Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1801: Royal princess

Li Xuehao did not wait outside for a long time, and soon, the United States and the United States came out.

Today, she is different from the previous two. She wears a Kendo suit, the top is white, the lower one is black, and the two different colors look very impactful.

Beautiful and delicate facial features, just no makeup, and less earrings, but she is still a beautiful girl full of youthful vitality.

"Hey, you are here." The beauty of the United States is very easy to say hello, it is like an old friend who has known for a long time, her self-cooked personality is really annoying.

"Yes." Zejing Green smiled slightly.

"Right, I forgot to ask your name before." The local beauty said, people who have to learn from each other, now only think of asking the name, the nerve is not a big point.

"My name is Sakai Green, and I am currently studying at the Faculty of Law of Kyoto University." Saijin Green briefly introduced himself.

"Zejing..." This time, Meibao took the chin and thought about it, but did not think of a kendo celebrity named Zejing. In the end, he simply did not want to, and some said it was difficult. "I may not be able to learn from you now. Wait a minute, how are you looking?"

"Yes." Saijing green nodded. Although the agreement was made, but the other party obviously has something, she certainly will not force it, but it is necessary to meet the host. "Can I see the old man of Juggernaut?"

The US insurance hesitated a moment, then nodded: "Please come with me." She said, she waved to the three.

Li Xuehao took off his shoes and set foot on the wooden corridor. Under the leadership of the United States and the United States, the three entered a large room.

In fact, it can't be said that it is a room. It looks more like a living room. It just doesn't have modern appliances and facilities, not even a stool or a sofa.

The room is in a standard tatami style and everyone is sitting on the futon.

In the middle of the living room, I was sitting on the middle of the room. He was sitting on an old man. He had long white hair and he was neatly combed. He looked old, but his face did not have many wrinkles, and although he was sitting on his knees, However, it can be seen that his skeleton is very large. If he stands up, he may have a height of one meter eight to one meter nine.

This is a very strong old man who can't see the specific age. Like the Chiba abbot of the Chiba Shrine, just by appearance, it gives people a secular style.

But unlike Chiba's abbot, his chin has no beard, but instead has a slick, seemingly shaved relationship.

If there is no accident, he should be the first sword of the world, the real Ichiro.

On the left and right sides of the old man, there are three people sitting next to each other. The young woman who just came in to inform the beauty of the United States is the first person in the right hand of the old man. This proves that her identity is obviously the highest among the others.

There is also a pair of middle-aged men and women, men's suits, women's wearing a beige professional dress, the two sitting on the head of the noble young woman.

The three people on the left hand, sitting on the first is a young man, probably about the same age as a young woman, looks very beautiful, Sven, full of books, is the kind of flower that will cause screams when walking down the street. Beautiful man.

As for the other two, they are all dressed in black, strong, strong and solemn, and look more like a bodyguard.

After the arrival of the US security, there was no sound, and even the lively character converges, and the young man who happened to walk to the right hand sat down.

Li Xuehao couldn't make a sound. He learned the beauty of the city and sat down in the first place. Fortunately, there were enough futons, even if there were three unexpected "visitors", it was enough to sit.

On the first, Shinichiro Ichiro looked at a few people and nodded slightly. Then he looked at the handsome young man on the left hand side and continued the previous topic: "Mr. Ono, please be sure to seriously consider that it is not so easy to practice Kendo. The thing, not to mention that you are already in your twenties, and learning from now on will not necessarily have extraordinary achievements."

"I have already decided, Yoko will be kendo, and I am very good at it. If I don't, then the gap with Yoko will be getting bigger and bigger, so I will also ask the old man of Jiansheng to complete." Junmei youth crouched on the ground, attitude appeared Very religious.

"Oh..." Shinichiro looked at the young woman on the right hand side. The latter seemed to have some requests in his eyes. He clicked. "Well, I will accept your disciple, but usually. I have rarely taught my disciples, and my granddaughter will teach you basic exercises. How do you see them?"

