously. Intuitively, the woman lied and saw her expression.

Zejing Green and Seto Yoko also found this, which is very suspicious.

"That...the coffee and snacks here are very good, I invite you." The three people saw the scalp numb, and Kurosawa Hana quickly transferred the topic.

"Then we are welcome." Yuji Yuji became a spokesperson and said in a big way.

A few people walked into the cafe together, Li Xuehao had a kind of hunch, and Blackpool Hanako was estimated to have a big bleeding this time, because he encountered a small luoli with a very thin face and no self-knowledge.

Sure enough, after sitting down, Yuki Yuki began to point, coffee is the best freshly ground coffee in the store, and the pastry is also the most exquisite and most expensive.

The face of the black scorpion face immediately smashed down, there is a feeling of crying and tears, but this time can only support the summer and autumn, it is estimated that my heart has begun to think, to go to play a few more work.

Even Zejing Green and Seto Yoko felt a bit too much, but under the same enemy, there was nothing to say.

"What does Miss Kurosawa do?" Sakai Green is the oldest person in the room. She finally took the right to speak and was ready to inquire about the girl who might be a rival.

"I am a student of the Royal Tea High School. This year is the second grade." Kurosawa Hana said with a smile.

"Is it a high school student? It is one grade higher than Hao Er." Zejing green nodded and looked at someone next to him.

Li Xuehao would like to say that he has nothing to do with Kurosawa Hanako, but in the face of Kurosawa Hanako, it is too rude to say this, thinking about waiting to explain.

"Blackpool is a high school student in Tokyo. How do you know Koji?" Zejing Green continued to ask.

"Oh, it’s because there was a time when I really helped me." Kurosawa thought about it.

“I can know what is busy?” Zejing Green showed interest.

Akira Hanako said that she had met with someone for the first time. At that time, she was "selling art" on the street, and someone directly "rewarded" 5000 baht.

"5000円!" After listening to it, Yuji Yuji widened his eyes and looked at someone's face with full of indignation. "Hao's brother is really generous, I have never received 5000."

Sakai Green and Seto Yoko also looked at the past squinting. The two almost recognized the fact that someone was looking at Akasaka Hanako, so he was generous.

Li Xuehao doesn't know how to explain it, because Akazawa Hanako is telling the truth.

"Hao Er brother also exchanged e-mail addresses with the black-haired predecessors." After the indignation, Yuji Yuko added that before someone received an e-mail, it was clear.

She reminded that Sakai Green and Seto Yoko also reacted, even if it helped the kind, it seems that there is no need to exchange e-mail addresses.

Li Xuehao immediately felt that his arms on both sides were shackled by one left and one right. Needless to say, it was the handwriting of Sakai Green and Seto Yoko, because Yuki Yuki was farther away.

"Actually, I took the initiative to ask, because we met just a few days ago, so I would like to thank you in person." Kurosawa Hana naturally felt the strange atmosphere, maybe I would like to see someone in the future, I would like to ask someone, So excuse him.

“Is it?” Sakai asked faintly, but he also let go of his hand, mainly because coffee and snacks were delivered at this time.

With this buffer, everyone didn't secretly talk about anything, but tasted the deliciousness of coffee and snacks.

Yuki Yuki does not know how to be polite. He wants to eat whatever he wants, and his mouth is full.

Zejing Green and Seto Yoko are slightly reserved, and the two also eat very elegantly.

During the period, there was basically nothing to say.

When it was almost eaten, the coffee came to the end, and Blackpool Hanako got up and settled, a total of 32,000 baht, which is definitely a huge expense, especially for the unrich high school students.

"Zhen Zhongjun, then I will leave without any problems." Kurosawa Hana left in a hurry, as if there was something terrible behind him chasing her.

In fact, she completely thought about it. Li Xuehao had put three banknotes in her carry-on bag, so she only spent 2000 baht at most, and this number might just be the cost of the two in the cafe.

"Youzi, you stupid, people are just a high school student, don't order something so expensive next time." The three people went out of the cafe, and Li Xuehao learned from Yuki Yuki. This girl is really out of place. For a high school student who needs to “sell the art” on the street, 30,000 yuan is a huge sum of money, nearly 2,000 pieces. It may be hard work for half a month without eating or drinking.

"Hao brother, are you worried about the black scorpion?" Sakai Yuko has no sense of shame and even a fight.

Zejing Green and Seto Yoko also looked over, and the two eyes were full of deep meaning.

"Actually, I have nothing to do with her." Li Xuehao smiled and explained, "The purpose of her search for me is not to thank me as she said, but I can guarantee that it is definitely not what you think, if you want to hear I can tell you, except Yuko."

"Why!!!" Sakai Yuko yelled dissatisfiedly. This is too eccentric. Why should my sister and Yoko's sister know why, and they must be excluded?

