Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1807: An experiment, revenge from the princess

"Zhen Zhongjun, this must be a coincidence, right?" The terrible divination results made Princess Yoko regret and worry, especially when she saw her sister's sad and scared expression. She even looked at someone and hoped that he could talk. some.

"There is not so many coincidences in this world. This is the truth, His Royal Highness." Li Xuehao directly ignored her eyes. Regarding the "divination", but they demanded, then they must accept "divination." The result, whether it is good or bad.

Princess Yoko is a little angry, and this high school student is really not at all polite.

"But there is no way to solve it." Li Xuehao added another sentence.

Princess Yangzi’s face could not help but stagnate. She was immersed in the sad Princess Lizi and couldn’t help but look up at him.

"What?" Princess Yangzi couldn't wait to ask, the anger that had previously been dissipated.

"In general, it is the fate of His Royal Highness, and the man who is close to him will be entangled in bad luck. Therefore, she only needs a person whose fate is stronger than her, then there is no problem." Li Xuehao explained with the words that the other party could understand.

"Where can this kind of person be found?" Princess Yangzi asked, and Princess Lizi was full of expectations.

"I don't know." Li Xuehao shook his head.

Princess Yoko was stunned. This guy just gave a hope, and the result was finally ended by him: "Zhen Zhongjun, can you not divination? Should you be able to divination?"

"Your son of Yoko, if I know everything, then I am a god." Li Xuehao spread his hand. "In fact, there are very few people who are stronger than Livre’s fate. It may not be possible to find a few in Japan. ""

"..." With the good cultivation of the princess Yoko, I can't help but want to catch a high school student's lesson. Is there no need to say the following sentence?

The look of Princess Lizi has faded. It is not that she has to rush to marry. But when she thinks about her terrible fate, she can’t help feeling sad, and she thought that she would move out or “learn from school” because of her parents’ work. The object turned out to be such a terrible thing, and let her think of fear and deep remorse, because they are all harmed by her.

"So, I can't marry at all, even if I marry, will it end in tragedy?" She was immersed in a sad atmosphere, her eyes flushed.

Although Li Xuehao sympathized with her, the facts were facts. He nodded: "Yes."

"Zhen Zhongjun!" The Yangzi princess on the side couldn't help but raise his voice. Didn't this high school student know what a good lie is?

"Yes, I admit that your divination is still valid, but I must have exaggerated elements about what fate of Lizi. I don't believe that just because of communication will bring bad luck to the other party. This is not in line with scientific logic. It sounds like It’s nonsense.” For the younger sister, Princess Yoko is also going out, or she thinks this is the truth. As for the accidents that happened before, it’s all coincidence.

Li Xuehao can of course see that she is maintaining her sister's mind. Seeing that there is a boy coming over here, it seems that he is going to buy a drink from the retailer. He has a heart in his heart: "Your son Yoko, if you don't believe, we can do an experiment." ""

"What experiment?" Princess Yangzi frowned.

"Look, there is a person there." Li Xuehao pointed to the boy who came over,

Princess Yangzi and Princess Lizi glanced at each other and turned quickly and turned their backs to the boy. Although both of them were in a bad mood, they were sensible, and they did not want to be recognized and caused a sensation.

"His Royal Highness, you just have to go up and say "I like you" to him, of course, remember to wear a mask." Li Xuehao said to Princess Lizi.

"Zhen Zhongjun, what do you mean by this!" Princess Yangzi looked at him coldly.

"This is just an experiment, and soon you will know." Li Xuehao said.

Princess Lizi did not hesitate: "Sister, since Zhen Zhongjun said so, there must be his reasons, let me go."

Princess Yangzi frowned and saw her sister clinging to her face and finally agreed. She vaguely knows the intention of a high school student to have her sister do the experiment, but she really does not believe that something unexpected happened. It is not a road here, there is no car or a falling object, there are no windows around, and there will be no falling. event.

Princess Lizi put on her mask and looked at the curious eyes of a few people. When she was a few steps away, she suddenly said aloud: "I like you!" and then wait for the boy. After reacting, I ran away in a hurry.

The boy probably had no confession with the girl since he had never been confessed to him. When he woke up, he had a smirk on his face and looked at a few people here, especially the princess wearing a mask. He seemed to want to say something, but he didn’t know what to step on, just took a step. The whole person slipped forward and fell to the ground.

He fell a big horse, his mouth was smashed on the floor, his mouth was smashed, and the blood of his mouth looked terrible.

"Ah..." Several girls were scared.

However, this is not the end. The boy who just climbed up because he had a big ugly want to leave, and his feet were picked up again. It was his own left foot and right foot. He suddenly wanted to keep balance and squatted to let himself fall. But he got the wrong direction and slammed into the hard wall.

"Hey!" The dull sound sounded very clear, almost letting a few people here feel the same, the huge sound, the power of the collision is absolutely light.

Sure enough, the unlucky boys lay on the ground without a word, motionless.

Except for Li Xuehao, everyone is stupid.

"He, he, is he dead?" After a while, the reaction of the Princess Lizi trembled and asked.

"No, he just passed out." Li Xuehao corrected, because the way it passed out was too scary, the blood of a mouth, and the fact that there was no movement on the floor, it was almost like the dead.

Princess Yoko did not feel relieved. She glanced at someone, but after all, her sister was involved. She ran to the unlucky boy. After checking him and breathing, he ran back again: That's right, it's just a coma."

"His Royal Highness, is it that you have a good boy, they will have a variety of small accidents?" Li Xuehao asked.

Princess Lizi recalled and nodded silently.

Li Xuehao looked at Princess Yoko again. In the face of such an "amazing" experiment, she still thought it was just nonsense?