"Thank you for the completion of the Juggernaut, I will definitely practice it." Junmei’s youth sighed and gratefully said.

"Yeah." Shinjiro Ichiro decapitated.

When I saw the business, I said to my grandfather, the grandfather said: "Grandpa, these are my friends, they want to visit you."

"Hello, the hospitality is not good, rude." Shinjiro is very polite, there is no feeling of condescending, just like the neighbor's old man, it seems very clear, but he is more focused on the Ze On the green body, "If I am not mistaken, are you a Yin and Yang teacher?"

Zejing Green slightly glimpsed, probably did not expect the other party to actually see her true identity: "Yes, Mr. Ben."

Li Xuehao is not surprised by this. From the beginning, he has already realized the power of Shinichiro, and the blood in his body is hundreds of times more than that of the US. This is beyond the ordinary people. The limit is even stronger than that of Zhizhi Baonaimei. He has already stepped into the threshold of the Tao. Although he has just stepped in and even has half of his feet outside, he has not stepped in with his foot. A huge leap.

Therefore, he can see through the identity of the Yin and Yang division of Saijin Green, and there is nothing special.

"Yin Yang Shi?" The United States and the United States have a glimpse of this, she seems to have heard of or contacted this profession, this time can not help but look at Zejing Green.

Most of the others also looked at Zejing Green. It seems to be more curious about the profession of Yin and Yang, but there is no doubt and surprise in the eyes. Obviously, they also seem to have contacted the Yin and Yang division. Especially the young woman with a noble status, while looking at the green of the well, there was a slight surprise in the eyes.

"Miss has an extraordinary strength at a young age, this is a great achievement." This room can not only see through her yin and yang division, but also can see through her specific strength.

"Mr. I have won the prize." Zejing said with modesty.

"So, what do you have?" asked Ichiro, although he rarely dealt with the Yin and Yang division, but he did not have it. He was very curious about why the other person came to the door.

"Grandpa, Miss Sai is coming to me to learn the kendo." The side of the United States said.

"Oh?" The real Ichiro was a little surprised. He could see that a person is a yin and yang teacher, but he can't directly see if others have practiced kendo, or how strong the kendo is, so he is surprised.

"Mr. Honor, I am Sakai Green, and I am a teacher of Fujimoto." Zejing Green introduced himself.

The real Ichiro listened with a gaze, then smiled slightly: "It is a disciple of Fujimoto, it is not an outsider."

The side of the United States and the United States and the United States are also very surprised, the eyes could not help but brighten up: "Kunsai Juggernaut's disciple, so to speak, I should call you a sister."

"The younger sister." Sawai Green smiled. Although Master Fujimoto is not a disciple of Juggernaut, the genre of the two is similar. To some extent, it is indeed possible to pull the relationship.

"How is the body of Fujimoto? I heard that he just finished his 80th birthday last year?" asked Ichiro and I was stunned.

"Master is very healthy, and he still insists on climbing the mountain every day." Zejing Green replied respectfully.

"Haha, relative to me, he is still a young and energetic young man." After listening to Juggernaut, it seems to be very happy. For the age of 108, 80 is really just a young man. I have not been to Kyoto for a long time."

"Master also said when he would come to Tokyo to visit you." Zejing Green said.

"I know the Fujimoto. The kid often just said that if you really want to come to Tokyo, I am afraid I have already come." Shinjiro said with a smile, "Although he did not come, you are the same, I also want to see if the strength of Fujimoto has declined. The disciples of his professors and the disciples of my professors are stronger."

Maybe another person who said this kind of thing would be very competitive, but for him, he didn’t feel it at all, and his tone was very relaxed, just like a relaxed joke, winning or losing. It’s nothing wrong with him. For the elderly in their 100s, everything is open.

"Grandpa, I will work hard." The side of the United States and the United States said, although did not say that they will certainly win, but it is almost the meaning.