"Because this is a matter for adults." Li Xuehao glanced at her. Regarding the ghost, let's not let this little girl get too much contact. Zejing Green is a yin and yang teacher. She knows it doesn't matter, and Seto Yoko has seen the ghost at the beginning, and she knows nothing.

"I am also an adult!" Yuki Yuki said with a wink.

Zejing Green and Seto Yoko are also faintly aware that someone may have misunderstood someone, otherwise he would not say that.


On the other side, Akazawa Hanako walked far away, his face was full of depression and painful color. Even if he didn’t see Pippi, he even spent all his money saved for half a month. Now There are only a few hundred miles left in the wallet.

She opened the small bag with her sorrow and was ready to check the amount of money left in the wallet. Who knows that after opening the small bag, she found that there are three new banknotes on the wallet, all of which are 10,000 face value. .


She widened her eyes and remembered that she had only more than 30,000 baht. After paying for the coffee, there were still a few hundred baht left. How did the 30,000 baht come from?

Suddenly, she thought of a certain kind of guy, he has some special ability to let himself see Pippi, then it is not impossible to put 30,000 squats into her bag.

Some of my heart is moved, but more is reluctant. This is 30,000, she will never want it, just wait for a time to give it back to him.


Li Xuehao returned to the Ochanomia Women's Gymnasium, and Sasaki Green, Yuji Yuko and Seto Yoko went shopping. I don't know if it was the same, Zejing Green and Seto Yoko are very talkative, maybe there are also Just because of the same enemy, the relationship between the two is rapidly heating up. He is also happy to see this scene, so the three people have to go shopping together. He agrees.

The stadium is still so lively and the game continues.

Sakurano High School is one of the first universities in the morning to compete. In fact, after the game, there are another group of college games. After all, the country is 1 (Tokyo), 1 (Hokkaido), 2 (Osaka and Kyoto). ), 94 colleges and universities in 43 counties have to decide the champion within five days. It is impossible to end without such intensive competition arrangements.

Li Xuehao walked in the corridor behind the stands. This time he did not use the gods to perceive whether there were any acquaintances in the stadium. Every time he did that, there was no sense of freshness.

During the period, he discovered Ogawa Kawataro. This guy has already taken the hand with the Tsukuba high school girl. They are sitting in a corner of the stands, and they are intimately tired together. Seeing this progress, maybe Going to loveho (couple hotel) is not far away.

After visiting the small half circle, in addition to Ogatakawa Taro, I also met a few people in Ogata Yuji. After the two sides greeted each other, they also separated and acted freely like passers-by.

Li Xuehao feels a little bored. For several days in a row, there is really nothing to watch.

He is going to find some excitement. For example, if he still has time, he will go to see Suzuki Fiona. The national kendo competition has started for several days. She didn’t even have a look, nor did she know what she was doing recently.

When I walked to the entrance of the stadium, I met a woman dressed in mystery. The other party was preparing to walk in. Although she wore sunglasses and a mask, he easily recognized it.

Princess Yoko, how did she come again?

When Yoko Princess saw him coming out, he also stunned. After returning to God, he immediately stopped him: "Please wait, really Zhongjun."

"What's the matter?" Li Xuehao frowned. Today's Yoko Princess is a person who is still wearing a sports suit, but it is light gray. The fit clothes set off her graceful figure, although Not to look, but still give people enough temptation, many men in and out will intentionally or unintentionally aim at her one or two eyes.

"How are we going there?" Perhaps because there are too many people at the door, Princess Yoko refers to the roadside where there are fewer people.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded. Although he didn't care about the royal princess, he was at least not too rude on the surface, but he didn't know what the lieutenant was looking for.

"This is the case, Zhen Zhongjun, last time you said is true?" To the roadside where there was no one, Princess Yangzi asked seriously.

Li Xuehao looked at her strangely: "You mean before the age of 35..."

"Yes." Waiting for him to finish, Princess Yoko was interrupted immediately, and his face was a little bit irritated. The last time because this thing was not happy, in fact, as a royal princess, she did not believe that she could not marry before the age of 35, but someone’s divination is too good, and the terrible misfortune of her sister Lizi is the foresight. .

Lizi even had a confession to a man, and the other party would encounter terrible accidents. After returning that day, they verified it several times. Every time the effect was amazing. Facing this kind of thing that could not be explained by science, Yoko The princess is also afraid. If she is really married at the age of 35, then it is the scandal of the entire royal family. Therefore, with a sense of guilt and some humiliation, she must come to ask if there is any solution to this problem. .

"So what does Your Highness want to ask?" Although Li Xuehao did not know her complicated mood, she vaguely understood her intentions.

"I want to know, is there any way to solve it?" Princess Yangzi asked with a trace of expectation. "For example, can I find someone to marry now?" Of course, the latter sentence is purely a temptation. The royal family mainly marries. However, there are a long list of cumbersome procedures that are impossible to marry at once.

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