In the face of such a strong "evidence", Princess Yoko has nothing to say, and her heart is even more annoyed, because it is equivalent to dispelling her last hope.

Zejing Green, Yuji Yuko, and the local Meibao trio looked at the Princess Lizi. They all had a feeling of horror. In the scene, they saw it in their eyes and just said "I like you". Let the person who did not know the first time get stunned by the bad luck she brought, and it looks so fierce.

It’s terrible to think about it, and the three don’t consciously want to stay away.

Li Xuehao saw their horror and said: "The misfortune of His Royal Highness will only bring her a good impression or want to associate with it, and there is no hindrance to girls and relatives, so even if she is close to her, she will not be riddled with bad luck."

In this way, the three people in the Zejing Green are relieved.

Princess Yoko gave him a look. She didn't understand why such a terrible thing happened to her sister. She would rather have this kind of thing happening to her. "Is there really no other way?" Is there a way to solve this problem without having to find someone who is stronger than the fate of Lizi?"

"No." Li Xuehao shook his head directly. Of course, there is another way. It is to change the life of Princess Lizi. Although he can do it, it is a way of going against the sky. It is not a simple hand, in his opinion, The royal princess has nothing to do with him. He does not need to do anything unpleasant. And it’s just that you can’t marry someone. It’s not a terrible thing. Wouldn’t it be good to not marry someone in your life?

Princess Yoko saw that he refused so quickly, and he was instinctively angry. He knew that she was a princess. She didn’t even ask for help. She didn’t even say anything when she whispered, but she was again and again by this high school student. The land refused.

I was angry, but there was no excuse. I looked at some decadent sisters around me. Suddenly my heart moved. She pulled her sister and whispered a few words to her ear.

Li Xuehao did not eavesdrop, and did not bother to eavesdrop.

Princess Lizi listened with wide eyes and looked at her sister in a strange way, and immediately lowered her head.

"Zhen Zhongjun, do you really help?" After the sister said some whispers, Princess Yangzi once again looked at a high school student.

"I am sorry, I can't help." Li Xuehao certainly won't be a mouthful, or refuse.

Princess Yoko gave him a deep look. His expression had a feeling of "giving you a chance but you didn't grasp it." He suddenly shouted to his sister next door: "Lizi."

Princess Lizi received her order. Although her face was very red, she went to someone's face and bent down and said, "Zhen Zhongjun, I like you." After hiding, she hid behind her sister.

Li Xuehao’s glimpse, Sakai Green and Sakai Yuko were also shocked, and the United States’ big eyes were wide open, and his face was unbelievable.

But only for a moment, a few people understood the reason why Princess Yangzi asked Princess Lizi to do this. At this time, Sakai Green did not care about the identity of the two royal princesses, and looked at them angrily: "His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness What do you mean by this, don't know if this will..."

"Don't be excited, little green, I'm fine." Li Xuehao interrupted her words in a timely manner. It can be seen that this is a kind of "retaliation" by Yokoko for his inaction, but she thought she was just like ordinary people. Will it be unlucky to be confessed by the Princess of Doom? That would be too naive. "For me, any bad luck will not work for me. Your Royal Highness, you will be disappointed."

"Well?" Princess Yangzi frowned, and Princess Lizi looked at him with awkwardness, but soon they understood it. Princess Yangzi said with some excitement, "Your destiny is better than Lizi. Still stronger?"

"To some extent, yes." Li Xuehao is not proud. In fact, he does not need his life to be harder than the Princess of the Lizi, because even if her "Kefong" is stronger, it is impossible to get him. Can only be ordinary people.

With his affirmative answer, Princess Yoko stared straight at him and seemed to want to see something from his face. The Princess Lizi on the side also looked at him more. I didn't know what to expect, and my face gradually rose.

Li Xuehao still has no feelings. The Zejing Green Idea around him has already recognized the crisis. He said first: "The two Highnesses, I have not introduced myself. My name is Zejing Green. I am currently in contact with Hao Er."

"And me, and me, I am also in contact with Hao Er brother..." Yuki Yuki on the other side also made a lot of fun, this time Sakai Green did not teach her, let her talk nonsense.

This time, Meibao once again widened his eyes. Is Sawaji and Sakae a pair of lovers? One is only the first year of high school, one is already in the second year of college. The age gap seems to be a bit big? As for the junior devil's head, she was directly ignored.

Princess Yangzi heard a slight glimpse of her eyes, and Princess Lizi’s eyes waved, but they all returned to normal soon. Princess Yoko even put on a smiley face: “Is it true that Zhongjun is already in contact? Or do you have two people at the same time? A female student? A junior high school student? Or a pair of sisters."

"This is nothing." Li Xuehao did not like her scornful tone of suspicion. He decided to carry out some appropriate counterattacks. "His Royal Highness, you know that except for the fate of 'Divination' to His Highness. Can she also 'divination' from her to her loved ones with her blood relationship?"

"What do you want to say?" Princess Yoko listened, and intuitively, some bad feelings.

"It's about your marriage." Li Xuehao smiled faintly. "I have to tell you with regret that you can't marry before the age of thirty-five."

"Are you cursing me?" The look of the princess Yoko, she is a royal princess, will not marry? As long as she wants to, the man who wants to marry her can travel from Tokyo to Hokkaido.

"I am telling the truth." Li Xuehao said faintly. "If you don't believe it, we can make a bet. If you marry before the age of 35, then I will lose. I can do anything for you unconditionally."

Hearing his affirmative tone, Yoko Princess began to pick up, because the divination of this high school student is really magical and accurate, that is, she really can't marry before the age of 35? That will definitely be a joke, 35-year-old older single princess?

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