Sakai Green just smiled and didn't talk.

"Master, I want to stay and watch the game, can I?" said the noble young woman at the top of her right hand.

"Of course, my Highness." Shinjiro had nodded with a smile.

Your Highness?

This title, I heard Li Xuehao and Zejing Green are a glimpse, even if it is Yuki Yuki, can not help but look at the young woman curiously, "His Royal Highness" is not just a casual name, only the royal family will call it, So she is probably a royal princess, even if not, at least a queen.

The emperor's direct descendants have the title. The emperor and emperor, who are directly under the three generations, are called "princes". The emperor calls "the inner prince". The emperor who is directly outside the three generations is called "king", and the granddaughter is called "the queen."

"So, I also want to stay a wonderful showdown." That handsome young man also said in due course.

In this room, Ichiro is a smile, and tells the granddaughter: "Mei Bao, then you take Sakai's sister to change the props, we will go to the Dojo to wait for you."

"Yes, Grandpa." The local beauty insurance station got up and called Zejing Green with her.

"Please!" Shinjiro also stood up and reached out to the young woman on the right hand side. The latter stood up and returned to the ceremony.

Then everyone started, Li Xuehao and Yuki Yuki also followed, but the two of them were like transparent people. In addition to the true one in the room, the younger women and other six people did not pay much attention to them. .

The two walked in the end, and Yusuke Sakai saw them go a little farther and whispered: "Hao brother, is she a princess?"

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded.

Yuki Yuki suddenly showed his eyes: "I actually saw a princess, it is incredible, Hao Er brother, you said I can ask her for a signature?"

"If you want, I don't think she will refuse." Li Xuehao couldn't help but smile. The little girl actually used the royal princess as a star idol to chase. If I want a signature, I should not have the performance of the princess. problem.

The group came to the dojo. This is just a small dojo. It seems to be specially designed for private training or trial use.

This time, the US and the Yellow Wells have to change the Kendo protective gear. It is estimated that there is not so fast between the moments.

So, everyone started chatting.

Sakai Green has been staring at the young princess to see, and hesitated whether he is going to sign now.

Her behavior of always staring at people was discovered by the young woman, and she smiled and said: "Is there anything?"

"That..." Saijin Green is a bit shy, but with the encouragement of someone around him, he still said it, "Excuse me, can I ask you for a signature?"

"Ah?" The young woman stunned, probably for the first time in this kind of thing, and asked some mistakes, "Why?"

"You are a princess. I saw the princess so close to me for the first time." Zejing Green said that he had seen other princesses on TV before, but when he saw a living princess at such a close distance, It is a very novel experience.

The young woman smiled after listening and probably understood what she meant: "If you want to sign, I can give it to you."

"Thank you." Sawai Green was happy.

The young woman waved at the middle-aged woman who was with her, who carried the pen and paper with her hand and handed it to her hand.

"What is your name?" asked the young woman before signing.

"Saori Yuko."

"Zejing..." The young woman was not too surprised. "Just the lady named Sawa is..."

"She is my sister." Yuki Yuki said, in fact, she and her sister are similar in appearance, and the people present have seen it early.

"So, give me a lovely Yuko sauce." The young woman began to sign and wrote her own name, Yoko. Japanese royal family members do not have surnames because they want to maintain their mythology as a descendant of Amaterasu.

"Hao Er brother, do you want a signature?" After getting the signature, Yuki Yuki was very happy and shook his sway to someone.

Li Xuehao didn't think she would say this to herself. It was a bit embarrassing. If she said no, it seems a bit rude. It feels too much to put the royal princess in her eyes, but it is not his intention. But in this case, he knows how to choose: "Okay, if your Highness doesn't mind."

"So your name is?" The young woman asked with a smile, anyway, has signed a name, and signed another one. She did not see that the handsome young man had heard that she was going to give her a frowning brow when she signed this tall and handsome teenager.

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