Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1682: Night game

After eating a "sweet" dinner, under the urging of Fuyuan Zuohezi, Li Xuehao and Fu Yuanzhimei went out.

Originally, I wanted to follow them together, but I was blinded by Fuyuan Zuohezi and Fuyuan Zhimei, and I was scared to run upstairs.

The two men came out from home, and the time was already more than eight o'clock.

"Hao 2 is so late to give gifts to me?" Outside the courtyard, Fu Yuanzhimei stood in shape, and in the moonlight, the figure was pulled a little longer.

"I mainly want to see you, straight beauty." Li Xuehao stepped forward and grabbed her hand and gently held it in the palm of her hand.

Fu Yuanzhimei had a red face and no struggle. He quickly pretended to be nothing like this: "You have already said this to Suzuki Minako."

"Cough-" Li Xuehao was stunned and shook his head. "For the time being, I have only said to you alone, straight beauty."

"Is it?" Fu Yuanzhimei blinked slightly and apparently heard the meaning of "temporary", but did not delve into it. "Well, let's go find the voice now."

"Yeah." Li Xuehao naturally would not oppose it. In fact, if Fu Yuan is not beautiful, he will also take the initiative to say it. His original purpose is to come out and see Fu Yuan Zhimei and Yamamoto voice. By the way, bring back from Kyoto. Give them gifts.

The two held hands and walked close to each other. Although they did not speak, the sweetness and sweetness of this silent voice spread in each other's hearts.

Yamamoto's home is a short distance from Fuyuan's home. The two homes are located in the south of the Sakurano High School, so the two walked through the Sakurano High School.

The Sakurano High School at night is dark, but the moon tonight is not a full moon, but the moonlight is very bright. Through the locked iron gate, you can still see the general environment inside - of course, for ordinary people, For Li Xuehao, there is no difference with the daytime.

"Do you say that there is someone inside?" Fu Yuanzhimei did not know why he suddenly gave birth to such an idea and stood still outside the iron gate of Sakurano High School.

"There should be no one." Li Xuehao shook his head and sensed it with his knowledge. There was no mention of people inside, even ghosts.

“Nobody?” Fu Yuanzhimei looked at the school, his eyes were a little fascinating, and suddenly his heart moved. “How do you say that we are here to play here?”

"In the school?" Li Xuehao was taken aback. At night, there was nothing fun in the school.

"Yes, the whole school is about three of us." Fu Yuanzhimei nodded seriously, obviously not a joke.

"I don't have any opinions." Seeing her so excited, Li Xuehao certainly won't make a big splash. Besides, think about it. In the whole school, there are only three of them, and that feeling should be good.

"Let's go find the voice." Fu Yuanzhimei couldn't wait, took his hand and speeded up and walked forward.

Not long after, Yamamoto came.

The lights in the house were lit up, and Li Xuehao smelled it carefully. There was no smell of food in it. It was obvious that their family had finished their dinner.

"Would you like to ring the doorbell?" He pointed to the courtyard. In fact, he was somewhat hesitant in his heart. Pressing the doorbell is equivalent to Yamamoto’s family knowing that he is coming. At that time, it would be very troublesome to say hello, let alone he still with Fuyuan. Straight to the United States, Yamamoto said that he also had a good relationship with Fuyuan, but the parents of Yamamoto did not know that if he knew his level of care, his face would not look so good.

"I called the voice." Fu Yuanzhimei took out his mobile phone and probably had the same concerns as him.

The phone was quickly connected. Fu Yuanzhimei said that he was outside. The phone opposite Yamamoto was a little excited. After hanging up the phone, the door was opened soon, and Yamamoto, who was almost short-dressed with Fuyuan Zhimei. The voice ran out.

"Directly beautiful?" The man has not arrived yet, and the voice has already passed.

"I am here." Fu Yuanzhimei raised his hand high.

Because Yamamoto’s voice has just ran out of the bright spot, and went to a dim environment, even if there is moonlight, it is not so clear. But vaguely, she saw two figures, and she was shocked.

"The voice is me." Li Xuehao can see the change in her face and take the initiative.

"Has the second is also?" Yamamoto's voice is a glimpse first, and then his face is a hi, speeding up the speed out of the courtyard, "Direct American predecessor, Koji, are you coming to me to play?"

"Yes, voice, we want to take you to a fun place." Fu Yuanzhimei said slightly mysteriously.

"The fun place?" Yamamoto's voice, I can't think of what she said.

"You will know when you arrive." Fu Yuanzhimei continued to hang his appetite.

"Okay, but I have to go to the door first." Yamamoto's voice pointed to the door that had not been closed. After she finished, she ran back again. She might have said something to her family and hurried back. .

"Let's go." Fu Yuanzhimei took her hand and ignored someone who had just let go of her hand because of Yamamoto's voice. The two walked in front.

Li Xuehao was not willing to be pulled down. He stepped forward and took the other hand of Yamamoto's voice. The three men walked side by side.

"Hey." Yamamoto's voice is not too shy, but rather enjoys the feeling of being left and right.

Fu Yuanzhimei looked at someone with a slant and continued to move forward.

After seven or eight minutes, the three came to the entrance of Sakurano High School, and Fu Yuanzhimei stopped.

"Directly the predecessors, what you said is a fun place, is it here?" Seeing her stop, Yamamoto's voice immediately thinks of something.

"Yeah." Fu Yuanzhimei nodded and asked, "Hey, did you come to the school at night?"

Yamamoto’s voice seriously thought about it and shook his head: “It seems that there is no.”

"That's right. Tonight, we can play here. There are only three of us in the entire school." Fu Yuanzhimei said with some meaning, it seems that she has thought of a fun game.

"But, how do we get in?" Yamamoto's voice looked at the locked iron gate, and hesitated.

Fu Yuanzhimei looked up and saw the iron gate of about two people. He was about to talk. Li Xuehao had already said first: "Take this to me."

"You?" Fu Yuanzhimei looked at him doubtfully.

Li Xuehao smiled slightly, and the two of them were unprepared. Suddenly, they took advantage of their slender waist and their feet were gently glimpsed, and they crossed the tall iron gate.

"Ah--" Yamamoto’s voice screamed in a low voice.

Although Fu Yuanzhimei did not scream, but just suddenly came, she still had some ups and downs in her heart: "Stupid, wouldn't you tell us first?"

"Be sure to pay attention next time." Li Xuehao pretended to smash the place where she was jealous. Compared with Chiba Sayuri, Suzuki Minako and others, Fu Yuanzhimei is the only lover with the potential of a barbaric girlfriend.

“Hey!” Fu Yuanzhimei snorted and took the Yamamoto voice and quickly ran to the teaching building.

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